
Charlie May Hatte

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Charlie was sitting on the grassy hill thinking to herself Why can't I meet anyone nice? She stared at the sunrise thinking, always thinking of how nice it would be to have a friend who didn't party all the time like she did, how it would feel to have a solid rock in her life. "Yeah, that would be really nice."
Xanthe had just recently moved from Portland, Maine to New Zealand and knew nothing about her surroundings. Xanthe picked up her camera off the table in the new dining room. Her parents were busy shouting at people about where the sculptures and paintings should go. "I'm going to go take a few photos of the town. Ok?" Xanthe was worried that she was bothering her mother. "Yes sweetie. I think that's a wonderful idea! You could get to know New Zealand!" She kissed Xanthe on the head and began yelling again. Xanthe waltzed out of the house and began taking in all of the fresh, New Zealand air. She snapped a few pictures of some little corner shops and restraunts then she headed to the outskirts of town. She had her face glued to her camera when she saw a girl (roughly her age) through the lens, right in front of her. Xanthe let her camera hang around her neck as she stuck out her hand to greet her. "Hi. I'm Chrysanthemum Xanthe Tollin, but you can call me Chryssie or Xanthe. I prefer Xanthe myself, but it doesn't really matter. Anywho, what's your name?" Xanthe introduced herself in a polite way, hoping to make a few friends, even if it was her first day there.
Charlie saw the girl and thought, Wow, that was fast. Thanks sunrise. :) "Hi, Xanthe, my name is Charlotte, but I prefer Charlie." She admired the way Xanthe was confident with herself, I'll take her!
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Charlie. So how long have you lived in New Zealand?" Xanthe was hoping for this to be her best friend but, of course, you couldn't just wish for a best friend! Gaining a best friend meant gaining trust, which took tons of hard work, but Xanthe was more than willing to put bunches of effort into being Charlie's friend. Xanthe's parents were always painting the day away and hardly ever paid attention to her so a best friend is what she always needed! Xanthe plopped down on the grass and sighed deeply, awaiting Charlie's answer
"I moved here two years ago from Las Vegas. That's probably the reason I'm such a party girl." Charlie starred at Xanthe, Let's see how she likes that, party girl. That's a great way to make friends. Charlie asked herself, Maybe she can make me a little less mean.
Party girl!?! There's no way... Xanthe smiled politely despite her thoughts. Xanthe had never really seen the point in parties, just a bunch of crazy people flailing their arms around. It wasn't even real dancing honestly and there was never good food. "Las Vegas? Wow, is it wild there? I've never been. I moved from Portland, Maine. Of course my parents travel alot so I'm always moving but it's always a quiet town." Xanthe lifted her camera up and took a few pictures. She then snapped a "quick pic" of Charlie and, hoping it didn't startle her, quickly apoligized. Xanthe often took pictures of people then wrote their name under it to memorize the face with their name.
Maine? Charlie thought with great astonishment as Xanthe took a picture of her. "No it's okay, I love pictures. If you want I can smile for you this time. She laughed at her little joke, and thought, Yes, I think I'm gonna like her! "So Xanthe, are you a party girl? You have great fashion, and the perfect body for club dancing." She stated as she studied Chryssie's clothing and bod.
Xanthe giggled at Charlie's joke and replied, "No I like it better when it's unexpected. It gives it an interesting mood." Xanthe looked down at her clothing after hearing Charlie's remark and frowned. Xanthe was wearing her old jeans, a plain gray shirt, a teal v-neck over it, and a black jacket. She loved the layered look but she didn't think it was very "partyish." "Actually I'm nowhere near a 'party girl'. I didn't really think I looked like one either... I'm a little surprised!" Xanthe was puzzled and knew she had the face to show it, so she wiped the look away and thought, I think my mom would freak if I was a party girl! She twisted her hair up into an interesting updo and pinned it there.
madelaine force was walking alone because her dad get upset at her because of the mess she made in the kitchen,madelaine force decided to walk around aand saw two people laughing,taking pictures..they look so happy..so madelaine wonder and walk toward them.Madelaine sat on a bench and just observing the two, she was shy to talk to them..but she is hoping that the two will talk to her.. xD
"No I think you wouldn't want to be one, you just have the right style." She looked at Xanthe and sighed, Maybe she'll be the one. "So do you prefer the moon, or the sun?" She studied her with apprehention.
"Oh... Well I hope that's a good thing then," Xanthe grinned. She didn't have to think very hard on the question that had followed, "The moon! Definately the moon." The moon was one of Xanthe's favorite things to paint or draw or whatever she was doing at the time. "What about you? Sun or moon?"
Charlie laughed as Xanthe acted as if she new what the Daughters of the Moon was. "Daughters of the Moon is my family's religion. We worship and draw power from the Moon, you could say we are a mix between witches, and gypsies. And not the witches who used to go to Hogwarts my family is what you'd find in a folklore tale." She probably thinks I'm crazy. :lol: Well, good! She would've find out anyway. I guess I could kiss this friendship goodbye as well!
"Oh... That's... Um... Interesting..." Xanthe was a little creeped out, but she knew that not everyone believed the same stuff. Xanthe's family didn't necessarily have a set religion. Her mother believed in the Greek Gods and her father believed in the Baptist ways. Xanthe had grown up knowing many religions because of her many friends and when she would go to church with them.

Xanthe looked down at her pure gold watch and frowned. It was almost noon and she would have to get back to her house to make herself a sandwich and soup. Xanthe wasn't the type to interupt so she decided to stay a while longer and ask a bit more about Charlie's religion, "So what's it like? Your religion, I mean."
Charlie was suprised Xanthe didn't freak out. Everyone else she told that to always had an exuse not to see her anymore. "Well, we don't celebrate regular holidays you might. We celebrate Hallow's Eve, Summer Solstice, and Winter Solstice, and as you know Summer solstice was this passing Monday, so we went to our covens' alter, and worshiped the goddess Selene, or Muter Luna."
Xanthe wasn't quite sure what to say to this so she simply nodded her head. "Well I don't really have a set religion. I haven't found what I believe is true yet," Xanthe said. Most people invited her to their church, whatever that may be, after she would say that and she would go but end up disappointed that she still hadn't found something she found believable.
Charlie nodded her head in understanding, "I still don't know either. I just go with whatever, but it just depends on where you're from and what you grew up believing. Besides that, you have to factor in your feelings on the religon. And seriously, I just don't know what to believe. My mom grew up a Daughter of the Moon, and my dad walked out on us when I was eight, and he was a Son of the Moon, so I guess no one in any religon can ever be perfect, but darn this place to the Underworld if we ever stop trying." Charlie finally saw the Sun come up, so she started laying out her towel, put on her sunglasses, and waited for Xanthe to take in all her beliefs. Better throw it at her early, and see if she can handle my oddness.
"Oh. Hmmm... Well I really don't know what to say," Xanthe said as she watched Charlie set out her beach towel and put on her sunglasses. "I would join you, but I don't have my stuff unpacked yet so... Ya," Xanthe told her as Charlie got herself settled.
"Oh!" Charlie exclaimed, "Excuse my bad habits, I have an extra towel if you would like to stay, and I think I have an extra pair of sunglasses, too." Charlie looked around in her big bag, "Yep!" Charlie started laying out the other towel she brought.
Xanthe giggled a bit and replied, "Oh it's quite all right. I will have to be heading back up to my house for lunch soon so I think I'll pass. Maybe some other time. Would you mind if I took a picture of you laying down on the towel though? I thinkit would be an interesting snapshot." Xanthe could see the perfection of such an unusual photograph already. Her parents could, and would, stand proud of her artistic skills after seeing a few more wonderful examples of how awesome she was in the subject of art.
Charlie was dissapointed that Xanthe couldn't stay, but happy that she was going to take a picture of her. "How do you want me to lay? Or do you want me to sit?" Charlie laughed quietly to herself, "Wow, Charlie, can you be more eager?"
"Nothing of mine has ever been published or anything. It's really just more of practice for the future. Well I suppose I would like to get a job with something that has to do with magic, now that I know I'm a wizard," Xanthe took the photo, then realizing something was wrong she went back over her words in her head. "Oh!!! Well I mean magician. Of course!" Xanthe hoped it was a good save. She wasn't supposed to tell anybody but she simply blurted it out like it was nothing.

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