Lonely hearts club

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Casey Daniels

Metal Charmer | Wanderer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Unyielding Blackthorn Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
First of all a message to anyone I'm either in a rp with or have promised to start a topic that hasn't appeared I apologize. It is my last couple of months of uni and its hell. That being said just give me a nudge and I'll get to it, I do plan to be as active as possible during the home stretch. Now onwards.

I've had a few characters slip under the radar recently mostly because I got the sorting bug last year and went crazy, for now I'm going to be focusing on my trinity of young minds. Casey, Skye and Mackenzie. Its funny, I have a knack for spewing out female characters and subsequent playbys but Casey Daniels took days of intense concentration and procrastination to name and give a face too, and I consider him cheating because his last name is my first.
Casey Daniels
Reluctant Slytherin
Second Year

Now he has been at the mercy of Slytherin for a year I want Casey to change a little as he matures. I'm looking for some friends from Slytherin to maybe corrupt him and lead him astray from his wannabe Gryffindor attitude.
Skye Taylor
Happy-go-lucky Gryffindor
Second Year

Honestly my new favourite character, my bundle of joy Skye has gone neglected and even when I've arranged rps for her they've been neglected by me. This girl needs the works, she needs friends both of her own house and others, she is the friendliest person your ever likely to meet so she can and will make friends anywhere, I also want her to have some romantic flings, not looking for anything serious yet. She is bi-curious or at least she will be when she's older than 12. Right now I'm looking for friends who can lead to something more, maybe a female friend who she can get close to and when she gets older becomes more curious. I don't know I'm literally open to anything so fell free to shoot me some ideas.
Mackenzie 'Mack' Mitchell
Beach babe Hufflepuff
Second Year

Despite making her on whim I had high hopes for Mackenzie. Sadly she is my most underdeveloped of the trinity. She is muggle born, sporty, keen surfer and a member of the muggle sports club. She needs friends, with Mack I want her to have a best friend, a kind of surrogate sibling to fill the void left by her departed sister. Open to future love interests of course but lets not forget she is 12 as well. As always open to suggestions.

Only Casey has a bio and its someway off completion and I'm in no position to write any bios until at least May. However I have a pretty good idea who each of my characters are so feel free to ask any questions and I'll answer what I can.
Hey Daniel!
So, I've got a second year Slytherin, Tommy Hayes. He has a bio and CD, I've yet to get around to updating them, so they might not be much use, but I think he could be a friend to Casey.
Tommy is a serious, loner-type boy. He does not like crowds, hates people being stupid, and cannot stand people asking stupid questions. He was adopted and has a brother at the school, however he cares little for any of his blood family, and only cares about his adoptive family. He is blunt, however, has enough tact to know when to hold his tongue. He has trouble connecting with people emotionally, as he is more comfortable with various acquaintances and few close friends, since he is untrusting and often unforgiving if someone manages to upset him. Otherwise, he is not mean or out rightly rude unless someone does so to him first. They would not automatically become friends, but I could see Tommy easily tolerating him and eventually thinking him as a friend, it's your choice as to whether Casey would be his friend, however. :p
Hey Daniel!

I have two characters i have to possibly offer!

Rhys Graves - Slytherin First Year
Rhys is a socially awkward mudblood Slytherin. He has few friends, and spends pretty much majority of his time focusing on Quidditch as he plays for the Slytherin Quidditch team. He doesnt feel he connects with most people, given his heritage of muggle parents. His parents are divorced, and his mother hates him for being magical. He never sees his father, and only rarely sees his older brother. Rhys dislikes the usual slytherin suspects due to their whole 'mudblood' beliefs and attitude.

Seth Lynx - Hufflepuff First Year
Seth is completely undeveloped at the moment, as im waiting for his special plot application to be approved or denied, but if you have any ideas for him, im completely open to anything at the moment, as im banking majorly on an approval for the life i have set out for him.

Hope any of these help!
- Dylan
Hey Daniel!

I am kinda back, when i have the time i do my best to keep up with lessons and rp's. We spoke about Lauren and Casey, and i think they could still get along, and Casey has some gryffindor things you say. Maybe first loves, or flirt things.

Also i have two slytherin girls, i don't really know how Casey reacts on them, but Brittany is part-veela and confident about herself, she hates Gryffindor so she could bring Casey on the path of Slytherin, she is also second years by the way. She does not love to bully, but sometimes it makes her feel better. Or maybe they can just have a discussions about Gryffindor. Fiona is more like a loner and care's only about herself, she is emotionally broken but does not show much emotion. Someone to talk to could be good.

For Mackenzie i have Crystal she is also second years Hufflepuf and is urphan, so Mackenzie needs a sis, and Crystal needs some love from people who stand close to her. Crystal has no problems with muggles. She is kinda interested into it.

If you have some questions i love to hear.
Donald could possibly come friends with either of the girl characters. Even thought he is a bit of a bookish Ravenclaw character, he is kind enough and would probably work well with either, maybe
Skye Taylor more so.
Hey guys thanks for the interest.

Jamie: Glad to see you back, as you know at the moment Casey does have a final, however I think we could have Casey and Lauren have something since I know she wants Casey bad. Crystal sounds perfect for Mackenzie, it would be good for her to meet a witch who goes a little behind tolerating muggle/muggle borns but actually shows an interest. As for Brittany and Fiona, I like the idea of Brittany leading Casey down the dark path, it is exactly what he needs and maybe Casey could be nice to Fiona, I think it would be good for Casey to make friends with a Slytherin in a normal way before he is corrupted.

Geraint: If Donald is a book worm type then I think Skye would bring him out of his shell a little but at the same time he might act as a calming influence on her and I think that works for both of them. I think they could be good friends.
Excellent, that does sound like a good plan. Donald definitly needs someone to bring him out of his shell.
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