Lonely ghost.

Jasper sat, or what may have been an excuse for sitting, on the edge of the great hall, admiring the young kids who could eat.
He tried to remember what the last thing he ate was,
but alas, the memory had escaped him.
Caina walked into the great hall. She was not extremely hungry but more thirsty than anything. Caina really did not know anyone yet none the less had any friends. She did not know exactly where or who to sit by but for once she did not want to sit alone. Caina saw what at first she thought was a ghost. She double took it and realized that it indeed was a ghost. Caina had never met a ghost and her curiousity took over. Caina wondered up to the ghost. "May I " She wondered if the ghost was actually sitting but could not think of any other word to describe it. "Sit by you?" She finished wondering what the ghost would say.
Jasper was startled by a girl who asked to sit down by him.
"AH!...oh I'm sorry you came out of nowhere..you must think I'm a terrible ghost being all jumpy like this. Please, sit down" he motioned toward the bench on which he was hovering.
"Hello, I'm Jasper!"
He offered his hand for her to shake.
Caina could not help but smile at the jumpiness of this ghost. "Hello" she said as she sat down next to him. She couldn't help but stare just a bit. "My name is Caina" she said looking at the hand that Jasper extended. Can I shake a ghost's hand? Caina wondered but she did not care to be rude to someone who was not rude to her first so she decided to at least try. Caina stuck out her hand to shake Jaspers.
Jasper accepted the hand, or tried rather, his hand flowing through hers.
I forgot about that "I'm sorry I haven't been a ghost very long." Jasper apologized.
Jasper smiled at the awkwardness he had commenced. If only ghosts could blush, he thought
wow that was wierd Caina thought to herself as her hand went right through Jasper's. Caina tried to smile trying to take the awkwardness away from the current situation. When Jasper said that he hadn't been a ghost for long Caina wondered about him and his past but did not know if that was getting too personal. Yet Caina was not one that withheld from speaking her mind. "Thats fine" she said pausing a little before continuing "If you don't mind me asking what do you mean that you haven't been a ghost for long?" Caina asked hoping that she did not hurt Jasper's feelings for she had just met him. She was just really curious about ghosts and he was the first one she had met here at Hogwarts.
only a wizard afraid of death can become a ghost.

Jasper was struck by the question as well. "I don't remember how I came to be this way. One day I was fine and...."
he remembered he tried not to look pained.
"You never told me your name" jasper said offhandedly.

He glanced around the hall, at the other ghosts floating here; flying there. But jasper, he just wanted to be normal.
((I'm pretty sure unsorteds aren't supposed to be rping in the school until they are actually sorted.))

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