Open Loitering

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Hamish Reid

Cook- Protective- Sensitive- Seeker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
7/3/2052 (18)
Hamish wasn't sure what he was doing. It wasn't like he had a date. But he didn't want to just hide away up in the towers again, avoid the events. So, he'd thrown something together, put in his contacts and walked down to the dance. He'd wondered for a bit, before eventually just leaning against the wall and watching all the couples dancing. He was glad Seamus had at least gotten a date to this thing. Though he wasn't sure what to do with himself with his brother being busy. He sighed, and decided to just people watch. Maybe eventually he'd find a partner or something, but he wasn't exactly in a rush to start dating.
Caleb had considered finding a date tonight but if he was being honest no one had really captured his interest enough to make it work spending an entire night with them. Manaia was great of course. But after being so hung up on Louis for so long he was glad to be free of all that. It was his last dance and he wanted to spend it how he pleased. Which meant a stop by the snack table first. After pilling up a plate he started to make the rounds when he spotted a familiar face. He studied the other boy for a moment to determine which of the twins he was looking at. But he could tell right away from his shy posture and since the other one was dancing with Celia for some insane reason, this one was Hamish. Caleb ducked beside him and offered up the plate. "Help yourself." he said with a grin. "Although I'm sure you could make much better."
Hamish blinked when Caleb appeared, smiling easily. "Hey, Caleb," He greeted, taking a snack off the plate and nibbling it. "Not to brag, but I could," He teased. He looked around a moment. "No date?" He asked, peeking back to Caleb.
Caleb grinned as Hamish greeted him and agreed with statement. "I think you'll have to prove it sometime." he said as he popped a chocolate in his mouth. Hamish could use a little more self confidence but he didn't want him to get too full of himself too fast. "Nope." he said simply when asked if he had a date. "What about you? Waiting for someone?" he asked casually and realized he would be a little disappointed if he said yes.
Hamish chuckled. “Stop by the kitchens sometime and I’ll show you,” He smiled, relaxing a little. Though he bit back a sigh as the question was returned to him. “No, I haven’t brought a date to one of these things before,” he admitted with a sheepish smile. “I just didn’t feel like hiding in the towers this time.”
Caleb grinned at Hamish's offer to meet him in the kitchens. Maybe if he played his cards right he could get away with more than just some snacks. He was relieved when the other boy said he didn't have a date and he nodded in acknowledgement. Caleb felt a small pang of sympathy at the mention of hiding in the towers. "Well we'll just have to make it worth it then." he said playfully. "Do you wand to dance?" he asked, already moving to put his plate down on an empty table.
Hamish blinked. Dancing? He swallowed nervously, and put his plate down after a moment. "I... sure, yeah," He offered with a shy smile. "But I'm not very good," He warned, offering out his hand.
Caleb wanted to laugh when Hamish said he wasn't very good. Like he really cared. Like it wasn't just an excuse to spend more time together. "Oh well in that case..." he said and made a big show out of reaching for his plate again. But before he did, he broke into a grin and grabbed the other boy's hand. "In that case I'll just have to show you." he said as he dragged both of them to the dance floor. It was a slow song and he guided Hamish's hands to his waist before placing his hands on his shoulders.
Hamish was a touch disappointed when it looked like Caleb was going for his food, and laughed nervously, but before he could pull his hand back and process the rejection Caleb had taken his hand. Hamish blushed. He followed Caleb onto the floor, unthinkingly glancing to his twin. Would Seamus notice him dancing with an older boy? But before he could dwell, he'd been drawn into Caleb's arms. He tried to relax, but automatically he was looking down at his feet to try and make sure he didn't step on Calebs toes.
Caleb laughed to himself as Hamish stiffly danced with him and had his eyes glued to his feet. "My eyes are up here." he teased as he reached out and use a finger to make the other boy look at him. "See, this isn't so bad." he said softly before laughing again.
Hamish blushed when Caleb used his finger to turn his chin up, his eyes a little wide. He smiled shyly. It was hard not to notice up this close how handsome Caleb was. He swallowed hard. "I suppose it isn't," He offered, trying to mimic the light-hearted way Caleb spoke.
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