Lo__..?..Oh well..

Raffaelo Menzure

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Raffaelo pulled a chair a sat down. He was confused Why he can't forget the girl he just met. How he hoped to meet her once again. He then took a deep breath and started to stare at the different students talking. Raffaelo opened his book he just bought a year ago and started reading.
Jessame Rose was not in such a good mood. She'd been up early - as usual - but instead of going outside as she usually did, she'd gone upstairs to the North Tower to look over the grounds from a different angle. Not long after she'd gotten there and settled down, she'd heard voices.

...*giggling* Don't do that!
...Why not? No-one's looking!
...Wait til we get up to the tower
...okay, okay keep your pants on
...I was planning on it! Unless you had something else in mind?

Jess was apalled. Mornings had been her sanctuary in the school. The only time she could be by herself, while the rest of the lazy students slept in and kept their annoying selves to themselves. Why now? She stood up abruptly and stomped out of the tower and down the stairs as the two love birds giggled and groped at each other, oblivious to her anger.

She'd come straight to the Great Hall for an early breakfast and headed for the Hufflepuff table. She sat down with a thump next to a young boy she didn't know and grabbed a waffle from the steaming tower that had just appeared on the table. Angrily she reached for the jar of maple syrup but accidentally knocked it over and watched in horror as the sticky syrup poured all over the boy.
"Oh Just Greeeeaaat!" Raffaelo exclaimed with grief. He stared at the girl who seem to be shocked after pouring maple syrup all over him. Raffaelo reached out his handkerchief and started to wipe the sticky syrup that messed up his new robes. He was left but to clean up the mess the girl had done to him.
Jessame Rose rolled her eyes at the boy. She figured he was younger than her, even though he was taller. JR was used to being shorter than most people. "It was just an accident. No need to get angry about it," she snapped and turned back to her breakfast. She had been pretty upset about spilling on him, but if he was going to be an idiot about it, she could do that too.

She tried to ignore him, but he was making an absolute mess of trying to clean himself up. She felt like she should help him. It was her fault after all, even if it was an accident. She reached into her satchel for a tissue, but then had a better idea. "Where's your wand?" JR demanded of the boy. She'd do it herself, but she'd made a habit of staying as far away from her own wand as possible, so she didn't have it with her.
Raffaelo wasn't that really mad he was just a bit pissed off. He appreciated that the girl tried to help her. "I have not received it yet.."he said to escape the topic about wands. He knew he needed to change but he was curious about the girl who poured maple syrup all over him. Somehow she seemed interesting but he was too shy to ask things about her.
"How come?" JR had been led to believe that you had to have a wand to go to Hogwarts. How had he gotten away without having to have one? "Well, I don't have mine, either. Otherwise we could clean you up with magic and it'd be done in a second." She was curious about the boy not having a wand. He'd seemed a bit embarrassed when he'd said he didn't have one yet.

"How do you get by in classes without it? You're a first year, right?" Admittedly, she'd gotten through most of her own first year without using her wand, but it hadn't been easy, and now that she was more fully aware of what magic could do, she was beginning to think it might be wise to have her wand with her more often, just in case.
Raffaelo just stared blankly at the girl and ignore the question. He founded his book on the floor but good thing it was clean unlike him. He then realize to message Olivander's is best to escape from the girls question. After a few minute the two were quiet, he waited for the girl to say something..anything..except about him not yet having a wand.
Jess waited for a reply from the guy. He stared at her in a disconcerting manner, blinking oddly. She grew uncomfortable and turned her eyes back to her waffles. "Oooo-kaay," she said, quietly. "Touchy subject. Don't worry if you're anything like me, I understand. I'm not gonna judge you for not having one. I never carry mine with me anyway."

Just as JR finished speaking, a flurry of wings was heard from the other end of the Great Hall. The mail was here. JR scowled at the owls flying over the tables. She thought it was disgusting that birds be encouraged to fly around while the students were eating their breakfast - supposedly the most important meal of the day. Sure, she'd never seen any feathers or bird poo on the tables, but she didn't doubt it happened. Gross. A small brown owl flew towards where the two young Hufflepuffs were sitting and Jessame Rose looked accusingly at the silent boy next to her. "If that bird so much as thinks about coming near my breakfast," she thought with vehemence, "this kid will fear ever getting mail again." Then, as the owl swooped and flew over their heads, a roll of paper tied with a green ribbon dropped on the table in front of JR's plate. She glared at the guy.
(I hope you don't mind...with me having the letter)

Raffaelo looked at the girl as she glared at him with annoyance. He somehow recognized the owl in front of him. After a few minutes of trying to recall, he then remembered the green ribbon. "Father" he mumbled to himself with grief. He reached out his hand trying to get the letter from the owl. The owl rapidly flew away after him getting the letter. Raffaelo once again turned to his attention to the girl. It was kind of obvious that he didn't want to read the letter or even to open it. Somehow he knew what the letter is all about.
((haha, tis okay. I was planning on it being for me, but I'll just send another. Actually it's funnier this way))

JR snapped at the boy, "You're lucky that disgusting bird didn't drop anything on my breakfast. I can't believe they let owls in this place. I'm eating here!" she slammed her fist on the table as another owl flew directly towards her and dropped another letter. This one was written on paper instead of the parchment you normally saw around Hogwarts. Jess grabbed it up and held it out to the boy, who was looking more scared every second. "If you're not going to talk, you might as well take your stupid letters and run off." She wasn't usually this cold towards people, but she was in a bad mood after that annoying couple in the North tower, and the boy was beginning to annoy her. "The last thing I need is more owls flying at me."

What JR didn't notice was that this second letter was addressed to her, "To Jessame Rose Trewelly." She held it in the boy's face, waiting for him to take it from her.
Raffaelo ignored her and turned his attention to the letter he was holding. He swallowed deeply and started to gently untie the green ribbon from the letter. As he stared on it he at last opened it and saw the handwriting of his father. He tried to hide it and even put on in his book. "I can't read it hear" he whispered to himself looking frightened and shocked. Finally she looked at the girl who also had a letter for her.
When the boy didn't take the letter from her, she turned to look at him. He looked worried. She felt bad for having been so mean to him. Studying his face, she realised he was worried about reading the letter. "You can read, can't you?" she tried to make a joke, but it fell pretty flat. "Uh... are you okay?" she was worried she'd really hurt his feelings now. "I didn't mean to be rude. These owls just freak me out, you know? Who are your letters from?" It was an attempt to be friendly. She put the one she was holding down in front of him. She thought maybe he thought it was rude of her to be touching it. It was his private letter, after all.
Raffaelo was now staring blankly at his letter. He heard the girl asking him some questions that's seems unusual to him. He then finally realize what was the questions about. "Oh.. Of course I can read" he said while laughing lightly. Raffaelo took a deep breath and answered the her other questions. "Ahh its .. I'm fine.. Its from my father.." he answered sharply. "My pureblood father" he mumble to himself. It was obvious that he can't hide his hint of anger to his father. He slowly put his left hand inside his pocket to feel the presence of the letter. It was the first time for him to show his emotion of fear to anyone.
Jess noted he didn't sound happy that his letter was from his father. She didn't understand that. She'd love to get a letter from her foster father, she really missed him. But he wouldn't have a clue how to send an owl. "You don't like your father?" she asked, "Did you say pureblood? What's that?" she had picked up on his fear and anger, "Is it bad?" she was a little concerned herself now. She thought magic was scary enough in the first place, let alone anything dangerous-sounding like 'pureblood.'

She noticed he still hadn't picked up the second letter. "What about this one?" she pointed at it. "Maybe it has some good news?" She still had no idea the second letter was actually for her.
Raffaelo looked at her tying to give her a smile but he failed. "It's not that I like my father and all..It's just about me..Me as a Hufflepuff." he answered her questions without giving a eye contact. "Pureblood?" he was surprised that the girl doesn't know the definition of the word pureblood. Raffaelo noticed the letter the girl was holding. He raised his eyebrow while reading the name Jessame Rose Trewelly. He slowly pointed out the name and looked at her. "I think this belongs to you..If that is your name?" he said curiously to her.
When the boy explained that he didn't have a problem with his father, but rather that his father had a problem with him being in Hufflepuff, things started to click for JR. After all, last year, the biggest fight she'd ever witnessed had occurred due to people being upset with their houses. Her dorm had been a very awkward place to be ever since. She rolled her eyes. "It's just a word, a silly house. They're all as stupid as each other." She herself had asked the Sorting Hat to send her away from the school all together and demand she never came back. Tough luck. She ended up in Hufflepuff, and to be honest, it didn't make a difference to her. She'd have hated wherever she'd been placed.

"What is that, 'pureblood'?" she asked. "I've never heard of it before."

When the boy pointed at the second letter and said he thought it was for her, JR frowned. "No, I never get lett..."she began, but stopped as she looked at the envelope and saw her own name written in her foster mother's handwriting. "Oh my goodness!" Her face lit up. "It is for me! Look! A letter for me! Sarah sent me a letter! I wonder how she did it?" She was excited but confused at the same time, "My fost- my parents are muggles," she explained to the first-year, "I didn't know they knew how to send owls." She couldn't stop smiling. Maybe it wasn't going to be such a bad day after all!

Quickly, JR tore open the envelope and began to read.
Dear Jessiose,
I hope you're enjoying Hogwarts more than last time. I think you will be happier there. Tim and I were thinking you might like to stay there over Christmas. Georgie's family has moved to Australia, so you'd have nothing to do around here all summer anyway. Georgie wanted to write you a letter, but she didn't want to give it to us to send, and we couldn't give her your address, of course. I'm sorry, Jessiose, I hope it doesn't upset you too much. But that's why we think it's a good idea for you to stay at school these holidays. It will be too hard for you to come back here and not be able to see Georgie.
Tim and I thought it would be a good chance for us to get away, too. We've booked a holiday to Fiji! We know you'll have a great Christmas with all your new friends, and we'll be thinking of you. Don't worry, we'll send a present for you!
Lots of love
xoxo Sarah and Tim
As she read, JR's face went from a picture of joy to one of intense disappointment. How could they think that? Jess tried hard not to cry. She wouldn't, not here at the breakfast table. Staying at this awful school was the worst way JR could think of to spend Christmas. She set her face, hard against the tears that threatened, and turned her attention back to the blonde boy next to her. "Well, at least your parents care," she said, bitterly.
"If only it could be that easy as you said..but its not." Raffaelo said as he strike his fist at the table. He looked dissapointed but he ignored his emotions and tried to lighten up. "Pure-blood is the term applied to wizards and witches who have no Muggle blood, Muggle borns, half-bloods or "blood traitors and in our family or in our generation its a big disgrace not be a Slytherin." he replied. After a few minutes he stared at the girl who seems to be excited about her letter. Raffaelo just gave her a unsure smile and tried to ignore the noise around them."Foster Parents?" he asked suprisingly. "Where's your real parents?" he asked her.
JR listened as the boy explained what a pureblood was. At the last bit, she scoffed, "Good grief, do people really think like that? This house thing doesn't seem to do much good - I've only seen it cause misery. I can't believe your dad would be upset over something as stupid as what colour uniform you wear. Doesn't he have anything else to worry about?"

To be honest, she was enjoying the distraction from her own letter. When he asked her about her foster parents, she cursed herself. She hadn't meant to let that slip. "My foster parents are my real parents," she explained. "I don't know who my birth parents are. Probably horrible magic-folk. I'm glad I grew up muggle."
"It might seems to be a stupid reason to you but in our family it isn't. It's a very big deal to my family not only to my father, but good thing my mother's family line isn't judgmental." he said sharply while looking at her. Raffaelo closed his fists and started to look down, trying to hide his anger not to her but to his so called family. "At least for you..Well I'm guessing your parents are great people and no pressure is given at all." he choked up.
JR felt kind of bad for brushing off his father's opinions the way she had. It was obviously a big deal to this boy... she realised she didn't even know his name. She looked at him with pity. She couldn't imagine having a father who wasn't proud of her all the time. Tim thought the sun shone out of JR's backside. The boy began to get angry, and JR knew how that felt. She wanted to make him feel better. She hated anger. Then he mentioned her parents. "Yeah, my parents are pretty good," she agreed. She had decided to ignore what the letter had said. She'd already formulated a plan. After class, she'd find the owlery and send a letter to Tim and Sarah. She'd write about how excited she was about coming home for Christmas, and pretend she'd never received their letter. "I'm sorry about your dad. Can't you explain to him that it's just a house? Just a name? ... Actually, what is your name?"
"Yeah..if only..through centuries they used that as I reason..and sadly it doesn't work ." he replied to the girl. His anger was now lessen, he tried to relax for a few minutes before answering the other question. "Raffaelo, my name is Raffaelo." he said trying to smile to her."And May I know your name?" he asked her.
"Hi Raffaelo. I'm Jessame Rose. I'm a second year." She liked the name Raffaelo, but decided not to comment on it, seeing as how she'd just said a name didn't make a difference. She wished she could do something to help Raffaelo with his problem, but she couldn't think what. In place of anything useful, she offered her assistance with anything else, "If you ever need a hand with anything, you can come and talk to me." She couldn't really imagine anyone needing her help, but it seemed to make the other first year she'd met feel better, knowing there was someone she could turn to. She smiled.
"Nice meeting you Jessame Rose" he said trying to smile. Raffaelo liked the fact that some higher years pays respect to the first years. It was unusual for Raffaelo to talk to girl and to anyone. He likes to keep himself private to others but in this case the damage had occurred, there was nothing left to do but to go with the flow. "That's good to know, Thanks" he said turning his attention to her.
JR smiled. It felt good to make someone feel better. If only she could do the same for herself. Suddenly she put down her fork and stood up. "Sorry Raffaelo, I have to go. This letter needs a reply straight away." She looked at him and hoped he would be okay. She needed to get up to the owlery and send a letter of her own.
After hearing her words and watching her took off Raffaelo just smiled and started to stand up to go back to his dorm room. He once again glanced at his letter and just sighed while walking.

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