Closed Little show off

Kiara Wood

Medical Student | 'Apothecary' owner | HNZ Alumni
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
September 2, 2037 (23)
Kiara was totally enjoying the holidays, her uncle got married, she got a new puppy Monseur Luca as a Christmas present. Of course, she went with the catastrophically long name again, but at least her pets had perfect nicknames. Monseur Luca was just Luca and Saint Coconut was Coco, but that Coco stayed at home, both babies didn't get along. But Kiara chose to bring over the one that was younger and the one that she wasn't allowed to take to school. She was more than sure that Jojo will love Luca as much as Kiara does, so she also decided that she has to show off him. She got over with uncle's James help, he was finally back at New Zealand and they spent a lot of time together, but he had some work so he fastly dropped her and left, but she came over to Jojo's home door and knocked.
Jordan was always excited to see Rara, she was one of his best friends ever, but that excitement doubled with a new puppy and tripled when Onyx had come back for an unexpected chat. He missed his brother dearly. He was a little disappointed he didn't get to introduce her to Onyx and Jamie but he supposed just Onyx was a good start. Jordie knew his brother very well. He practically ran to the front door when he heard Kiara knock. Onyx sat up from where he'd been sprawled out on the couch. Jordie threw open the door, basically vibrating with excitement. "Rararara you won't believe who just showed up-" Jordie started, but was interrupted. He looked up, smiling broadly.
Onyx hadn't realized how lonely he got when Jamie had to go for his quidditch practices. It encouraged him to go and visit his baby brother. A lot of things were changing in Onyx's life, but he knew he always had his little brother to cuddle and watch movies with. They'd been sprawled out on the couch, watching some Disney movie. Onyx was half asleep when suddenly Jordie bolted up off of him. Startled awake, Onyx yawned and shuffled after his brother. He leaned in the door, not minding his brothers personal space as he leaned over him, greeting their guest with a sleepy smile. "Bonjour, Cherie,"
Door got open almost immediatly and before Kiara even was able to at least somehow react, Jojo start babbling. She widened her eyes as she saw someone behind Jordie, it took her a short moment to understand who he was, now all their fangirling about them paid off. She fastly got back in line and started to smile at him, he said something.. What did he say? It was so weird to meet someone who she had been talking about a lot, it was weird to finally make connection between name, personality and face, but it was easy to understand that Onyx totally beated up her expectations. Jamie had a really good taste in boys. However, she got back in her personality a moment after he greeted her. "Hi! I am Kiara," she was almost disappointed in what she said. There was no doubt that he knew about her, after all she was his little brother's best friend. What she was supposed to say? Nice to finally meet you? Too basic, it was Onyx not some little unimportant person that she was allowed to forget about almost immediately. Tell how happy she is to finally meet him? Too much. She would love to hug Jojo now, but Luca in her arms was a little obstacle to do it. "You're taller than I thought you will be," she let out, but she didn't make it sound awkward or like it accidentally slipped out, but still it sounded a light joke. "Luca is getting pretty heavy," she also added and with head pointed at dog in her hands, and didn't know at which of brothers she had to smile, so she cheerfully smiled and hoped that they will let her in and will let her finally put Luca on the floor. She didn't want to put him on the ground outside, because that would mean she will have to wash his paws and he was fluffy so it was something she tried to not do so often.
Jordie laughed. "He's the tallest in the house other than Uncle Colin," He winked, pushing Onyx back inside and letting Kiara inside. "Jamie is taller, but only just, Onyx fits right in under his chin, it's so cute to see them hug, Onyx just folds right in like he was made to fit there," Jordie sighed, before lighting up again as she brought in the puppy. "Awwwwww puppy, Luca right? He's so cute! Onyx I want one!" Jordie babbled, attaching himself to Onyxs side and wrapping around his arm. Jordie loved how cuddly his brother was.
Onyx felt the blush heating his cheeks. "Jordie, merlin, do you just go on like that all the time?" He whined in French, following the lead of his brother, moving to lean against the back of the couch. He rolled his eyes as Jordie attached himself to his arm but stayed still, smiling at his brother affectionately. "You did mention that Jamie is the pretty one at least, didn't you?" He teased, before looking to Kiara. "Sorry if he bores you, talking about my love life," He apologized.
Kiara started to get even more excited as Jordie started to talk about how cute Onyx and Jamie were together, Kiara knew that she had to keep herself together, but she didn't want to. She wanted to excitedly answer to it as she heard Onyx question and fastly nodded, he did go like this all the time, but Kia loved it. It was totally the cutest thing ever. Then she laughed as Onyx teased Jordie, even tho it made her correct her expectations of Jamie. Couple of perfect Calvin Klein models. "Yes, Monseur Luca. Coco had to stay home, she hates him," Kia motioned at the dog and as they let her in, she put him on the ground, smiling as he fastly got to boys and tried to get them play with him. He totally fitted with them, as lovely as Jordie and Onyx were. Still, she hoped that Jordie will take some step away from Onyx and she will be able to finally hug him. "Bore me? He would never, sorry, your love life is really interesting. It's a perfect theme for our conversations. You and Jamie have a great taste in boys, and my congratulations on your engagement!" she babbled and excitedly smiled at Onyx. She still wasn't used to Onyx beauting up all her expectations, but it didn't change the fact that Jordie getting as talkative as he always was, helped her get back to her fangirling. At least she didn't ask any autographs or photos. Yet.
Jordie was quickly sidetracked, moving away from Onyx for the offered puppy. He chuckled, offering Kiara a hug before moving to play with the puppy on the floor. He giggled, sprawling out on his belly and rubbing the puppy as it licked his face. He was content, even more convinced now that he needed to talk to his dads about getting a puppy of his own.
Onyx couldn't help but chuckle softly as Kiara spoke and Jordie moved away. "Thank you, sweetness." He ran a hand through his hair. "Far be it from me to encourage you two," He winked playfully at Kiara. "But would you like to see a picture from our first date?" He asked, though somehow he had a feeling he already knew the answer. If she was anything like his brother, he would have a hard time getting it back in his possession.
Finally Kiara had her chance to hug her best friend and she didn't skip it, but aftet hug she smiled at Jojo and Luca. They look really cute. And then she smiled back at Onyx as he called her sweetness. And to next words she crunched her nose and giggled, Onyx beated up even her expectations about his personality and it wasn't hard to understand that she was more than glad that he did it. "You have it? Of course, I want to see it! Please, please, please!" and it didn't also take a lot to get used to him and act like she knew him for a really long time.
Jordie was busy playing with the puppy, giggling softly and rolling his eyes as Onyx offered to show Kiara the photo. "You don't still carry that thing in your jacket everywhere you go, do you?" He teased Onyx, knowing fully well the answer already. "You are such a sap," he giggled softly.
Onyx fully ignored his brother, reaching into his jacket. He absolutely kept his copy of the photo on him, he was almost sure Jamie had his copy somewhere at his flat. Onyx hadn't asked. He chuckled and offered the photo to Kiara, taking a moment to look at it himself. The aquarium was beautiful behind them, the water tranquil even in the photo and several fish swam in the background. He was tucked in against Jamie, they were both smiling for a moment before they turned their heads at the same time and kissed. In the photo Onyx giggled silently and hid his face in Jamie's neck. Onyx smiled fondly; that night had been amazing. "We went out to the aquarium, I bought him another charm for the charm bracelet I bought him for his birthday. He bought me the cutest little octopus stuffed animal." He chuckled.
Kiara giggled as she heard Jordie teasing Onyx. "Who wouldn't? I believe that now it's your favorite jacket, right? It's all so special now," she bit her lip in excitement. With all this Jamie and Onyx couple became even more perfect, they were even more made for each other. She took the photo fastly as Onyx handed it over and smiled over it, watching every detail. And also listened to what he said. "Do you have this octopus here or it's in France? But arghhh.. You look SO cute together! You fit each other as perfectly as hand and glove, it's super cute!" she jumped overloaded with all the cuteness from photo and Onyx's story. "By the way, was there any specific reason why you chose aquarium for the first date? Cause it's really specific place," she tried to get even more details.
Finished playing with the puppy for a minute, Jordie jumped up and pressed into Kiara's side, peeking over her shoulder and smiling at the picture. "I can't believe you still keep this in your jacket," he teased his brother, laughing before moving to sit on the couch. He was enjoying listening to these two go on.
Onyx made a point of ignoring his little brother, smiling softly at the younger girl. "Oh, it's on his- er, my side of the- I mean, it's in the bedroom on a pillow," he answered with a bit of a laugh. He chuckled and shook his head. "Has Jordie told you our story or do you want me to share it? He always gets caught up on the wrong details," He teased his brother, though he knew he was being ignored in return.
Kiara moved photo to let Jordie see it too and looked at him to see his reaction to photo, and then laughed as Jordie teased Onyx again. She loved seeing them together. "Ohh, got it! But gosh, that is so cute!" she happily jumped while still carefully holding picture. "Oh, even more details! He even sang all songs from that day that you proposed, but getting even more details sounds even better!" she still didn't give picture away and continued to watch it and trying to notice something new."Does he?" she looked at Jordie as Onyx said that he always gets caught up in details and laughed at that. And as Jordie moved away from Luca, puppy followed him and stood on back legs and with front legs on his knee and watched him, trying to get his attention again.
Jordie chuckled, rolling his eyes at Onyx's commentary. He reached over and lifted Luca onto the couch with him, cuddling and loving on the puppy as he let his brother and best friend visit.
Onyx chuckled and moved to sit down in one of the armchairs. He summoned in a few drinks, taking a sip of his soda pop while he thought of how to start. "Oh, where do I begin?" he mused. "I suppose I should start by saying Jamie is a very kind, caring man." He chuckled softly. "I don't actually remember the first time we met. Quite literally, actually. I was going through a very hard time in my life." He crossed his legs. "I had gone with uncle James to a job of his in Marsielle,"

Onyx sipped on his drink. "I was upset, and felt very lost. I ended up in a bar, drunk out of my mind, and crying like a fool." He chuckled. "Jamie just happened to be out with his friends. He found me, and I don't really remember any of this, but he got a hold of Uncle James somehow and returned me safely home. He left his contact information with Uncle James and asked him to have me contact Jamie so that Jamie knew I was okay." He smiled fondly.
Kiara watched with a smile as Jordie cuddled Luca, her dog was totally feeling heavenly. After that, she focused on Onyx and his story. She sat close enough to him and put her chin in the hand, not exactly feeling thirsty for a drink, more thirsty for a full story. She felt a burst of sweetness as she heard what Onyx said about Jamie. When Onyx told about his rough time, Kia nodded and felt sorry for him. She knew about that, in her and Jordie's first conversation he mentioned that. She tried to memorize that uncle James worked in Marseille. But she couldn't help but smile as she heard uncle James, she immediately thought of her uncle.

She carefully listened to every word Onyx said and nodded. "Now I understand why you said that Jamie is caring and kind, it was so cute of him! And how did you feel when you met him after that? How did you end up going to the date?" Kia seemed really interested in everything he said. "Did you meet his friends afterward?" she tried to get to know as much as she could exactly from him.
Onyx chuckled. Either this girl was a romantic or she was very bored, to be interested like this. He didn't mind, he thought it was kind of cute. And he was already used to his little brothers dramatics. He brushed his hair back. "Well, it was a few days before I actually met Jamie myself. I was pretty hungover," he laughed lightly. "But eventually I got up and I tried to dress up a little bit; I felt guilty he'd seen me when I was so low and I wanted to at least look really cute when he saw me again."

Onyx knew that Jordie liked this part himself, so Onyx was honest as he spoke to Kiara. "Jamie has this gorgeous flat near the water front." He smiled fondly, putting his own chin in his hand and smiling at Kiara. "I've had enough bad experiences that it took me a very long time to admit it, even to myself. But I went up and knocked, and I was nervous. I wasn't sure what I was getting into." Onyx sighed softly, smiling warmly. "I didn't know I believed in love at first sight until he opened the door." He chuckled.

"It was the strangest thing. I was already floored in that first moment I saw him. But then his eyes lit up, and he said my name, and ugh," He sighed dramatically. "My heart skipped and a shudder went up my spine. I tried to play it off in my mind that he was just a gorgeous man and I was weak," He chuckled.
Kiara perfectly fitted the first option, she really loved everything romantic and Onyx's story was really interesting, at least for her. She giggled as he said that he wanted to look at least cute. She loved how he said that.

Wood softly smiled as he told all his story and almost giggled as he mentioned Jamie's flat. And again, she immediately associated everything with all her parent property, but she fastly switched back to Onyx. She chuckled as he said that he didn't believe in love from first sight until that. it was really cute and she believed him without a doubt.

Ravenclaw warmly chuckled as Onyx sighed. She surely loved how their family was so dramatic in this way and it was surely the cutest. "And now you're engaged. Ugh, gosh, it's SO cute!" she sounded overly excited as she could add the fact that she more than aware of it. "What happened after that?" Kia didn't even try to hide her interest and excitement about the conversation.
Onyx shifted to get more comfortable, tucking his legs up beneath him. He sipped his drink, chuckling at her enthusiasm. "Well, he invited me in for lunch." He winked. "We sat, we talked. About our families, our lives. He fed me my first quiche," He chuckled. "We talked about my music, I told him I was worried about getting back into it. He talked to me about an accident he had that almost made him quit Quidditich." He smiled warmly. "I was worried, scared for a moment another accident might happen. I've never been very lucky, you know, I got scared, I grabbed his hand and asked him to be careful, told him I really liked him and didn't want him to be hurt,"

Onyx smiled fondly. "If I had to pinpoint the exact moment I knew I loved him," He chuckled softly. "It was when he looked me in the eyes with the warmest smile, put his hand over mine, and he said 'I'm always careful, baby,' with that melodic lilt to his voice," Onyx sighed dreamily.
Kiara excitedly listened to everything Onyx said and even chuckled as he mentioned quiche, it was surely really tasty and she just hoped that he liked it. She tilted her head as he told what he said to Jamie. It was interesting and emotional.

And then she softly smiled as he told the moment when he knew he was in love. Her mind immediately screamed Arthur's name and she, as always, tried to ignore that. "It is literally adorable! And when did you understand that he is over the moon about you?" she enthusiastically clapped with hands and waited for the answer. She loved to hear even more details and to hear that from Onyx because she was able to see his reaction to his own story.
Onyx smiled softly at her question. "I'm not sure if there was an exact moment," he murmured. "Jamie has always been very forthcoming with his feelings." he ran a hand through his hair. "Immediately after he said that, he told me he liked me too, but that we could take it slow and when the time was right he'd ask me out." He chuckled softly. "We talked for a bit that day, about our lives and families. He invited me to his birthday party in a few months. We finished lunch and we went out for a walk, down through the Parc until we hit the shops." Onyx smiled softly. "Once we hit the shops, I found this charm bracelet. I only had enough money on me to buy one charm, a firefly I think it was." He sipped his drink. "I gave it to him that day. We had to part after that, we both had things to do, but the way he held me before we parted ways," Onyx smiled softly, thinking about it. "I couldn't get him off my mind for weeks."
This time she listened with a warm smile, she was excited about everything he said, it was overly cute. She nodded at every sentence he said as saying that she carefully listens. It was interesting, probably even more interesting than stories about how uncle Jacks and Rebeca met. As he mentioned dragonflies, her smile lightly faded and she touched her neck. Her dad gave her a necklace with a dragonfly when she was five because she was obsessed with them, they were pretty common in Europe and Kiara took out it from underneath her jumper and showed Onyx it, and smiled again. She didn't know if Onyx knew about her situation with her parents. "So you couldn't take him off your mind for weeks? That means you didn't meet for weeks?" Kia asked as she noticed what he said. "What happened next?" she put her necklace back under her jumper and put her chin back in her hand.

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