Lions and Snakes can fall for each other...

Hilde Lindstrom

Wife. Mother. Triplet.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Continued from here.

Hilde entered the Great Hall, her hand still firmly in Tohoru's, the way it had been all the way in from the lake front. She was interested to see what her sister's reaction would be to seeing her with a boy. A very cute boy who was now her boyfriend. Her smile was wide as they made their way into the massive room. She had no notice of who reacted to their appearance and really didn't care. Hilde was happy and that really was all that mattered to her.
Tohoru entered the Great Hall still a bit shocked with his luck. Of all the girls what would surly make Eden angry it would be her. Looking over at Hilde, Tohoru grinned. "So where do you wanna sit your table or mine? "Because truth be told I could not stand to be away from you just yet." Tohoru hopped that he did not sound clingy to Hilde but he really did not wanna be away from her.
Hilde smiled. "How about my table? That way we can sit by my room mates?" she suggested, tugging on his arm. "I really am not wanting to let you go just yet either." She was not used to the whole idea of having a boyfriend just yet, but was loving the idea of sitting next to him for dinner. Moving across the room quickly she found a spot for them to sit down together.
Tohoru nodded his head. "Yea the Slytherin house table sounds perfect." Tohoru followed Hilde across the room and took a seat at the Slytherin house table he had only sat here a few times and every time had been with Eden well the last time had been with Lilith and she had been very busy waiting on him hand and foot so that Tohoru did not have to do a thing.
Eden was walking into the castle with Lilith by her side. Her trusty wedding planner in hand. Looking over at her younger sister Eden laughed. "Lilith both you and I know that I would never ever go with a bridesmaids dress that made you look stupid. It may be my day but I will not have people looking silly while they are standing up there with me." Getting closer to the table Eden saw the last person that she wanted to see. Turning once again to her sister, Eden said in a side voice. "Look who decided to come and ruin our day. You would have thought by now he would have given up."

Taking a seat across from his Eden placed her planner on the table and grabbed a glass of juice. Looking over at Hilde, Eden said in a loud whisper. "Hey Hilde who let the little kitty sit down at the table?" Eden rolled her eyes at Tohoru and reached for the bowl of salad to add some to her plate.
Lilith followed close behind her sister into the castle. "I just wanna make sure because we all know that not many girls have purple eyes and I do not want things to clash." Lilith looked around to where Eden was talking about and almost dropped the wedding planner she was holding. "Well look what we have here. I guess he is stalking us all over again."

Taking a seat next to her sister, Lilith looked over at Tohoru a look of utter hatered on her face. "You know Tohoru the man how table is outside this castle. I'm sure that there is not a girl here who is buying what your trying to sale mow get the heck out of here." Lilith reached across the table and helped herself to some french fries.
Hilde was not paying attention to the girls that sat across from her and Tohoru until she heard her name spoken. She looked up and realized it was Eden and a younger girl who she thought was named Luna. Hide had spoken with Eden in the past and was acquainted with her, but the younger girl and her had never had a conversation. "Actually, Eden, I invited him," she said with a bit of a smile on her face. Moving just a bit closer to her boyfriend, she started to serve herself from the dishes before her. Mashed potatoes, gravy, fried chicken and corn were placed on her plate before she poured herself a glass of pumpkin juice. "Do you want some juice?" she asked Tohoru while she had the pitcher still in her hands.
Tohoru could not believe his luck not only was Eden at the table but so was Lilith it was a two for one special at the Slytherin house table tonight. Tohoru kept a straight face as Lilith made some rude little comment. Turning to Hilde, Tohoru had a smile on his face partly because of the fact that he was dating her and partly because this was about to get fun. "Yes some juice sounds awesome. Now I know you know Eden but have you met her little sister Lilith?" Turning to them Tohoru kept a straight face as he turned to the two girls. "How are you both doing this evening? Still planning that wedding?" Tohoru had to stop himself from giving it all away just yet he wanted to drag this one out one.
Eden kept a smile on her face. Something was going on and she was out of the loop but not for long she would shortly fix that. Turning back to Hilde having not even really given him a greeting of any sort. Eden raised an eyebrow at Hilde. "I had no idea that you and my brother where friends. I did not know that Tohoru had any friends of any sort. I thought all he had was girls he kissed and girls that he was planning on kissing." Taking a bite of her salad Eden closed her eyes. Tohoru had went and asked her a question it would be rude for her not to answer. Taking long thoughtful bites. Eden thought about just what to say. "I'm doing just fine I just came back from visiting Chase at the village. In this sweet little park. As the wedding you know how that goes I'm going to be working on it until the last moment." Eden went back to her food she was going to get to the bottom of this if it was the last thing she did.
Lilith could feel her eyes go blank. This boy was in one of the few safe places for her and Eden. Letting Eden do all the talking Lilith continued to eat she was very hungry from a long day of hiking with Alex. Noticing that Tohoru had asked him both a question, Lilith hopped that Eden would answer for the both of them. Lilith felt a little bit peeved when she realized it was up to her to answer. "O you know Tohoru. Alex and I spent the other day hiking just a simple date nothing crazy. Just something to do to get away from Chase and Eden so they could have some time alone. She is really lucky to have found him after you broke her heart so badly." Lilith kept her voice even. What she really wanted to do was reach across the table and smack Tohoru into next week.
Hilde smiled at Tohoru as she poured him a glass of juice and set it down next to his plate. She was not the kind that would serve her boyfriend or anyone, but pouring a glass of juice was not harmful in her eyes. Placing the pitcher down between her and the other girls, she picked up her fork and took a bite of the potatoes while she listened to the conversation. There really was no love lost between the girls and her boyfriend. To her, it seemed like Eden was trying to flaunt Chase at Tohoru and that Lilith was just bitter over whatever split the pair of them up. Her opinions might change if she got to know the girls better, but first impressions usually had something behind them.

"No, Tohoru, I don't believe I have actually met Lilith," she replied to her boyfriend before turning to Eden. "We kinda knew each other from classes, but really hadn't spoken til this afternoon. We found we have a lot in common." As in we really like kissing each other, she added in her head, a slight smirk showing on her lips. As Lilith added about Tohoru breaking Eden's heart, she raised a brow. She didn't think that Eden was that crushed by the split or she wouldn't have rebounded so quickly with this Chase kid.
Tohoru smiled at Hilde. "Thank you. Could I get you anything?" This was going to be harder for him than he first though both girls where out to draw blood today and Tohoru knew that Eden was a Koshiba down to her very soul and if she wanted to get Tohoru good she would and it would hurt a lot. Trying to think of the best way to get out of this, Tohoru started eating.

"You should know this Eden your the one taking every class this school has to offer. Or are you so caught up in your studies that you forget to stop and talk to your classmates?" Tohoru knew that was a low blow but it was the best he could do. Turning to Hilde, Tohoru noticed a little bit of potatoes on the side of her mouth. Without even really thinking about it.Tohoru picked up a napkin and reached over to wipe it off her face.
Eden had to fight to keep the look of hate off her face. Tohoru was up to something. Eden could feel it. Forcing herself to take another bite of her salad. Eden continued to chew. "Yes Tohoru I do see you in class but most of the time you are bugging me with something that is not about the class so I tend to block you out more than not. We all know how father feels about grades." Turning back to Hilde, Eden nodded her head. "I'm so glad that he has been able to find a friend maybe now he will calm down and be a respectable gentlemen but I'm not one to hold my breath. It's bad form." Eden would keep her cool she would not be the one to show her cards first.
Lilith was close to the breaking point. She hated Tohoru, hated everything about him. Add to the fact that the last time they had been around eachother Tohoru had hit Eden and you had one very angry second year. Putting her frook down a little bit harder than she meant to Lilith smiled. "It's nice to meet you Hilde I saw you play quidditch a few times. Your very good at it." There you go Lilith just don't think about him sitting there. He does not exist. Turning back to her plate Lilith continued to eat so that she would not have to look at Tohoru.
Hilde smiled at Tohoru as he asked if she wanted anything. "Thanks, I'm good," she replied, then turned her attention to the girls across the table. "I think he will be a perfect gentleman." Hilde turned to look at Tohoru again and smiled as he wiped her mouth with his napkin. She mouthed the word thanks, then turned to face Lilith. "Nice to meet you too. I just love to play the game, though I am glad people think I am good at it. I think honestly being up on a broom is one of my favorite places to be." She picked up a forkful more of potatoes and placed them into her mouth, savoring the flavor. Hilde was curious just what all had happened between these three. She would have to question Tohoru more at a later time, but for now, as long as they all played nice, she would too.
Tohoru was cracking he was not going to be able to hide it for much longer. Putting his fork down. Tohoru took a long drink from his cup. Looking over at Eden and Lilith. He thought about what to say and the best way to do it. Finally giving up he just said the first thing that came to mind. "There is another reason why I'm sitting at the Slytherin house table. Hilde and I are boyfriend and girlfriend. I asked you out today and she said yes." Feeling better after saying it. Tohoru picked up his fork and started eating again.
Eden was about to put a bite of food in her mouth when Tohoru informed them that he and Hilde where dating. Putting her bite down. Eden sat there in a state of shook. "I'm not sure if I should wish you both the best of luck or shake you Hilde and ask you if you know what you have gotten yourself into." Did this girl not know that Tohoru was a huge play boy and through girls like one would go through socks. "O well better you than me Hilde. I do hope that he treats you just as well as he treated me." Eden knew that this was a bit catty but she could not help it.
Lilith could not believe what she was hearing Tohrou and Hilde a couple? "So Hilde is Slytherin number three? But on your list of girls that you have had yor lips all over in the past six months where does she fall as the last? O wait thats right Eden was telling me how you had been kissing Kida just this morning. Really Tohoru grow up." Throwing her fork on the table. Liltih grabed her bag and stood up from the table. Picking up Tohoru's glass. Lilith dumped the whole thing on his shirt and lap before leaving the hall. Very angry with the fact that girls still gave him half a chance.
Hilde listened to the girls judgments of her boyfriend. It was quite obvious to her that they were rather bitter about the whole situation they were in. The fact that they were family now was a bit odd, but showed her that the family tie really didn't mean as much two these girls as it did within her family. That both of these girls were exes of her boyfriend didn't bother her either. They each had moved on and made their choices in men. It was time for them to put the past behind them in her opinion, but sadly she did not feel comfortable enough to say that to them just yet. Maybe someday she would, but as for now, she would keep those feelings to herself.

"I would hope you would wish us luck as a couple, Eden," was all that she was able to say before Lilith flipped out and dumped the glass of juice on her boyfriend's shirt. Rolling her eyes, she chose not to retaliate like she wanted to, but pulled out her wand and cast scorgify instead on Tohoru's shirt. She was happy that the younger girl had left though. Eden she felt she could handle being around since she was not flying off the handle. Lilith on the other hand, was quickly making her way onto her 'list'.
Tohoru sat there in shock of all the people that he had thought would fly off the handle Lilith was not on that list. Getting ready to jump up and smack Lilith as hard as he could when she dumped his own glass on him. Flashing a smile to Hilde as she removed the liquid from his shirt. "Eden what is Lilith's problem? Did you tell her she had to weak yellow or something in the wedding?" Tohoru knew what the problem was but he would not let on.
Eden smirked. "I hope you both do well as a couple. My brother can be a bit hard headed at times. As for sweet Lilith her and Alex are going to be breaking up next week but neither of them know it. But before you go and try and be all brotherly and comfort her don't. They will be back together by the end of the school year." Reaching for her planner Eden opened it up to the flower section and started looking over her choices for flowers again.
"Eden," Hilde started with a smirk, "you do realize I am a pureblooded Slytherin triplet? I know all about being hard-headed. Ask my sisters, they will tell you I am the Queen of the hard headed." She nudged Tohoru gently with her shoulder. "I just hope he knows what he is getting into." She picked up a piece of chicken with her fork and put it into her mouth, chewing it slowly. It surprised her that Eden was able to tell so much about Lilith and Alex's relationship, knowing they would break up and get together. It was a bit unnerving. Merely raising an eyebrow, she continued to eat her dinner.
Tohoru watched Eden carefully. She was doing that thing again and it always made Tohoru feel very very very uneasy. How was she able to do it? Grinning over at Hilde. Tohoru pushed his plate away. "Remember who my twin sister is and now with Eden I might as well be a triplet." Looking at Eden again Tohoru grinned. "So do you have a crystal ball or something hidden on you. Is that how you know so much about Lilith and Alex?"
Eden nodded her head. If Hilde and Tohoru where happy together than who was Eden to say anything. Eden continued to eat her salad for a moment. "Yes I do know you are a triplet. Would you mind doing me a favor and stop Tohoru from falling down the stairs tonight when he is walking you to our common room." Closing her planner Eden finished her salad and got up from the table. "You two have a nice evening I will be in the Divination Classroom." Turning on her heel Eden walked out of the hall and up to the North Tower.
Hilde watched Eden depart, wondering just what she was playing at. Knowing that people were breaking up and falling down stairs? She picked up the chicken drumstick on her plate and took a bite before turning to Tohoru and smiling. After she swallowed, she spoke. "So, they seem to be very open and, uh, happy for us." Giving him a smirk, she leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "They really seem rather... jealous of our happiness," she added, smiling at her boyfriend. She turned on the bench so that she was able to move one leg to sit astride the wooden seat. "I think they will come around in time, and if not, they will just have to learn how to deal with it."

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