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Gustav Girard

Well-Known Member
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Hullo everyone!
This is Gustav Girard! He is my lovely little Beauxbatons minion.
I've not roleplayed with him yet, but I'm hoping to get a few things started. What I am looking for is:

Friends: This will be interesting. Gustav is ... okay, so he's very up himself. The sort of people he'll attract are A) complete pushovers who worship the ground he treads on. :cool: Utter dastards that are exactly like him and perhaps C) one or two genuinely good people who'll stop him from being an arrogant prick. Know anyone who fits one or more of those categories? Do PM me, if so.

Enemy(ies): Anyone who hates a prick. Which is most people, by jove, but there's got to be at least someone who's out to sabotage him and vice versa (because he's shallow like that).

Love Interest: So this can be long term, final or just a flirt. Because believe me, he flirts. If your character is totally cool with being messed around with then please, give Gustav a call. Although if your character has more a backbone and decides he's worth whipping into shape (he's decent enough if you make him give a cr*p) then by all means, whip the poor bugger. He needs it.</COLOR>
<COLOR color="#000">Know anyone of any of these descriptions? One again, PM me. Gustav's a lot of fun when he's not being a snobby dastard.​
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