Open Like Nothing Has Changed

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Eloise Aster

back in town ✨ slightly more assertive
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 14 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
11/2046 (15)
Except everything feels like it has. That's how things felt for Eloise when she walked into the great hall for yet another yule ball. Things at Hogwarts all just looked the same. Were the same. Probably felt the same for most of the student body, which wasn't at all surprising. In the grand scheme of things her being away for a year wouldn't have made much impact on anyone or anything except herself. Perhaps a few others. A very selected few. She was determined to switch things around though. Make Hogwarts feel like her comfort place again. Build some connections that could help her do that and being at a dance created an easy opening for chatting up other students. It'd take nothing more than a simple compliment about someone's outfit to start a conversation after all. Which was exactly what she told herself she'd do. As soon as she could find someone nearby that wasn't way younger than she was.
Tempest was looking forward to the Yule Ball. She didn't have a date or any friends to go with, but she was excited about the idea of listening to music and just enjoying a night away from academics. She started walking around, looking to see if June had arrived and was with anyone. In her focus, she almost ran into some people but noticed the girl was also embracing the black-and-white vibe for the evening. "Your dress is cute," she said to her classmate.
Eloise had perhaps been putting less effort into looking for anyone her age than she told herself she had so she was glad when someone found her instead. "Thank you." She smiled at Tempest, the politeness she was raised with still a little stuck in her behaviour. "Yours is pretty. And I love the shoes." She complimented earnestly. She didn't know her classmate very well but she had seen her around June a few times so she was sure the girl would at least appreciate a compliment.
Tempest tossed her hair over her shoulder as Eloise complimented her outfit as well. She knew it wasn't as sleek as some of the dresses here, but Tempest thought they were being influenced too much by muggle fashion and appreciated the uniqueness of magical designers. "Thanks. The shoes are actually vintage and super uncomfortable. But beauty is pain, right?" she joked as she adjusted her stance, ignoring how her toes were now numb. "Are you waiting for someone?"
Eloise tried her best to keep a straight face at the remark Tempest made, although that was a difficult thing to do when it was as if she heard her mother speak. Someone who had said those words plenty of times. Beauty is pain but oh how important it was to always look presentable. Pretty. Pleasant. "Right." She decided to respond with a simple smile before easily shaking her head at the girl's next question. "Oh, no. No date or anything. I'm here on my own." Eloise elaborated. "Are you?"
Tempest made a face at the thought of a date and shrugged. "No. I don't feel like you need dates at dances to have fun," she suggested, not sure if that was really how she felt, but she also didn't want to let on that no one had bothered asking her to the dance. She knew second and third years who had dates, and here she was, close to 16, and just barely been kissed. "Plus, you have to like check with your date all night about what you want to do, and what if you wanted to go skating or dancing and they didn't? Total drag."
Eloise took a moment to think about what Tempest said. She could agree that a date wasn't something she needed to have fun but having a date could add to the fun there already was to have. At least that's what she had experienced last year. "Well if you picked the right date I don't think that should be much of an issue." She argued with a soft chuckle. "But I definitely agree you don't need a date to have fun in the first place."
Tempest thought about what Eloise said for a moment and shrugged. She still thought she was right. Having to constantly be checking in with someone sounded like a hassle. The Slytherin would much rather be here on her own. "True. Speaking of fun, have you tried any of the snacks?" she asked, readjusting her footing in the heels. She was starting to think that she had maybe misread the shoe size.
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