Like a sheep, following the flock

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Serenity Dion

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OOC First Name
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Holly Wand 11 Essence of Phoenix Feather
It's that time again, we've all got new firsties and we need them to have a life. It's been a while since I've had new firsties so I'm excited to get them out and about. I have three to choose from here so let me know what you think.


First of is Zechariah Powell, illegitimate son of Evie Powell, Headmistress of Drumstrang, and Hayden Kerberos, Drumstrang Dark Arts Porfessor. Zechariah is the result of a drunken night during the holidays at Drumstrang and even though nothing advanced with Evie and Hayden they have both had a part in raising Zechariah. This young Slytherin was brought up with his mothers house elf when he wasn't at the school or his dad's house during the holidays or when his father had time off from school. Zechariah was around Drumstrang quite a bit when he was younger and as a result got bullied due to who his parents were and from a young age knew how to stand up for himself, aka throw a punch. Due to not having any children his age at the school Zechariah never developed many interpersonal skills and can be quite cold to a lot of people. He hasn't had the chance to warm up to anyone so it could take some time to get through to him but it is possible, I hope.

For Zechariah I am looking for anything really; friends, enemies, and love interests for some time down the line as he can't really talk to anyone his age let alone develop emotions.


This ray of sunshine here is my young Ravenclaw and she isn't your typical Ravenclaw in the sense that'll she be reading a book all the time but she does love school. Serenity was brought up with her single mother who is the Au Pare of Amelia Jones' family. Serenity has never had another home apart from theirs so going to Hogwarts New Zealand is such a huge step for her and she's excited to start making friends, even though she's going to miss her family and friends from home. Serenity is very likeable, also happy, very friendly and loves to sing and dance. Serenity has been dancing from before she could walk, or so her mother says. Serenity loves all kinds of dancing and has won awards in Ballet and Tap, her first two loves.

Again, for Serenity I'm looking for anything; friends, enemies, and love interests for some time down the line or just some older boy for her to crush on and maybe he could rope her along and hurt her feelings or something, she can be kinda naïve.


Finally, this is Iason Samartzi, younger brother of Efeyenia Samartzi and the opposite of her when it comes to school. Iason is quite smart and is very excited to start his classes. He is academically competitive and enjoys reading for fun. Despite being your typical nerd he is quite outgoing and likes to make friends even though he never got to make any his own age at home. Due to his father being the mayor of their home town he would be at his offices a lot and be the center of attention cutie pie that all the woman fawned over and the men enjoyed playing with balls of scrunched up paper around the office with him. When he wasn't shadowing his dad at his offices he would be at home helping his mother plan whatever big party she had next and he enjoyed cooking and baking with her in the kitchen and because he was brought up around a lot of parties he grew up kinda quick as he was so used to be around older people.

Same as before, Iason is looking for anything, friends and enemies and we can talk love interest/crushes and see how we can develop that.
So that's all I've got for now. Let me know if any students interest you and post here or if you have some fun ideas/plots PM me on this account and we can talk them out and see what we can do from there, I'm up for anything with all characters, some within reason, and will love to hear your ideas.

- Pat ^_^

So, I have Preston here. Preston is friendly enough for a Slytherin, but he is a bit egotistical and insensitive at times. He usually doesn't realize when he's being this way either. He's a muggle born, but no one other than his girlfriend knows this about him. I'm planning on having that change this school year though. :r

I was thinking that he might be good for Zechariah because he is a few years older. You say that Zechariah doesn't really get along well with kids his own age, so maybe he could befriend someone a few years older? And, if not, they can always be enemies. :p
Hi my dear! If you are still looking for some RPs, I have the lovely Clara Zhefarovich. Clara is a lovely, friendly and fiercely loyal friend. She is not very trusting and pretty self-conscious, but in that way it makes her a good friend, because she doesn't want anyone to feel the way she does. Clara will always stand up for her friends, but is less likely to stand up for herself. If you want any more info, her bio is here, let me know who you think she could work with ^_^
Preston & Zechariah
I could see Zechariah somewhat looking up to Preston as he’s always been taught to respect his elders. Zechariah really isn't one to just approach someone and talk to them. Maybe Preston could start talking to him in the common room because he see’s Zechariah on his own? Dunno if Preston is the type of person to do that either but I’m sure we can sort something out.

Clara & Serenity
Donna!! I can’t see how these two wouldn't get along. Serenity is friendly and loveable and can easily make friends with anyone. She would be the type of person to talk sense into Clara if she’s every feeling down about herself and make her feel as wonderful as she really is!
That would be awesome Pattycakes, I would love for her to have a friend like that! Every girl needs one hehe!
I also forgot about my other character, a second year, Lamia Lewis. Lamia could bully Belladonna, especially since they are in the same house, otherwise she could be an enemy for either of your other characters (or friend if it would work haha)
Patricia Styx said:
Preston & Zechariah
I could see Zechariah somewhat looking up to Preston as he’s always been taught to respect his elders. Zechariah really isn't one to just approach someone and talk to them. Maybe Preston could start talking to him in the common room because he see’s Zechariah on his own? Dunno if Preston is the type of person to do that either but I’m sure we can sort something out.
If Preston saw him doing something that was interesting, he'd likely go up to him and start a conversation. I agree that we'll be able to sort something out. :)
Clara & Serenity
I agree. Do you want to start or will I?

Lamia & Zechariah(?)
I figured that last bit was meant for Jessyes topic, but if she becomes a tormentor of Belladonna I could see her and Zechariah getting on as he is planning on making her life hell also!

Preston & Zechariah
What would Preston's idea of interesting be?
Patricia Styx said:

Preston & Zechariah
What would Preston's idea of interesting be?
Hmm...something practical joke related could work - stink pellets, dung bombs - though I think he'd chicken out when it comes to participating, especially in the common room. Or perhaps a game of Exploding Snap?

Or they could just sit next to each other during a meal and get to chatting.
Patricia Styx said:
Lamia & Zechariah(?)
I figured that last bit was meant for Jessyes topic, but if she becomes a tormentor of Belladonna I could see her and Zechariah getting on as he is planning on making her life hell also!
Haha that's terrible, I copied and pasted from Jessye's, and meant to change the names haha! Yes they can be friends, and if you want her as an enemy for anyone just let me know ^_^
Preston & Zechariah
Zechariah would probably find all that prank stuff childish as he never had a proper childhood, and if he heard someone planning it out he may make a comment and Preston could call him out and maybe help him bring him down to his age and still be his pure Slytherin self?

Gabriel and Iason
Great, do you want to start or will I?

Gabriel and Serenity
Oh friends would be great seeing as they are in the same house. And a possible love interest could be interesting and we can see how it'll go between the two.

Lamia & Zechariah
No worries, it worked out for the best either way! How about I let you know when Zechariah makes his first move on Belladonna and then we can start a separate topic and maybe Lamia could of seen it happen (it'll be during flying class) and maybe she could comment it on it afterwards?
Sounds legood Pattycakes
Hmmm I don't mind starting it methinks! Unless you want to?
Patricia Styx said:
Preston & Zechariah
Zechariah would probably find all that prank stuff childish as he never had a proper childhood, and if he heard someone planning it out he may make a comment and Preston could call him out and maybe help him bring him down to his age and still be his pure Slytherin self?
That could work. Even though Preston wouldn't participate, he would want to see the joke through and probably wouldn't want to see anyone interfere. Would you like me to start or would you like to? :)
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Patricia Styx said:
Preston & Zechariah
Zechariah would probably find all that prank stuff childish as he never had a proper childhood, and if he heard someone planning it out he may make a comment and Preston could call him out and maybe help him bring him down to his age and still be his pure Slytherin self?
That could work. Even though Preston wouldn't participate, he would want to see the joke through and probably wouldn't want to see anyone interfere. Would you like me to start or would you like to? :)
Could you start it please?
I feel like Zechariah and Lux wouldn't get along at all but she is fantastic at faking nice when it suits her so until she's found him useless to her in anyway, she'll be perfectly lovely. She won't question him about Durmstrang or anything because he probably wouldn't respond to well about her being raised as a muggle, yah?

For Serenity, Lux would easily get annoyed with her naïveté and probably give her a friendly smile in the hallways but that would be it.

I genuinely have no idea what Iason and Lux would be to one another.
Patricia Styx said:
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Patricia Styx said:
Preston & Zechariah
Zechariah would probably find all that prank stuff childish as he never had a proper childhood, and if he heard someone planning it out he may make a comment and Preston could call him out and maybe help him bring him down to his age and still be his pure Slytherin self?
That could work. Even though Preston wouldn't participate, he would want to see the joke through and probably wouldn't want to see anyone interfere. Would you like me to start or would you like to? :)
Could you start it please?
Ok. I'll pm the link when I do.
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