Like A Moth

Charlotte Williams

fashion designer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Willow Wand 14" Unicorn Tail Hair
Charlotte Edwina Williams was glad to be back from England. She was growing tired and bored of the continuous flights to and from her home country. Charlotte Edwina Williams would never say that she didn't like it. It would be very unlady like of her to complain about something that showed her wealth and was a necessity because of her status. She didn't like having to be different from others. Charlotte was a strong believer in people and equality, rather than how her father viewed everything. Charlotte knew that it was a slightly different view but it was the one she held. The one that she would never back away from. Charlotte gave a quick nod to herself as she walked the halls. Her arms were laiden with books and she looked pretty determind. She was wearing her hufflepuff uniform. She had her shirt and tie on, with the robes, no jumper. And she was wearing the skirt her mother had provided. A short above knees skirt. Charlotte hated it, but her mother had insisted upon her wearing it, that and the kitten heel shoes. Overall, Charlotte was dressed as her mother had been. Charlotte was careful to not step on her robes and took large confident strides, her head held high. Finishing School had not gone to waste. Charlotte entered the library and found herself a place to sit.

Charlotte Edwina Williams had shoulder length blonde hair, and greenish brown eyes. She was a smiley young first years, with few friends. It couldn't be helped if she was constantly away, but now the little "puff was back for good. She had written a letter saying her grades would suffer if she was not in attendance of every lesson, and missed nothing. Or little. Only important things would she be attending but all else, Charlotte would not move for. Charlotte pulled a pencil out from behind her ear and began to work with the first book, she had brought.
Amanda walked down the deserted corridor. Her new black flats moved quickly across the floor. She had done her homework, looked for anything to do in her messy area of her dormitory, and had not seen any friends or people around her age. She couldn't stand it anymore. She was going to go crazy if she didn't have anything to do for another second. Arguably, she already was pretty crazy, but she would get even more crazy. Amanda figured that in the library, either she would find a friend or a very interesting book, preferring the first option of course.

She walked in to the library and looked around. She realized that the people sitting looked at her while she was searching. She pretended to look through the books on the shelf beside her. Then, Amanda noticed a familiar face. She walked over. "Hello," she said. "How have you been?" She only then realized the books around her friend. "Oh, sorry for interrupting."

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