Light her up!

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Reisha Messier

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
11 ¾ inch Birch wand with a Phoenix Feather core, inflexible
Hi ... well Reisha probably had story lines queued up for her for her transfer year - 5th year - but what with being m.i.a. myself, those didn't play out, so I am basically saying that her fifth year at school, her first at HNZ was monumentally nondescript, she kept to herself because she was mad at her uncle for bringing her from her home and to a strange school - away from everything and everyone she knew. There she had a life, she was popular and was on her way to being headgirl - here ... she's a nobody.

She managed to get herself a part-time job at the owl emporium (which by the way is having a naming competition for three adorable owlets - so get yourselves over there :woot: ) and she loves it. Animals are her thing anyway, so she'll be a big CoMC nut - though if she keeps her non-existent friend circle as it is, she might very well end up being a cat lady nut too xD

So please help a girl out and offer up a bit of friendship, she needs it badly. Some gryffindors that can say they chatted to her last year on and off, she wouldn't have been very open last year so she will be making up for that this time around. Other 6th years would be good too, she is easy enough to get to know once someone puts the effort in :r

frenemies ... maybe one, she's not the kind to have them really
friends ... yes please
romance ... would not be adverse to it
last ... see what happens ^_^
Hi Linda! Welcome back~

It's been ages since we've plotted so I'm going to chuck a bunch at you, let me know what your thoughts are. :)

Wyatt and Reisha: Same year, same house. I suspect they would've seen each other around last year maybe said all of two words to each other but perhaps this year they meet officially and my thought is that maybe they chat during Halloween and have fun and Wyatt flirts with her because she's cute and so they maybe end up going to the YB together if you don't have plans for that but ultimately find that they don't have much in common aside from their house and have a blunt conversation like eh this was fun and if you want to make out that's fine but that is all it would be? (Teenage hormones and all.)

Zara and Reisha: I don't entirely know how they'd get on but I want to get Zara out of her very small circle more so we could throw them together and see what happens?

Tesla and Reisha: Tess would just be really friendly to Reisha and if Tess got the sense that she was lonely or had few friends she'd jump at the opportunity to be welcoming and warm because even though Tess has few she has ones that she considers very close and just wants everybody to feel welcomed. She, however, is not one for ballet or yoga and stuff because it makes her feel awkward and uncomfortable. Tess can be a big nerd so that would be something that Reisha would have to deal with but maybe she could be someone she goes to for advice and stuff? I don't know, I've been up all night so this is pointless drivel I just want to use Tesla more.
I can only offer Rhianne for Reisha as I don't have any students around her age, Cassi is not in Hogwarts. Since both of them are Emporium employees and Rhi is a Gryffindor before, they can both bond together. Rhi was an only child so she sees Reisha as a sister.
Thank you hun :hug:
Love the Wyatt and Reisha plot - am definitely good to go with that. =))
None of it is pointless drivel - honestly ;)
I like all the ideas, I've just had the longest day of Christmas shopping and my arms are dangling from my arms, so it's actually hurting to type :doh:
but I am great with getting Reisha together with all three - see what happens with Zara and Tesla for sure :D

@Arle - Hi!!
She would really look up to Rhianne like the big sister she never had and of course Rhianne would by proxy get to know her uncle Leon :D which we never got around to doing ;)
Reisha Messier said:
@Arle - Hi!!
She would really look up to Rhianne like the big sister she never had and of course Rhianne would by proxy get to know her uncle Leon :D which we never got around to doing ;)
True!! :p

I also forgot to introduce Danielle to you. She is my recently graduated Huff. So Reisha should know her. Now, she is a Keeper for Harpies. She can be Reisha friend, both outside Hogwarts and through owl posts!
Hey Linda!

I have a Gryffindor that she could befriend. He is Chacen Zhefarovich, someone who is basically just a very pretty boy. He just returned to HNZ to finish out his education, so he wouldn't now Reisha. He's a friendly boy, though can have a bit of a sassy attitude to him. His younger brother was sorted into Slytherin, and he's a little confused on that for now.
I also have a Ravenclaw Prefect, Elysia Styx, who is cold up friend, but not adverse to making friends with others. She's going through feels, which she doesn't seem to understand very much. Also, keeping the fact she's dating her twin brother's best friend a secret. If anything, she could use a female to talk to from time to time.

That's all I have right now. ^_^
@ Arle - that sounds like a total plan.
She'd love to have a correspondence outside of the school besides my own made up ones =))

@Kaitlyn - yes and yes =))
because we really don't have rp's and we need them :p
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