Life's that good?

Sally Kuang

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sally [main]
Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Mermaid Scale
It was one cold evening when Sally was all alone. She grab a wand of her's and coat then start leaving her abandoned bedroom. It was so quiet that you could hear her breathing. Sally start going to random direction trying not to feel bored. She hated this feeling, she hated being the only one that couldn't speak French well. She could understand but she couldn't speak that's it and beside that, she misses her brother so bad. Zac was the only one who could understand her, and she is wishing to be at Durmstrang with him but that's impossible. Hogwarts could be nice too huh? She think about transferring there but there are too many rude students there.
Sally sat on the ground opening her locket, there goes a picture of her mom, correction... Her dead mom. She misses her sometimes but not too much. If she know the psycho that killed her, she would definitely give him the killing curse.
The place was so quiet, she couldn't even hear a foot step. Tho, she wishes someone would come over her. Being lonely is something that she absolutely hate.
Leonardo was discovering the school grounds on one cool evening. He had his jacket clutch in his right hand and didn't mind the slight breeze that was softly caressing his form. He was use to this weather it wasn't much of a difference when he live just close by, home wasn't faraway like many that live here. He was greatful for attending Beauxbatons Academy, but he still didn't mind being home. Where his mama and grandpapa lived. He was use to the smell of mix ingredients being fill in the air, but the air right now was refreshing and relaxing him. Leonardo headed for the steps of the school entrance when he saw a girl sitting down on the ground. She look a little down or was he mistaken by her expression. He sauntered near her, his jacket swinging from his hand. "Ahllo Madam" he spoke his Italian accent making its way within his words. Leonardo look down Abe realize she seem a little young and innocent. Very pretty but he was just looking for civil conversation.

Realizing that Sally's not the only one there, she quickly shut her locket and stand up. She then tidy her uniform and smile at the boy.
"Hello" Sally said friendlily. She wasn't in a good mood, she's a little bit sentimental at that time. She then force her self to smile at the boy.
"Uhh Sorry... I'm Sally... Sally Kuang"
Sally said awkwardly. She was quiet stiff at that time, the introduction was quiet akward for her.
"Why am I being like this?" Sally mumble hoping that no one could hear her mumbling. She then wipe her fake smile and start smiling like usual and look up to the boy.
"Let's just do it again" She chuckle a little.
"Hey there! I'm Sally! Sally Kuang" Sally was kinda embarrassed since the first introduction was a little bit wierd I mean... Was really wierd. She then start breathing Beauxbaton's fresh air and her heart beat start to settle down. Sally could never change her mood that quick especially when she misses her family. It takes her hours to cheer up but she's trying her hard not to look sad.
Leonardo was confused by girl introduction. One minute she was down the next, its like she force herself or made herself brighter to appear happy. "Hello Sally..." he said with a calm composer, his eyes warm either way, not to make it seem like she was weird. "I am Leonardo...Leonardo De La Cruz..." he slide out his hand to shake her hand. It was very formal of him to act this way. Be very calm and gentle like his mother taught him to be. Yet at times he was very outgoing and love to be where the mood is bright. That was the type of atmosphere Leonardo was use to all his life, even without his father around he never let that bring him down. His father was hardly ever mention in the household anyways, so it didn't matter.

The boy introduced him self as Leonardo De La Cruz. Oh Great another French... Sally thought. But she had to admit it the boy's polite and didn't underestimate her for being a foreigner there well at least not yet. Sally then shook his hand gently and let it go.
"You're originally from French?"
Sally smile at him. Meeting new people had always make her happy. And Sally is the type of girl that would ask tons of questions, sometimes the inappropriate one if she forgot. Sally then put her locket back in her pocket. Sally then saw a bench near her so she walk there and patted the seat so the boy would come. She then open her bag and open a thermos filled with Ocha or Japanese tea that her step mother made. She poured it on a glass and offer the boy.
"Do you want to try? This is Japanese tea, Ocha. And I have to say it taste different than English tea"
Sally chuckle a little.
"No I'm not"Leonardo reply back. Leonardo may have sounded a little french but he was no frenchmen. He was proud of his Italian blood more than his Latin blood he had to admit. "I am Italian and Latin" he told Sally. When she offer Leonardo some tea he thought about it and refuse her offer. "No thank you madam, I am not a tea drinker" he said to her but thank her anways. Leonardo relax howveer onto the bench an dlet his kackert slide up on his torso. " So are you Japenese than? You are not from this country I asuume alread.." he stated with this being a fact nothing else.
Italian? Now that's new. Sally didn't get to meet Italian anywhere. Mostly this castle is filled with French.
"No... My step mother is half Japanese and half Korean. I'm half Korean and half Chinese" Sally said proudly. She love being mixed, she's proud being able to speak different kinds of asian language fluently. Sally took a sip of her tea and put it back on the bench. The breeze hit her face gently, Sally had love it when she could breath in the autumn aroma.
"So... How do you like it here? Or are you planning to transfer somewhere soon?" Sally asked the boy.
"So far I like it because I've been coming here for a long time now" Leonardo said with a wishful smile. He never met a girl who was foreign like Sally. For the most part Leonardo was associated with the Frenchies and a few other ones that actually come from United States. Sebastian was one of them, he hardly seem around though. Leonardo heard Sebastian was courting a girl around. Leonardo never met the girl that capture his friend's interest. The story was that the girl was something special. Leonardo hadn't court a girl yet from this school. In Italy, well not that was different. He found it best anyways, so whenever he went back home he would see his girlfriend or whoever he would be dating at the time. Now he wasn't dating anyone, Alexis had slipped away from him.

Sally had been in Beauxbatons for a year she had friends but she hated the school. Being the only foreigner wasn't something to be proud of, she was different than the others. The color of her skin, hair, eyes they were all different than the other girls. At least Durmstrang was more international, at least from what her brother had told her but Beauxbaton wasn't. "Sweet" She said simply. She then walk leaving the abandoned corridor and stopped then look back to the boy "Coming?" She asked while smiling and waited for him to walk with her. Sally had love accompany from other people especially from gentleman.

She eyed him as she started dancing ballet around the corridor gracefully. It had been an odd habit of hers, to dance whenever she could. Remembering that she had someone with her, she stopped as she walk towards the boy
"Sorry" She muttered. "I tend to do that, I love ballet" She smiled as she fiddle on her bracelet that her father gave her. "Tell me about your self" She ran in front of Leaornado as she walk backward so that she could face him.

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