Life As We Knew It

Onix Hensel

Active Member
OOC First Name
OOCOut of Character:
ID #: 7331965
This is also part of Jaken's death thead and etc...

Onix had little sleep last night, but instead spent most of his night go through the old Hensel Manor. Top to bottom to see what sort of things still remained in the house that had been left behind or forgotten. He found many things that once belonged to him or his children and almost felt a pang in his heart at how much had changed over time. How life as he knew it was gone and would never be the same way again. He could never be sure what really led him to lose his mind like he did, what forced him to have his entire family killed off, and why he backed out at the last minute and had some of them kept alive. Maybe it was just his fear of the muggle borns that were always terrorizing him, maybe he actually started to believe their words about all wizards and witches being sins against nature. He wasn't sure what led him here. But all he remembered was that one day he awoke and found himself in the presence of James Harlow and found the man able of convincing him to kill his family, although the muggle born may have assumed him and Onix to be friends and partners. Onix only thought of him as a nuisance. He may believe the man and did what was asked of him but they didn't mean that he thought of him as a friend. Now it was time to get rid of the final few that never really should have been kept alive. They were kept for something else but since that reason was destroyed Onix didn't really have much of reason to keep them alive now. Hades had schedule a meeting between Nicolette, Onix's youngest child and him. Nicolas and all their children would be saved until later.

He was in the exact same place that Hades had told him to come to. It was actually filled with beautiful scenery, and the sun was so visible it almost appeared as if one could reach out and grab it. It was just nearing the evening hours but the sun was still highly visible, Onix wondered if his daughter and the pale-skinned male intended to keep him bored all day or not. In his hand was a pocket watched that had had found after going through the house. It once belonged to his father but was his now, maybe if things had been different he would have passed it down to Nicolas. A sigh left the man as he placed the pocket watched back into one of his pockets and continued to wait for the presence of Nicolette and Hades. He intended to murder both of them eventually so why bother to be nervous for their arrival?
Hades has intentionally not left out any details to Nicolette about this meeting, and he did not know that Kalif somehow gotten a hold of the information that Hades had kept and found out about it all. Yet, Hades was not stopped. Instead, dressed in his trenchcoat, he led Nicolette to the spot where he could see Onix Hensel waiting. This fight was born to happen, and he was using Nicolette as a pawn of his revenge for right now at least. Hades had a the queen here with him, and he was getting the king in a moment to seal the deal. He had to somehow make himself seem like a regular wizard, but surprisingly enough, using magic to change one's appearance was almost an easy task for someone in the wizarding world. Yet, Hades would not need anything special for today. He had enough evidence on him to have Onix put away. Hades glanced over at Nicolette, and he knew that she would kill Onix, eventually. She had the power and all, but yet to unlock the evil potential that Hades could just feel. Hades announced their arrival in a cold tone, "My promise is kept." He turned his attention to Nicolette and he murmured, "This is your battle. I'll be back." Hades turned and he apparated off. He knew that Nicolette could hold her own, until he got back with the king in this game of wizarding chess.
Nicolette followed after Hades tentatively. Apparently he told her that he was taking her to her father and that he was behind the death of Jaken and everything that had been going on lately. For some reason she didn't find the strength to tell him that her father was kill long ago so it couldn't have possibly been him. She had seen him be murdered herself so she knew for a fact that him and everyone else but her brother and a select other few were all dead. But she was going to humor Hades anyways and see if she could help avenge Jaken's death by showing this person what happened when you messed with her family. She wasn't sure how much she could help or exactly what she was supposed to do but supposedly this guy was her father and since he was dead it may have been just someone that was related to her that was going around causing all of this trouble. Neither Nicolette or Hades knew that Kalif had somehow figured out what they were doing or otherwise she probably wouldn't have wanted to help Hades out, so she wouldn't risk possibly upsetting her husband. Just recently she had given birth to twin girls and she wasn't completely sure that her strength was completely returned to her. She would probably lose if she were in a fight very quickly and she couldn't afford to be hurt or killed so soon. Kalif had already lost a son so losing anyone else would probably be bad for him. When they arrived somewhere Nicolette let her golden eyes lock onto Hades, sparking like a gem under the light as she did so. Was this where the guy was supposed to be meeting them?

Before she could register anything else she heard Hades mutter something about a promise and then that this was her battle and he'd be back. A soft gasp escaped her lips as he then apparated away. She was alone on the cliff with some psycho?! "HADES LUTROV! DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE ME ALONE HERE!" Nicolette shouted after him as she walked closer to the edge of the cliff, her white dress flitting around her like a sheet on a clothes hanger in the wind. When she heard the sound of what she figured was something laughing she turned around and let her eyes lock onto someone she didn't dare dream she would ever come into contact with.
Onix was surprised that Hades had left Nicolette alone like he did. Did he not notice or care that Onix was planning on ending her life just like he had done to poor young Jaken. Perhaps that had been the young mans intention all along. To get rid of those that Onix was searching for so he could save himself in the end. The elder man didn't dwell on it long before he stepped forward and greeted his young child with a darkening chuckle. It was about time that he saw what she was capable of and if she had any of his or Aurelie's genes in her. Nicolette had always appeared to be the strongest out of the bunch but was that still true. "You've been alone your entire life, I don't see how now would be any different Nicolette." Onix told his daughter as he continued to advanced towards the blonde. He easily noticed and was amazed by how much she had grown up since he had last seen her. Which was probably when she was about eight years old. No longer was she this short snot-nosed brat that went around the house causing mayhem wherever she went. Onix actually thought that she looked very much like her mother, but she definitely had his eyes. Those golden eyes that easily gave away any Hensel. Nicolette actually looked like a very lovely woman, Onix would have guessed that she never would take such good care of herself after the abuse she suffered a child. Onix half expected her to be a mental wreck locked away, but this was just as acceptable. Easy to deal with her when he could. The little snot had even give him grandchildren to deal with. Was he happy for her, that she was married and had kids? He could care less actually he would have liked to have the chance to meet her husband before all of this. Perhaps Onix would deal with him later when he had to go track his grandkids down.

"Hades made it seem like you'd be easy to track down and catch. Guess not. Oh Nicolette, you look as if you'd seen a ghost or something." Onix decided against pulling his wand out at first but in the end he guessed it was the only way he was going to get anything done. He had a brilliant plan to shake his daughter up though. He knew her weakness after all this time and wanted to use it against her. If he didn't he probably wouldn't have an easy time going after her. He was getting up there in his age and that meant he wasn't as physically strong as he used to be. Bringing out a blade instead he let the sun gleam off of it as he grinned and stepped closer and closer towards her. Her golden hair also gleamed in the sunlight, it was a pity that such a pretty girl had to be wasted so soon. He figured that Nicolette owed a lot to her mother for the looks. "You have been very these past few years my dear daughter. But thats about to all end. Hades was not lying when he told you those things. I'm the Mastermind behind it all and none of you ever knew the truth." Onix waited before the attack to see her reaction. Her shock her horror. to see that evil that was once so alive in her eyes return. She looked too soft right now and Onix knew it was nothing more than an act. Nicolette was never the 'good' kid of the family. There was much more hatred inside her then she allowed the world to see and Onix knew it. Was there any way to make her drop her guard though?
Nicolette blinked and took step away from her father she summoned her wand to her hand and held it at her side, she was so confused that she didn't know whether to actually attack or not. What was really going on here and why the hell was Onix Hensel, her father and to her belief a dead man, standing right there before her in the flesh?! "H-how is this even possible? I saw you get killed! you freaking psycho!" Nicolette snarled back at him. Funny thing was that the longer she stared at him the more angry she actually got about this entire thing. Do Hades wasn't just kidding around and this man was really the one who murdered her step-son? Or was this really all a bad dream and soon she would be woken up by her two twin boys crawling all over her demanding attention and food? She hoped it was the second one, Nicolette didn't want to here. She didn't want this to be true, and she didn't want to be alone. "You killed Jaken didn't you? WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" It was hitting her like a ton of bricks. She was angry at him for everything. He explained to her that he was part of the whole family massacre but for some reason she was even angrier that he had taken Jaken's life more than anything. Probably because he was part of her new family and she didn't want them involved in any of this, she cared too much about them. Or maybe it had something to do with the fact that destroyed such a young life and just when Nicolette and Jaken were starting to become closer. He had hurt Kalif, he had hurt Nicolette, and he had destroyed her past and left her to suffer for way too long. And she had enough of this! Usually she was more calm about things like this but his words and his presence made her forget about it. Forget about ever being happy, sweet, or forgiving. Just angry. Like she was in her youth and before she forced herself to forget all of the bloodshed and hatred spread.

"Expulso!" There was no other words exchanged or anything before that spell was shot at him like a speeding bullet, and with her being more skilled than most thought she was she expected damage. Right now she didn't care if he actually blew up or got harmed in the process. She wanted him dead and she was angry enough to do it in any method she could manage. What did he want for her? Was he going to try and kill her next, what about her husband and her children? Her golden eyes met with his as the spell flew towards him, she hoped it would hit him and end this quickly.
Onix chuckled again when he heard his daughter become quite upset and start to yell at him a little. He could feel that rising anger inside her grow stronger and that pleased him, to let the beast out of it's cage. "You silly child, you saw them bring me up to be killed. You never actually saw me get killed." Onix pointed his daughters biggest flaw in her seeing his 'death'. He remembered specifically that she had been taken away before the actual death had occurred so she was missing a big part of the death. Others could have survived and she would have never known it. But alas since the whole thing was staged he was the only one who did end up surviving the entire ordeal. What exactly happened to her and Nicolas right after this he was unsure of but he figured that they went to the lab to be tested like little rats. He found it funny that they were even remotely mentally stable enough to function after the time spent there. "I was actually aiming to kill Hades. It was a simple mistake, but if it bothers you so much..maybe it was a mistake that I am thankful for having committed. The more family you lose the more miserable you become. And that pleases me." Onix told his daughter as he read her like a book. She loved this new family of hers and hurting it was hurting her, not in the way he wanted too but making her suffer was something he didn't mind. In a moment he was going to do more. He wanted her to remember who she was talking to. He blocked her spell narrowly while Apparating closer to her. His body appeared right behind her as he watched the spell hit a rock nearby and turned it into many pieces.

"Did you just try to blow me up? How tacky of you. Then again blood was never really your....strong point!" He whipped the blade out as she hissed the last part of his sentence and aimed it right for her side. He knew she hated blood and he knew that she may be able to dodge this but he was ready to take her out in any way possible. He would aim for the heart but since he was behind her his aim would probably fail him more then he would like it to. He felt the blade hit something and the smell of fresh blood fill the air, so he knew he had struck her somewhere as she struggled away from him.
Nicolette growled under her breath when she realized that he was indeed correct when he told her that she only remembered him going up to be killed, she never actually saw the actual execution. "But why bother to hide your death for more than fifty years?" Nicolette understand that her father had been faking but now she just wanted to know why anyone would bother to pretend they were dead for that long. Her brother had done it as well but that was out of fear for James and the others, but it was the similar story. She had seen them all get taken up to be killed but none of them actually were ever killed. It was frustrating that she had been so careless when it came to them. "Your disgusting. You'd be killed before you got close to any of them, regardless of whether I'm alive or not. They are stronger than you dad." She wasn't going to say anything by name but she knew very well that others like Asparuh, Kalif, Hades, and Axel could all certainly handle themselves a lot better than most could. Hell they even gave her a run for her money and she was no weakling. Nicolette may have once looked up to her father, but now she knew better than to ever doubt that family and how far they could go. Although she didn't think she would be actually killed, if she was she hoped they would avenge both her and Jaken. Her spell had missed him and she could only watch with narrowed eyes as he apparated off somewhere.

Nicolette clutched her wand closely to her and was prepared to Apparate herself, until she felt a puff of smoke from behind her. The blonde tried to quickly turn and grab a hold of the blade that her father was holding. But since he was quick about it it only ended up grazing the side of her hand, cutting it ever so slightly. She wasn't quick enough to grab a hold of it. Nicolette immediately struggled away and stared up at her hand. Blood started to pool around the cut that the sharpened blade had formed. "Thats what you think you bastard!" Nicolette pulled out her wand and cast out Sectumsempra at him once. And then to make sure that it wouldn't miss a second time she made sure to cast it again, a long with something to stun him. The dark spell worked and hit him directly on the shoulder, not exactly where she was aiming but it would do. With a sickened smile she made sure to cast it another time so this one hit his leg, his old age slowed him down. More blood seeped out of his wounds so it was now staining the green grass below them.

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