Tizi scoffed, dropping into his seat and drumming his fingers idly on the table. “Of course there’s something wrong with Hogwarts,” he said, rolling his eyes. If there was nothing wrong he wouldn’t have been there, and he was almost surprised she couldn’t hear the sarcasm in his tone. The last place he wanted to be was there, he’d left the school in his second or third year, he couldn’t really remember, because he’d hated it so much. “It’s a bloody mess, people run wild, the Headmaster doesn’t do anything to help the students, and last I heard, one kid dropped out because he was so badly bullied he couldn’t even face the school anymore” whether it was true or not, Tizi wasn’t sure, all he knew was that people had said a kid dropped out, the speculation of why was a bit beyond him. “But I’m dealing with it in my way,” he said, leaning back against his chair and looking around at the restaurant. It definitely wasn’t the kind of place he would normally be, but Misa did have good taste - sometimes.
“And I liked school just fine, I just didn’t like being told what to do by idiots who thought they were smarter than me,” he added, lips curling in distaste. As if the school was somehow better than the students it taught. Maybe some of the professors needed to learn that students were smart, they just had to learn the same things as the professors. And who was smarter, someone with general knowlegde on everything, or someone who had specialised knowledge in one thing? Of course he’d willingly walked back into all of this, back into the drama. He leaned on his hand, studying his sister. “But I’m here now, aren’t I? Doing my part. Playing responsible adult.” He was mocking himself mostly, or the situation. Hard to tell.
When she mentioned that Ai was worried, he rolled his eyes. “Worried about what? She’d just got a bee in her bonnet because I didn’t tell her,” his mother, unfortunately was a grade A clinger, and honestly their relationship hadn’t been the same since the truth came out. He loved her, always would, but she still lied to him his whole life. Then tried to do something incredibly stupid to rectify it. He wouldn’t ever forgive her for that. “If you’re asking if I came back for some noble reason, don’t. I’ve got my own reasons, and that’s all there is to it.” He had no reason to lay everything out for her, he never told anyone his whole plan. Not even Lille, honestly, though she tended to know more than most because he trusted her implicitly, unlike most members of his family. “But if it makes you feel better, let’s just say I’ve got unfinished business.”