letters between friends

Andromeda Fiorelli

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring; 10 1/2" 4wood mix - unicorn hair core
2nd July

Hey Zuka,

hope you're holiday is near as good as mine.
Well to begin with I met up with Carlisle yesterday and everything is of course hunky dorey but you will never believe what happened? He asked me to go to Marseilles with him can you believe that? Oh my goodness, I mean it will be just the two of us so am a little apprehensive because quite frankly we can't keep our hands off of each other. Nice and all but good grief, I sometimes think its only being in public that stops us from doing anything silly.

Anyway, working out my last few days before I head to Ireland. It will be alot of fun having the Gryffindors come along, shame you'll be away or you could have come too. But I understand your need to be with him for the summer. I just hope he's treating you alright and making sure you have a brilliant summer. Will write again soon, I know this is short but have so much to do before I leave. Take care...

Love you and missing you

Hey Z,

I know I'm not giving you much of a chance to write especially as my last letter was only four days ago. Any how had a great trip by floo powder to Ireland, settled in nicely. It was great to see the family after so long. I really missed them. They threw a huge party to welcome all the others who arrived only yesterday.
It was really funny my grand-aunts were all over Bruin like a rash and Cyndi and Kat were hooked up in no time with my cousins. I just enjoyed them having so much fun. Actually I seem to be counting down the days before I go to France. The day before I left I went into get my new quidditch kit and bumped into Carlisles sisters, they so hate me Zuka its unbelievable. One of them actually screamed in the store when I mentioned that I was going to France with him. He got into Gryffindor, our class and so did one of his sisters the other one Zadia who actually was nicer got into Slytherin. Go figure huh?

Well I hope this letter finds you well, hurry and write
tell me everything will you - well not everything, just about Paris I mean! lol

Dear Andy,

When I first read that you and Carlisle couldn't keep you hands off each other I started shaking my head then I remembered that I'm also exsactly the same way with Brian. Only we are a lot smarter than doing something silly with each other. That's great and suckish at the same time. I don't know where Marseilles is in France. Brian and I are in Paris. I think Brian is afraid that Mr. Paramore will rip him a new one if we do end up doing something stupid. All us girls where waiting outside the door of the livingroom for the virdict. Brian came out with a yes and a minor case of the shakes that I had to cure.

My room in Paris is awesome and bigger than the one I have at the Paramore house which is saying something because they have a big house. Being there almost makes me feel like I do have a family that I can call my own seeing as mine didn't want me. The summer's been ok. Just an insedent at the bridge we where crossing to get into the main city. Andy, I think I saw your step-dad there. It was really strange and I think I went into waking Seer mode which has never happened before.

Like always I didn't see anything that was useful but still it was scary. Hope to see you soon and wait until you see the pictures that we took. Can't wait for the new school year to start even though I have to work the counter at Ollivander's for the remainder of the summer. I don't mind it's just that it gets so busy in don't have energy for anything else after I get home. Missing you lots and tell the Gryffendors that I will be seeing them too! Oh and I can probobly give Brun a ointment for that rash if he gives me the chance to make it. Jokes. Lots of love,

10th July

Wow Zuka a letter!

was over the moon when I got it.
Missing Carlisle like crazy now but we are having so much fun here. Can you believe my dog is fine with me?
The other animals run amok when I'm near but Darcy is so sweet, the first day I came home it was as if he knew something was up but wasn't sure. He whined and growled a while and then came up to be patted. It was great really. Would love to be able to bring him to Hogwarts but dogs aren't seen as magical pets. Don't know why?!

Anyhow, that was wierd that you thought you saw the step-dad from hell. Then again my mom hasn't written back since and I'm not tempting fate by writing to her and asking if he is in Paris. What are the sights like?

And don't worry Carlisle and I won't do any stupid, I hope I'm not completely dense. I hope.

Glad you're having a great summer. Missing you lots though and can't wait to see you when we get back to school. Once we're done here it's back to The Gables for a day or so then on to France then once home from there, a day with Essie and then onto Canada with the Gryffindors again. All go go go. I will have two days breathing space before I head back to school. Exhausting to say the least.

First off, get stuffed Andy I'm writing as fast as Paris is letting me! Second I see real problems with you and Carlisle sharing the same living space in Hogwars. Then again there are few placed that are not spell protected. How I know... Well best not tell in a letter. Jokes again. How do you know that they are not allowed in Hogwarts. Bats are allowed for crying out loud. But best keep them away from the cat brood. I sear I'm starting to think that the Jinx is the ring leading for the lot of them.

I laughed really when I read that you called him the Step-Father from Hell. Arn't they all soppoed to be like that? Anyway Yeah if was really creepy. He looked like he lost whatever was left of his mind and tried to kill me! Luckly Brian and I had our wits about us and managed to stop stal just long enough for a strange lady to come and tie him up. She said something like. "After I'm done with your wife and son I'm going after your dog too." And that man does not seem like the type to have pets. I was really scared for a bit but I was so happy when I got your letter.

Brian was freaking out too but more about the fact that I was nearly killed. I do think that he's hiding the fact that he cares about you too but I'm not proding the subjet. Enough about that. The sights are wonderful though I can't for the life of me remember half the paintings because we ended up kissing under half of them. Can you believe that Brian's parents had a new case and I haven't seen them since we got here? Anyway temptation is there but I know that we are both smart enough not to let things go too far. Does Bruin still have that rash? Jokes! Anyway I'm heading home in a few days. Then it's off the take care of the first year rush.

You seem to be having a much more exciting summer than I am. Seeing lots more places. You'll be able to rest this year. Don't plan too much for next summer because we have O.W.L's in at fifth year. I'm already looking up spells that are going to be on it. I so want to do well. Anyway I hope your feeling well when this letter gets to you. Lots of love,

Needless to say Bones,
your letter made me laugh in part anyway. I really don't think dogs are allowed have you ever seen one? I haven't - I think they would drive all the cats mental. Regarding my step-father, I am worried now. They refer to me as their dog... I wonder who the lady was? Think I better write to my mother after all, not really for her sake but for Luthors.

You were nearly killed? Zuka please be careful, thank goodness Brian was there. I can't talk about .... let's just leave it shall we.
I think Carlisle and I will be fine really. We aren't completely clueless so I don't think we'll do anything drastic and I think it could be quite fun actually having him in Gryffindor. Someone to snuggle up to late in the evenings in the common room. Oh, sounding better by the minute. hahaha

Well considering the summer I had last year - recuperating after Durmstrang can you blame me for going all out this year. Actually the only reason I've been able to travel so much is because uncle Patrick got me an international travel permit for the summer. They are hard enough to get but as I haven't been in trouble in my werewolf form or travelled anywhere before, I was granted one. It could be pretty quiet next year...

Anyhow this is our last day here, we'll all be using the floo network to head home again. They seemed to have fun anyhow.
What rash did Bruin have?

love you sis

My god I was afraid this was going to happen Andy.

Sorry for worrying you. Brian and I are both fine and I will see you when we get back. I guess but something has got to keep theis felines in line. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid. Anyway it's good that your writing to your mother. See if she write back. I don't anything to happen to you Andy. That would make my whole world crumble around me.

We're back now the vacation being cut short by work... Again! I never want to get to the point where work is more important to me than the world around me. Carlisle and you curling in the Gryffendor Common Room. Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to not give a girlish squeal when I read that. I really think that I am spending too much time in the paramore household. Even if I spend like eight hours at home at the most a week.

You have a point. Still we have to get ready for that big test. I heard that people do compleatly bonkers before the day. I will have to make up sevral batches of Peace and maybe some Luck for us to survive it. Do you think it will be allowed to brew Luck for a test like the O.W.Ls? Oup listen to me. It's vacation and I'm talking about a test that another year away. Anyway I was talking about how you said your grand-aunts where all over him like one. It was just funny.

Ah Floo I use that to get to and from Ollivander's every day. I'm thinking of charging the Ministry Frequen Traviler Miles. Jokes. Hope to find you well when ever we see each other again.

Love always your sister,

We arrived yesterday in Marseilles, it is the most beautiful picturesque port town I have ever been to. Their home is only beautiful, so unbelievably eccentric. I could actually picture Carlisle growing up there. We are behaving very responcibly I'll have you know though its actually very hard when we know the other is only in the room next door. I'm sure I could hear it toss and turn almost as much as I did but I stayed in my room and even locked the door and hid the key so I wouldn't be tempted to move an inch. I felt as if a fever were consuming me, I know we had a full moon the night before we came to France and the moons phase will remain with me for another day at least but good grief the primal urge I had last night to just go to him was incredible. But be proud of me - I fought it.

I sat in bed reciting my transfiguration lines about animate to inanimate, when I ran out of those I progressed to reciting every spell I have ever learnt until I got so tired all I could do was fall asleep. Dreading tonight...

Am thinking already of what I can drain my mind with so that I keep myself away from him. Daylight is fine, I think I'll ask him to walk just about everywhere everyday so that we become so exhausted that I just fall into bed in the evenings.

You're a Ravenclaw - and you're Zuka you wouldn't be you unless you mentioned exams at least 20 times a year. Joking sis! hahaha
I wrote to her but haven't heard anything back yet.
Oh, I knew I had knews for you... remember my beloved broom how it got smashed the end of last year well I was so convinced I'd have to use a school broom this year but Uncle Patrick went and bought me a Scarlet Streak and got a wolf head engraved on the cuff. It looks brilliant.
I asked him about the 'bit of luck' day of exams and he said it works the same as a cheat, the test is so heavily charmed that it will know who has drank potion to excel on the day and who hasn't that it will literally wipe the exam sheet clean so that person cannot see it. Apparently him tried once. Not surprised in the slightest.

Hope you're enjoying work...
will write soon, can't wait to see you


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