Closed Letters Between Friends

Rosie Archer

kind; new mama
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (18)
Rosie had just finished off her letter. She had spent a good amount of time on it and she was ready to send it. She felt very giddy about sending it, just knowing she'd be getting a response soon enough and be able to find out how he was doing. She was sure he was doing fine but she needed to know. She missed him. Rosie called over the family owl, tied the letter to it's leg and then sent it on its way.


Hello! It's Rosie! I hope you had a good start to your semester at the other Hogwarts. Did you get resorted? I always wonder if they just pick your old house or let you go through the sorting process again. I bet you're still a Gryffindor!

Hogwarts here is just the same! The semester has just started, the new first class seem very small, but I guess that's just what happens when you grow older. The gardens are looking okay, we can start doing stuff with the soil and getting it ready for the spring.

I miss you. Tell me all about the other hogwarts! Is it at all like ours?

With love,
Xinyi had been settling in at his new school, trying to adjust to being in a dorm without his brother. It was harder than he'd thought, and he'd already expected it to be rough, but he was trying to be strong. His dormmates were nice enough, he supposed, but he missed having his brother in the bed next to his. He sighed, dropping onto the edge of his bed and running a hand through his hair. He was alone at the moment, but that was okay. It was what he'd wanted, wasn't it?

He was startled by the owl coming in, and for a moment thought it was his brother writing to him. But that was silly, wasn't it? He shook his head, accepting the owl. He gave it a treat, almost in trade for the letter, and settled down to read the letter. He couldn't help the smile that crossed his face. Rosie. He pulled out his notebook, quick to write back.


Thank you for writing. I'm sorry I hadn't sent anything yet; I'm just getting settled in here. It's odd not having my brother in the room with me, or in my classes. I didn't get sorted again, I'm still in Gryffindor. The dorms are fairly similar, the color scheme is the same. My roommates are alright, but we generally just leave each other to our own devices.

I miss you, too. How are Soren and Aurora? I'm sure they're keeping you company. The school here is pretty similar, I keep expecting to see you out in the gardens. I sketched out the gardens here for you; I thought you would like to see it yourself. It took me a few days, but I filled a small sketchbook for you.

I'm focusing more on my art this year. I keep thinking its silly, or too soft, but I love it. I'm trying to be more true to myself; it was part of why I transferred. I hope you like the sketches. I'll take care of the gardens here for my stay; I feel like it would be what you would do. Write back soon, okay? It's good to hear from you.

Rosie had had a number of nice conversations, a number of weird conversations but the thing she had noted most was the conversation with Xinyi's brother, her conceptions of him had been shattered and replaced was perhaps a sadness, that perhaps Xinyi just hadn't noticed anything about it. Or had misunderstood. She got Xinyi's first letter and opened it excitedly. She tore through the letters, absorbing what he had to say and immediately penning something in return.


It is so good to hear from you! I'm glad you've managed to settle in, and that it's still gryffindor. You should get to know these roommates, I'm sure they're very interesting people. I know if I went being without Aurora would feel very weird, but we're not taking all the same classes this semester so I'll be a bit without her here.

Soren is also good, both he and Aurora are keeping me company. It must be nice to enjoy the summer right now, be able to spend time out in the gardens. The gardens here are in their sorry winter state. They look nice, but barren, you know? I'd love to see the sketches, can't wait to be able to see them.

Art isn't soft....or silly...why would you think that? Art is beautiful, and there's a whole club for it. I hope you manage to do your art in peace and let them know that if anyone makes fun of it, I'll get Aurora to beat them up.

Missing you
Xinyi was settling in okay, but honestly, it was... empty here. He was fairly certain he'd be returning to his original school after the year ended. He missed Rosie, of course, dearly, but he missed his brother even more. He hated it, mostly certain Jingyi wouldn't even notice his absence, and it had him feeling down. He just hoped this worked. That being away would... somehow make him better, make him worthy of being Jingyi's twin. Still, his mood brightened considerably when he got the letter from Rosie. He settled down in his bed, opening the parchment and scouring it, a warm smile on his face. He wrote back immediately, sending the letter back as soon as he could.


My roommates seem to be pretty heavily athletic. They aren't mean, but they've established their group and they don't really talk to me much. That's okay, though, I just sit around the dorm and focus on my art in my free time. I've actually been working on landscaping pieces, I'm sending them to you. It's just a lot of flowers, really, and trees. I just- I know you like them, and since I'm not there, I thought maybe you would like to have them. I'll send the sketches of the gardens too- I spent all week out there every moment I had, cataloguing it all for you.

Have I ever told you about life before school? Jingyi and I always went to school together. We were always in the same class- before now, we've never really been too far apart. Truth be told, school was... rough. I was shy, I've always been. I was also small, and I've always loved art. I was just... soft. And, well... kids are mean. I used to get bullied a lot, and Jingyi got into a lot of fights trying to protect me. Our parents think he's a trouble maker, and he's too stubborn to let me tell them the truth. It's my fault... It's always been my fault. I wasn't strong enough. I'm not- I'm not a good guy, and my brother has always been the one to pay for it.

Anyway, I should get going. It... it was really nice to hear from you. Please write to me again when you can?

Always, Xinyi
Rosie was so excited about the new letter from Xinyi and she tore into it, reading eagerly. She couldn't help but consider her conversation with Jingyi and how it framed what Xinyi was now saying to her. She wished – for not the first time since he'd left – that she could just have a proper conversation with him. The teen wrote her response to his letter and then sent it on.


I'm sure they'll start talking to you soon! Or maybe might be worthwhile trying to get involved in what they're doing? But I mean, if you're happy to just draw, then doing that too is as good. I've been busy, there was a three legged race at the school recently, it seemed really fun but Aurora was too busy to do it with me.

I....don't know why you think being soft is bad...Xinyi. Kids are mean, but there's nothing wrong with being soft. I spoke with Jingyi...sat with him over lunch...I think he just never wanted you to get hurt, he wanted you safe and protect. I don't think he minds being seen as a trouble maker if it means you were safe. You need to talk with him...more plainly and remember to listen too. I know he misses you and is worried that you and him might not fix things..

I was 'soft' in school too, Aurora was always standing up for me, but it doesn't matter. If people had been picking on her I would've done the same for her. I might be 'soft' and 'weak' but I'd fight for her if she was being hurt.

I miss you lots Xinyi.

Xinyi always looked forward to his letters from Rosie. When he got the latest one, he settled into the window seat of his empty dorm, scanning over the letter eagerly. His eyes widened at the words, and he covered his mouth, shocked. He read on, though he struggled to see as his eyes began to swim with tears. He was moved by the letter, and he was quick to respond and send a letter back, despite the occasional teardrop staining the page.


I'm alright, I'm happy just hanging out in the dorms on my own. The race sounds cool, did you at least get to compete? If not, maybe we could meet up over the break and have our own? It might just be you and me, but I'm sure if we asked Aurora and Soren would come, too.

That's the thing, Ro... I've tried talking to Jingyi. For years. I didn't start thinking being soft was bad because of dumb kids at school. I've hated myself for years, tried so hard to change, to be... someone that's not me. Do you know what its like to have your twin look at you with pure contempt? He's seen me cry, I've apologized, I've tried to be better... but it's never enough. He's always hated my drawings. I've tried to make it up to him, taken notes for him in class, put aside my drawings, tried to act tougher. I even took martial arts classes for a while. I just... nothing seems to help. It... kind of hurts, sometimes, seeing how close you are to Aurora and knowing that Jingyi just feels a thousand miles away from me, no matter how close he is...

I miss you too, Rosie... so much.

Rosie was admittedly a little nervous by the letter she had sent, it just, it didn't sit right with her to not like, say anything. Every thought she had had about Xinyi's brother had not turned out as she had expected. The girl read his response and gave a little sigh, it was obvious that there had been quite a break down, and despite everything that Xinyi had done, it perhaps just hadn't worked out in the way he had wanted it to. Rosie took her quill and began writing it down.


I didn't compete, but I watched, it was really funny. Aurora was busy with quidditch so she didn't have the time, but it was fine. I liked watching.

Xinyi, with Jingyi, I think it's difficult...There are years of things happening to discuss and figure out. While you were trying to do all these things, he too was probably trying to figure out his own feelings and deal with everything going on with him. What I would say, is that he certainly doesn't hate you. I don't believe he holds any contempt for you, if he did, he doesn't any more. I think he hates more what both you and he were put through.

I know you've done all these things for him....but did need you to? Aurora and I have always been close, because despite my softness, when things go wrong I always try and speak with her first. I know that we have different reactions to situations, like I'll cry if I stand on a bug and Aurora won't. Aurora will study and take notes and I won't. I can't speak for either of you, but going back to square one, no martial arts, no trying to be better, just you being yourself and him being himself, and that might..I dunno let you see each other as yourselves for the first time..

Use the time away, let him use this time you are away and when you come back...hopefully things can be better.

I miss you, so much. I don't know what I'm going to do for the ball this year...dancing with Aurora won't be the same without you also being there.

With love,

Xinyi was cherishing every letter that he got from Rosie... even if they were emotionally devastating the last few letters. He supposed he shouldn't be surprised that the emotional vulnerability was all coming out while he was away- it was part of why he had left, wasn't it? He settled into the windowsill, opening Rosie's letter and reading it over. He smiled softly, running his fingers over the words, before pulling out his own parchment to send back a reply.

I appreciate you listening to me, and your advice. I really miss you too. Can we meet over the break? I'll bring some snacks and some music and we can dance, just us. Or we could go to the park... there's actually an aquarium I wanted to go to, would you like to go with me? They have tours and a whole reef they built for the fish, we could go look around? I've heard it's really pretty. We're halfway there, right? Just a little more than a semester left... I'll be back next year, I promise.

Always, Xinyi
Rosie was so excited by the letter that arrived for her from Xinyi. She knew that the last few letters had been difficult and it made her miss him more. She read over it fondly and felt herself nodding to the letter.


I would love to meet up, I'd love to see you. We could do both...I haven't got too much else to do.

We are half way, and the yuleball is soon, and soon the year will be over and you'll be back. It'll be so good to just spend time together normally and just...I think the flowers miss you too.

With love

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