Closed Let's See Where This Leads

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Joshua Lynch

'63 grad 🎓 | kiwi 🥝 | sports crazy ⚽️
OOC First Name
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Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
18 (02/2045)
This was his final year at Hogwarts, and he knew he had to make his final year count. He didn't even know where or what he was going to do once he left Hogwarts, but nevertheless, he wanted to make his final year the best he could, which meant that he at least had to attend the events the school hosted. So here he was, at the Yule Ball, standing with his best friend, Senna, as they stood by the snack tables, eyeing the dance floor, contemplating if he should ask Senna to dance with him on the dance floor. Ever since the Valentine's dance, Josh has been confused about his own feelings. He looked at the ice skating area for a second. "On a scale from one through ten, how high are the chances of me face-planting on that ice?" Josh asked Senna with a small chuckle, as he continued to look at the ice. He was definitely going to avoid that area of ice.
Senna knew there were things she should perhaps be enjoying more during her final year at Hogwarts but the reality was that she was more than ready to get out of there. No matter how fun things had been. That didn't mean she wasn going to sit out any of the school dances though. Especially not when she had Josh to go with. Even if the idea of attending the dance with him after last year's valentine's dance made her a little nervous. It had put things in perspective. Had made her realize that perhaps she liked him a little more than just as her best friend. A feeling that was both exciting and scary at the same time, mostly because she wasn't sure whether he shared those feelings. "I'd say about.. nine." She grinned at Josh's question, glancing over at the ice rink before moving her gaze towards the dancefloor. "I reckon your odds of not faceplanting are way better over there." Sen added as she casually nodded towards the dancefloor.
Josh laughed at her response. "That sounds about right" Josh says with a chuckle and nodding his head in agreement. She always seemed to be right about his actions one way or another and he guessed that's what he liked about her. It was like she knew him inside and out. The Gryffindor boy gazed towards the dance floor, where she had been looking at. "You reckon so? Your faith in me not faceplanting on the dance floor seems oddly generous" Josh says with a chuckle. He wasn't the best at dancing, but if dancing was something Senna wanted to do, then he was happy to dance with her. "You wanna dance?" Josh then asked Senna softly with a small smile, as he too nodded his head towards the dancefloor. His cheeks with a tint of pink appeared on his cheeks.
"Obviously." Senna jokingly responded while throwing some hair back over her shoulder in mock arrogance. She was far from always being right, Josh knew that more than anyone, and she didn't know much about a lot of things but she did know him. Which meant she knew he could be clumsy and faceplanting wouldn't have been out of the question if they did dare to enter the ice rink. Dancing sounded like a much safer option. They had danced before and it had gone well so she was willing to take the odd risk of either of them stepping on the other's toes over the idea of falling on the ice and probably stumbling over each other in the process. "What can I say? I'm honest, but fair." Sen smiled before confidently grabbing his hand when he asked her to dance so they could start moving towards the dancefloor, ignoring how her heart jumped at her own action. "Very much so."
Josh laughed and nodded at what she had been saying. "That's true," Josh said with a nod. The dance floor sounded like a better idea of an activity to do than the ice rink. If he was honest, it looked like it was an accident waiting to happen at any moment. He was happy to dance anyway, even though he was an absolutely terrible dancer. Josh was grateful that she had agreed to dance with him though, or it would've been very awkward for him if she had declined that offer, but he was grateful. Josh's eyes went wide quickly at the sudden contact of her grabbing his hand, but relaxed immediately, the red tint still lingering on his cheeks. Josh liked that upbeat music was playing at the moment, with everyone being lively. "Good to hear! Let's get going then!" Josh said happily, as started to lead her onto the dancefloor, as he then started to dance to the beat of the music.
Even with how much she knew about Josh, Senna had perhaps forgotten how badly a dancer he actually was. She couldn't be bothered by it though, finding it more amusing than anything. Somehow he could always manage to make her laugh. "You know your dance skills never cease to amaze me." She laughed jokingly when Josh started dancing, still keeping a hold of his hand so she could twirl underneath it just for fun. "But I'm glad you're still willing to share them with me." Sen added light-heartedly.
Josh laughed along with Senna about his dancing skills. He knew he wasn't the greatest dancer, and right now practically proved that. But he didn't mind looking ridiculous, especially if it was in front of his best friend. "My dance moves are quite impressive I reckon" Josh joked along, as he continued to dance terribly a little more, as he still kept a hold of her hand too. "Honestly, you're the only one I'd share these amazing dance moves with," Josh says softly with a chuckle. And honestly, that was the truth. He'd be embarrassed if it was with anyone else. Josh then raised their holding hands together, so she could spin underneath them. "You know you look pretty tonight, right?" Josh said then softly, his heart skipping a beat as he said that. Well, she didn't look pretty just tonight, but all the time. But he didn't regret saying that though, even if she didn't feel the same exact way for him like Josh felt for Senna, it was in fact a true statement.
Sen happily spun around underneath Josh's arm again when he raised their hands, trying her best to keep control over her feet so she didn't stumble. A flowier dress would've likely made it easier but she'd be lying if she said it wasn't fun nonetheless. She looked at him with a smile when he suddenly called her pretty. It was a simple compliment, something she had heard him say before, but hearing him say it now that she had come to terms with her own feelings made it hit differently. "Thanks." Sen smiled, a little to distracted to throw in some kind of joke about how she obviously knew and was glad he noticed too. Something she would've normally thrown out without a second thought. Instead she did something different, tugging his hand so he'd be closer to her and making the impulse decision to press her lips to his.

Josh was pleased that she didn't seem to run away at the compliment he gave her. He was relieved. She was smiling at the compliment, though, usually she'd give a joke without a second thought, which sorta worried him, as that's what he usually got. But the next thing she had done had surprised him the most. At the sudden tug on his hand, his heart skipped a beat, unsure of what was happening and the next thing he knew he felt her lips against his. At first, Josh was in shock, unsure of what to do for a second, before he decided to lean into the kiss.
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