Let's just say, I took a day

Sloane Halliwell

Owner of L.U.M.O.S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Rigid Birch Wand with Fwooper Feather Core

So I've been pretty absent for a number of weeks, mostly since January and even before that if I'm honest. I'm trying to find a good work/life balance that I like. Given my job, I'm out of the house for roughly twelve hours a day, so that means that I dont have a lot of time to rp. I'm thinking this is going to be something that I do on weekends and because I sometimes have other things to do on the weekends, it'll mean I won't be around a lot. Being an adult is hard lmao.

Anyway, what I wanted to say is this; I'm not around alot and I know I havent been very good with contacting anyone about anything ever, not even including recently, but I am striving to fix that. With the help of some friendos who like to remind me they still exist every once and a while, you know who you are, I'm hoping I can get back here at least a once or twice a week. I am looking forward to getting back into rping again after my sporadic here and not here moments.

Don't hate me guys, I love you.

Aww, Teigs. Come back whenever you can. Anyways, you can poke me anytime on Facebook and even Skype now. :wub:

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