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Enrique Martinez

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Silver Fir Wood, with the essence of a Unicorn tail hair .

Professor Enrique Martinez


Here I've got Professor Enrique Martinez, one of the newcomers to HNZ's faculty. He's the new Charm's Professor and serves as the educator for years 1 - 4 -- so, before too long -- he should be a familiar face around the school itself.
Thing is, he needs some people to mingle with! While he has a few people to thread with here and there, he's very eager to make some new friends, or any other relationship for that matter as well. He doesn't exactly like to call people he's not too fond of his enemies, but he is open to individuals that bring.... lets sat, conflict into his life as well!

While he may be older, Enrique's open to threading up with students as well. Whether it's just a passing-by introduction or a more in-depth thread where you may need a Professor for whatever reason, or simply need some IC out-of-class help with class; just hit me up by PM or in here and we can see what we can work out! :D

In regards to his current relationship standing in terms of romance; he is single. For any of those adventurous folks who were curious.... Haha. With that being said, he's not overly certain if he wants to be in a relationship, but if anyone wants to give it a shot, I'm willing to try playing it out. It could be a world of fun! :)
Conflict huh? Well, it depends the kind of conflict you are looking for really... :r I mean, we already have a thread going between him and Abby. If you want too, we can always bring some stuff into that :r I know shes married, but my sister (who plays Abby's husband) wants some sort of catalyst to make Jasper appreciate Abby more. Haha, let me know, it doesn't have to be anything major. Just innocent flirting and stuff would do the trick :r

Hey Chibs!

So I have been looking to get my very own professor out and about, since he is far too much of a hermit for my liking. This is his biography, his name is Speed Stark. There is a large age gap between them, but Speed does not usually have trouble conversing with all forms of people, if he's in the mood for talking.
So yeah, tell me what you think. ^_^
Hey guys! Thanks for the quick replies!

Abby & Enrique: I can see these two becoming really good friends, and I mean, this whole conflict thing that your sisters looking for might actually become a very, very natural thing that comes about. Enrique, but nature is kindhearted and as a result of becoming fond of someone, he's inevitably going to be a little flirtatious; it's just in his nature. For him and might be simply paying compliments to Abby, but the hubby may take another look at it entirely and see it as him moving in on her or something like that. No less, that misunderstanding could even lead to a little confrontation between both of the guys, where Enrique can set things straight and drive home that idea that hubby-Jinxx needs to start being more overt with his love for Abby then the way he is now. Maybe a little "She's a keeper, and while I might not be wanting to push for anything between us, someone else might. Make sure she knows you're still as in love with her as they day you first met" or something along those lines?
Let me know what you think! :)

Speed & Enrique: Funny that this age gap actually works perfectly, and these two could even have a history! haha
I've said in Enrique's history that he taught as a Professor-In-Training & took the Charms position as a temp/substitute professor while the Charms professor there was away sick for a few months. The period that would have happened, Speed would have most likely been attending Hogwarts Scotland - and so - Enrique's probably taught him! Maybe we can develop a mentor/pupil kind of bond here? A decent friendship at the very least!
Let me know your thoughts! :D
I LIKE IT! That was exactly what I was thinking. Maybe at some point in one of the many holidays she can invite him to dinner, you know just as a friend, Abby would of course see the compliments for what they are, so she's not that worried, but she wouldn't be able to help but imagine what life would be like if Japser was that open and said those things to her. So yeah and the Japser can be upset because of said happenings. Yeah, I like this :D
Oh really? :lol: That is a cool thing. Speed has always been a good student and kept good relations with his professors. I think it'd be really funny for them to run into each other and Speed be like: Professor!? :o
I would certainly be entertaining to say the least. So I actually quite like the idea. When would you like this started? ^_^
Hey guys! Thanks for the quick replies!

Abby & Enrique: Wooo! Well it will most certainly be a world of fun to play out, especially when the end result of Jasper coming out of his shell a bit more for Abby! :D
I like the idea of him coming around for dinner during one of the holiday periods, expecting nothing more than good company and a homely meal - but finds something a little more confronting! haha. It'll be full of little chuckles I think this whole event! ;)

Speed & Enrique: Yes indeedy! Oh it'll be great! Haha.
"Professor!?!?" The exchanges there, oh deary. I think they'll both be as shocked as the other to see each other in the posts in New Zealand; but perhaps more so Speed, after having last seen Enrique in Scotland!
I'm willing to have this start up whenever you feel's a good time!
If you'd like to get it started now, I'm more than up for that as well. :)
If you would like to start it, I would be very grateful! Speed is usually found outdoors, since he is an outdoorsy person, and it's always difficult running around the castle as a rabbit. :p
So we can do a serious of Rps for this. Then when we feel that their relationship is appropriately fluffy, she can invite him to dinner :D
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