Closed Let's Get To It

Leah Thorne

7th year 🧨 headstrong 🧨 bossy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 12 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
08/2046 (17)
Leah had been excited to get back to school for a lot of reasons. But most of all she missed her friends, especially Chase. Neither of them were very good at keeping in touch over the holiday but she kind of liked it that way. It just meant they had a lot to catch up on when they reunited. She had been telling him a story about her cousins while he practiced his aim when a bludger finally hit her. She let out a pained rush of air and clenched her side. "Ow." she winced. "I think I should try hitting you now. Beaters need to know how to dodge too." she said with a grin. Leah loved quidditch and was excited to see if Hufflepuff would win the cup again. She knew she should be cheering for her own house, especially with Dahlia on the team now.
Chase was pretty sure he wasn't a great friend, he wouldn't know how. And yet Leah seemed perfectly fine with being his friend just like that. Even better was that she had agreed to help him practice, although he wondered whether that was more for her than for him. He swung his bat at a bludger and grimaced when it made impact with his friend. "Right." He nodded. "You know you could just be honest and say you want to hit me." Chase added in a slightly joking tone. She did have a point though, even if he liked hitting bludgers best he wouldn't become a better player if he didn't get better at dodging them himself as well. "But yeah, sure. Give it a go."
Leah laughed and rolled her eyes. "I don't think I'd need to get that creative to make that happen if I really wanted to." she said smugly. She didn't actually want to hit him but a break from being the target sounded nice. And this way she could pretend for a little while that she wasn't horrible at actually playing quidditch. She was cursed to be better at theory than being in the air. She grabbed Chase's bat since she didn't want to go all the way to the ground and grinned as she smacked the bludger but it went wide and missed. This was harder than it seemed. "So how have you been?" she asked conversationally. "What's the Hufflepuff common room like? I don't think you've ever told me." she wondered out loud.
Chase raised his eyebrows in slight amusement at Leah's response, putting one hand up in the air in mock surrender. He'd put up two, but he wasn't keen on losing his balance and falling off his broom. He turned around to get a bit further away from Leah when she took his bat, glad she hadn't managed to hit that first bludger his way yet. At such a close distance that certainly would've hurt. "Fine. Nothing special. You?" Chase responded with a shrug, dodging a bludger that was headed their way and curiously watching to see if Leah would be able to hit it back towards him. "I reckon it's very much like what you would expect it to look like." He said. "Cosy, warm. Lots of plants. Probably way less chaotic than the Gryffindor common room."
Leah saw another blduger and flew after it. This time she failed even harder as she swung the bat as missed completely. She let out a frustrated sigh. “You make this look easy.” she complained as she paid Chase a compliment. She never liked to admit when she couldn't do something but the truth was plain to see. Leah gave Chase a skeptical look when he answered her with a only a few words. She wasn't sure what she expected but he didn't surprise her with that. “I've been good Glad to be here. My parents are still being the worst over the holidays. I got a cat though.” she said brightly at the end. “I'll have to bring her to the lounge so you can meet her.” Now it was time for Leah to dodge again as a bludger came at her fast and she was too slow with the bat so she was forced to duck. She shook off the surprise and kept the bat firmly in her hand. “That makes sense since Professor Carter is your head of house.” she said like she almost got knocked off her broom.
Chase couldn't help a little grin when Leah missed hitting a bludger. Not so much because she missed the ball but more because of what she said next. "That's because I'm a natural." He joked rather than just take the compliment. At least he thought there was a compliment in there somewhere. He just wasn't good with those. "That sucks." Chase replied, flying around yet trying his best to stay in Leah's near vicinity so they could still talk. Not too close for her to slam a bludger right into his face if she wanted to though. "Cat's cool. What kind?" He added, quite impressed with how quick she was to duck after being too slow to hit the bludger away from her. It would also do well to note he had about zero knowledges about whatever types of cats existed. It just seemed like the right thing to say. "It kind of does. So what about Gryffindor's, huh? What's that like?"

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