Let the parade begin

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Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
Hey all.
I feel like I have not had many proper plots or rp's for a while so I think now is the time to fix that. So I am going to put everyone I have out so without further ado let the prade begin. In no particular order. dim the lights please and lets get started.
First of all let me introduce you to professor elvera le fey. Elvera is a 24 year old raven haired beauty with special skills in divination. In fact she is a seer. She enjoys teaching, and in her spare time likes spending time with her family, helping people who need help or reading old scrolls trying to find a way to undo the "curse" that legend says has been on her family for centuries. What she is looking for is friends. Acquaintances, she is pretty closed to love but if you have a guy who wants to try and unsuccessfully date her I am open for ideas.

Next we have Briar rowan-Cullen and her baby little willow Cullen. This flaming 21 year old has not really been up to much since graduating and although her reckless tendencies have calmed down since she has given birth she is still more than up for an adventure. She enjoys quidditch supporting the thunderclaps thunderers and makutu macaws (who she used to play for) her free time is spent with dederick and willow as well as being an activist in werewolf rights. What she is looking for is friends, enemies, work mates, I am pretty open for anything for her. The more adventurous the better. However she doesn't need anyone to take her for long romantic walks in the moonlight (she may eat them if they tried)
Third, Tara sitara. An Indian beauty who graduated school last year. She is working full time in a muggle cafe as a waitress but she is really aspiring for her own Makutu Dinette which she has perchased and co-owns.. She is a really sweet girl would do anything for her family and friends. At the moment she is living in near poverty as she is sending most if her income (other than her rent and $50 a week food) home to support her family. She loves cooking though everything she makes is strictly vegetarian and in her free time she likes spending time in the park and beautiful places as well as painting and drawing. What she is looking for is friends, acquaintances, maybe a flat mate, and if anyone want to Tara is also looking for love.

Next in line is morgan le fey living proof that things get better with age. She is a happy person and although things have not always been sunshine and rises in the past now she has made a name for herself as the woman who owns the seer shop and will be more likely to talk you through your problems over tea and muffins when you visit than try and sell you something, she also has gained a name for herself for taking in any child who needs a home and family and although the family she offers isnt conventional it is cirtainly happy. What she is looking for is friends, people to help, children to take in, and although she isn't really looking for love if you have a suggestion I will consider it.

Behind her we have the care free charming alyce brown this wild child can usually be found in a bar or club both serving and drinking. She has a life is for living outlook and cirtainly lives it up. What she is looking for generally involves a good time, flings (make or female) people to party with, or if someone is keen to a girlfriend though this may require a bit of work as alyce isn't one to want to settle down.

Next kicking up her hooves we have aspen, a 19-20 (I can't quite remember) year old centaur with a love of all thins human. Outcast from her own family for this very trait she followed her sister to New Zealand where she now lives in the school forest as an outcast her dream is to one day be able to visit the castle and learn what the students do in there, but in the mean time she is happy where she is declining her sisters efforts to move with her to Australia as she loves interacting with students. What she is looking for is students to befriend, professors or staff to befriend, other centaurs to be friend (outcasts) or shun her (the local herd) and anything else really (note her threads are limited to the forest)

next and towering nine feet over the rest of them is Chayton Ateara he really is a gentle giant, you may need to ask him to stop mumbling sometimes as he is shy and a bit self conscious . he has a keen eye for mechanics something he is doing an apprenticeship in he also loves muggle tv shows ad movies and spending his time un the garage. He is happy in love but friends and bullies (picking on him for his size) are more than welcome
in the shadow behind is Leigh west. this girl loves a good coffee and currently works as a barista full time in gloria jeans though she would rather work in a more private cafe and not a chain store Makutu Dinette which she co-owns. She is logical and down to earth. in her free time she enjoys reading, and trips to historical sites or the library. romance is starting to go good for her but friends are more than welcome.
next in line is Rhiannon McGowan. don't underestimate her when you see her disorientation this girl has a mind a sharp as a needle and a determination to match, although still a first year she knows exactly what she wants to do when she leaves school. Follow her parents footsteps and be a doctor. when not in class she is likely to be found in the library doing homework or reading a book somewhere. her favourite class is transfiguration and favourite genre is fantasy or mystery. I think she is a little too young for love but if you are up for it a crush could work out (i have something planned for a few years time in the meantime though i am open for ideas). friends, if anyone feels like being a bully rhi can be a target.

almost last but by no means least we have Myuna kickett. a slytherin sixth year. she puts the Sly into slytherin. recently she has gotten her revenge on a group of seventh years after one of them almost got her expelled the previous year. she isn't the tallest or the best looking of girls, and still trying to find where she fits caught in two balances, (half muggle, half witch, half Aboriginal half white) so she has a lot to prove, get on her wrong side and make her mad and she is going to retaliate either there and then or wait for the right time to plot her revenge. she is a chaser on the slytherin team and captain of the muggle sports club. but don't let that fool you she doesn't give two tosses about school work and her attitude reflects that. she is looking forward until the day she graduates and she can become a professional surfer. friends, enemies and short term relationships would be great for her (she already has a future in the line)
finally we have Praneil Patil has fun loving days are over now he is married with a one and a half year old daughter. owner of dervish and bangs he was never quite the son his dad wanted him to be. even now he isn't in the correct business (the family business is apothecary supplies trading) he is open mainly for friends, and acquaintances to be honest.

And lust appearing ut of no where a little way behind the rest. My newest account only made today. Lowan kickett. He is myunas younger brother and is due to start hnz this year, probably a slytherin or gryffindor. Personality wise he is very much like his sister but is a little more sure on who he is as he hasn't been influenced by his gran as much he is slightly more shilled out than una but preview him and he will react. He is after pretty much anything, I have no plans for him so anything welcome.

okay and that's the lot of them I think (its a good job I don't have as many accounts as some people *cough*Kaitlyn*cough*Teigan*cough*tenile*cough or we will be here all night) let me know what you think. any other suggestions i will be happy to listen to and consider.
Bex and Elvera could be fun. Also Shiloh and Tara, seeing as Shiloh and Grace have opened a cafe in London, Tara would be welcome to join them.
Hey Teigs.
you replied before i even brought everyone out. :p I only saw the reply with Stephanie this morning so i will reply tonight some time.
I like the idea of Bex and Elvera.
maybe Tara and grace could wait until i figure out what tara will be doing with herself. I don't think she will be up for a move to london as she is already living away from home and she knows new zealand, however as far as i can remember she has only visited london once before. and i don't think that she will want to move again (at least for a while)
hehe, yeah, sorry about that. If you want I can start a rp for Bex and Elvera in her office or something, or they could go walking, coz Bex would talk to her lots xD
there is no need to apologise. (eventually it is done, with pictures and everything).
that sounds like a good idea. it is up to you where you start it. both sound like good plans, i think maybe if i had to choose a walk would be better (i think elvera spend too much time in her office. but if you think office is better then office is great.
Ill probably go with the walk.
Hey Mia, it is fun to RP with you..
I have a Ravenclaw first year, very smart, but she is a bit lost in the world since the only thing she knows is books.

She is very nice, maybe too nice and loves everything. She is good at Potions and Herbology! :'-)

Tey Tamara.
you are great to RP with too. sorry for not replying to the courtyard one. I only just realised it too had a reply (I really need to get on top of checking RP's :tut:
she sounds like a perfect friend for Rhi. maybe they can bump into each other in the library or both go for the same book or something. do you want to start something or would you rather i do. (it may be some time over the weekend but i will let you know)
I can make it now if you want, but what do you prefer?!
Tamara. I really don't mind it's up to you

Teigs. That sounds great.
any other offers?
When were done with Brick, we should totally rp the twins :D they're just too cute!
Brick will never be finished :r
but when we finish this current thread it would be great to rp the twins. I can't actually ever remember rping them together, or maybe you did when Anna had Leigh.
Yeah I know but I haven't been able to reply to the rp, ugh writers block.
That's okay. Take your time. Just let me know if and when you want to start something else.
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