Closed Let The Hate Flow Through You

Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
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Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
15 (26/07/2046)
Dahlia's eyes were red, her lungs burning with each deep breath she took. She felt out of shape, another casualty of Hogwarts. It was bad enough there was no sport, no drama - soon enough there'd be no family or friends. She felt awful, her stomach twisting into knots. Gregory was nice and he went through so much. She couldn't do anything to stop it, and noe she'd probably just made it worse. She'd have to apologize eventually, but she couldn't righr now. Eventually, she'd stumbled out to the lawn...and gave a groan of frustration as she looked at the Quidditch pitch. Looking away, she sat down, moving to lie on the ground and stare up at the sky. "This sucks," she muttered, clenching her fists. She was twelve and everything was terrible.
Terror Zhefarovich knew that Gryffindor would be trying out today, but he didn't bother with it because he was with Slytherin so why bother? He was walking along the Great Lawns when he saw someone laying down. Were they dead? Surely not. Terror shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants in his school uniform as he made his way over to the girl to recognize her as Dahlia. He poked his head into her vision as he leaned over with his back, with a coy smirk on his face. "You look like you are having a very bad day, Dahlia." Terror made sure to use her name to let her know that he knew her name. She made that impression on him since she tried to protect Gregory from him. As if he was after him. No, the weak were just that. Not worth his time. "What's eating you?"
Dahlia felt a dull ache in her abdomen, which didn't help her mood in the slightest. She just wanted her mum, but she couldn't admit that out loud if she didn't want to look like a baby. Her tantrum was absolutely not helping matters. But her disconnect from everyone else just made her angry. She needed to try harder, she knew, but it was weird. She'd never had to try so much before. It had all just been the right people in the right circles. And speaking of right circles...she blinked a few times as she looked up at Terror. It was a name that was hard to forget, even amongst wizard names. Which were usually pretty weird as it was. "Oh, hello, Terror," she replied, dully. She forced herself to sit up, not quite having the motivation to stand. "Everything is terrible," she said, with a straight face. "Or I guess I'm terrible. I didn't make the Quidditch team and I yelled at Gregory." There wasn't any point in making up a story. She had a feeling he probably had some secret spy network around the school or something. Cassius was a dumb brute, but Terror seemed a lot smarter. He was quite interesting, to say the least.
Terror noticed how dull her voice was, and cocked his head to the side. He leaned back and folded his arms across his chest as she sat up. She did not stand up though. She said that everything was terrible, but changed it to her. The reasonings made him raise his eyebrows. No Quidditch team and she yelled at that Hufflepuff. "That’s it?" Terror tried to make it seem like he was not ridiculing her, but that was hard to do. Girls could be moody, but reacting like this over those things seemed to be a bit of a stretch. Almost Cassius level."I did not make the Quidditch team either, Dahlia, but who cares? We have the misfortune of being second years, and in the most popular houses. Just try out next year." He unfolded his arms so that he could put one hand on his hip. "What did Gregory do to be yelled at? For all you know, he might have deserved it. I don’t see you pulling a Cassius and losing your temper over something trivial." Terror knew that if he worded it that way, maybe she could see that she wasn’t totally in the wrong.

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