Closed Let Me Scare You

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Jordan Harris

Musician- Energetic- Friendly- Cuddly
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
20 (12/7/2041)
Jordie was thrilled with Halloween. He loved it! And while he might not be able to spend it with Onyx, he was determined to enjoy it. He'd stayed up all night putting together his costume, and he was pleased with how well it had turned out. He came into the feast, looking to scare someone. Which is why he was pleased to immediately spot someone to scare. He snuck up behind the boy, waiting just a moment before jumping in front of Branson and yelling.
Branson had come to the halloween celebrations with Lily last year, but this year he had no such plans, this wasn’t a bad thing he didn’t mind being able to go the events without someone with him but mostly he could admit he did sorta miss her company. He had dressed up again. Though his costume was no more inventive than last year. He wasn’t a mad scientist, he’d come as harry potter, gotten some round glasses, drawn a scar on his forehead, get a grffyndor tie and that was all he needed to do. It was a bit of an easy costume, but he didn’t really care. He was just looking to have fun at this and not think about his costume. He walked into the hall and stood towards the dance floor deciding what he would do next. He gave a startled shout in fear as someone in a horrid costume jumped out at him.
Jordie giggled as Branson yelled, pulling off his mask and ruffling his hair. "Got you!" He singsonged. "Isn't this costume great? I was up all night making it," he laughed, tucking the mask under his arm. "It is super hot though, do you want to get something to drink?" He asked, smiling brightly.
As Branson recovered from his fright, and the scarer removed his mask he realised who it was. "hey Jordan," he greeted out of breath and feeling still a bit on edge, "That is a real scary costume," he said, agreeing that it was great but it was also pretty scary. He was pretty surprised that Jordie had been up all night making it but clearly the hard work had paid off because it looked real good. "Sure, you owe me a drink anyway after scaring me like that," he joked lightly since they couldn't really owe anyone drinks at an event like this but he felt like the point still stood.
Jordie winced as the boy called him by his full name. "It's Jordie, Bran," he laughed lightly, ruffling his hair. "Thanks," he shifted the mask from one arm to the other. He started for the drinks, chuckling softly. He looked over Bran. "Harry Potter, right? That's a great costume," he complimented, smiling brightly.
Branson just gave a sheepish expression when Jordie corrected him, "You startled me so much I forgot," he smiled at him in manner where it was clear that he hoped that he would be forgiven for the mishap. He gave a little nod as he followed him to the drinks, "A rather easy one too, but Halloween just springs up on you," he joked with a little smile.
Jordie laughed lightly, knocking Bran's arm lightly with his own. "I'll forgive you, this time," he winked playfully. He let out a dramatic sigh, dropping his head back. "Merlin, I knowww, I was so occupied asking my date to the yule ball I totally forgot to get ready for Halloween," He sighed, shaking his head. "I fell asleep in like three classes, I felt so bad after," he laughed lightly.
Branson was a little surprised that Jordie already had a date for the Yuleball. "Who are you going to the ball with?" he hadn't even considered what to do about the next dance, just focusing on his books and his studies. He would blame those things and not that he just wasn't that well prepared for things. "Oh dear, I'm sure professors will help you catch up if you need it," Branson told him, he would offer his assistance but they weren't in the same house he was sure they therefore had different classes.
Jordie smiled brightly at the question. "Eoin," He replied with a shy smile. "I asked him as my date, " he laughed nervously. "He's just- he's cute and he tells me I'm not stupid even when I'm struggling with school." He smiled warmly. He shook his head. "I don't like bugging the professors."
Branson know Eoin, they shared a dorm, he thought it was a bit wild that Jordie was already interested in people, he knew he'd be interested eventually but he still felt a little young. But perhaps Jordie and Eoin were just there already. He frowned too as Jordie said he didn't like bugging the professors, "That is what they're there for," Bran replied but he did somewhat get it. He'd bug his dad and find a book before going to a professor but he'd never gotten so stuck that those things didn't help him. "If you get stuck you can also ask me, I usually just look for answers in the library,"
Jordie shrugged. He couldn't help but worry that the Professors would get fed up with him in no time at all. He couldn't help but smile as Bran offered his help. "Aw, really? Thank you," He smiled at the other boy, running a hand through his hair. "That's really sweet of you," He set his head down as they reached the drinks, grabbing one for each of them and offering the other one out to Bran.
Branson shrugged, he didn't think there was much to it. It was just the nice and friendly thing to do. After all, he knew that it was easier to look up answers outwith asking a professor. He lightly sipped at his drink "Plus, my dad works in the library so he helps me find books I need pretty easier," he added to almost dampen or bring down any good he'd done.
Jordie sipped his drink, laughing lightly. "Aw, don't sell yourself short Bran. It's still super nice of you." He smiled, though his brow raised when Bran said his dad was the librarian. "Your dad is the librarian? That's cool, " he smiled.
Branson nodded at the question, "Yeah he is, I'm sure other kids wouldn't like having their dad around but I like it," he admitted with a little shrug, he knew other kids had family around but it certainly helped him feel a lot less lonely when he could go speak to his dad, and keep up to date on the things going on with his family. "What does your dad do?"
Jordie nodded. He understood it; he would love to have family at the school. Well... Jasper was here, but they had never been very close. He perked up when Bran asked about his dad. "Well, one is a photographer for a muggle magazine and the other is a librarian. " He smiled playfully. Technically neither uncle James or Uncle Colin were his dad's, but he saw them that way anyway.
Branson gave a little smile as Jordie said one of his dad's was a librarian. "For real? Where is he a librarian?" Branson knew other librarians existed but he had also never given them too much thought, so it was surprising that they had this in common. He thought at least Jordie would never judge him or his family for the work his dad did.
Jordie blinked at the question, thinking it over. "You know, I have no idea," he scratched the back of his head. "I just know he works at a library somewhere. I'll have to ask him." He laughed lightly, grinning at Bran. "It's kinda cool having a librarian for a dad, he always seems to know the best books," he grinned.
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