Let me in.

Hikari Hitachiin

Well-Known Member
Hikari was walking, minding her own business. She was just walking down the street like she always did when she heard some people behind her. There appeared to be several people around her, hiding. Well trying to anyway. Hikari was very in tune to what went on around her, more so now than a few years ago. Now that she could not trust anyone not even her twin sister. Things between them were nuclear. Hikari found a new place to live and was in the process of leaving Beauxbatons because they could not stand to be near each other, and Hikari was trying to avoid her and disappear off the face of the Earth.

Hikari continued walking, still keeping an eye on the people following her. Hikari was not used to being followed so she was slightly nervous, though she would never ever admit, she was too proud to say that muggles were making her nervous, they were muggles after all and were lucky that she liked them enough to allow them on the Earth. Let alone allow them to watch her without hurting them, they were lucky she was under age. When Hikari reached an empty part of town she started walking ever so faster, just slightly so they would not notice. Hikari heard someone say something, she had no idea what but she found herself running away, fast. They too were running after her. A few corners and a few near falls Hikari found herself at a familiar area. If she were right Noah lived somewhere around here. Hikari did not know the boy well, in fact she only knew his first name but right now she needed somewhere to go, before she was forced to use magic on the muggles. Something that would get her into trouble with the ministry. Hikari did not like rules, but she would never go out of her way to break them, especially such important rules as the ones the ministry made. “Noah? Noah open this door right now!” She said banging on what she hoped was his door. “Right this second please!” She continued, nearly bashing the door down. “Noah!” She called, worry in her voice. The muggles had weapons it seemed and they were circling.
OOCOut of Character:
Poor Hikari :r I guess she kinda deserves it :p
It had been 2 days since Noah had time to sleep. He was tired, too tired to do anything and he was currently not home. He walk all alone on the street with his wand in his pocket, no he wasn't going to use it but he could use it to scare other witches or wizards. The street was quiet and pretty much empty, and he couldn't spot any of his pals on the street, they were wizards as well. But he did associate with muggles too. And he had finally found out about one of his pals being a death eater, which was dangerous for the rest of the group since he could attack whenever he wanted.

The place where Noah lived was located not too far from where he was standing. He kicked the door with his feet, ignoring the death glares that were given by the security and went into the lift and pressed the button to the 10th floor. As soon as it took him there, the door opened and he went out of it, and grab his key and opened his door. He clean him self real quick and threw himself to the sofa instead of the bed, it was still noon but he was very tired. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice, it seemed that she was in trouble. He walk to the door and opened the door finding the Japanese wizard that he met. He pulled her in and quickly closed the door and locked it. "What are you doing?" He asked not looking at her and walk to the window trying to see if the rival were downstair trying to get her or was it her being awkward.
Hikari was just about to kick the door down when she was pulled in. This had happened for the second time, by the same person, in the same building. This time though Hikari was expecting it and welcomed it. “Coming in.” Hikari told Noah, catching her breathe, the muggles chasing her were still outside the apartment block. But they seemed to be slowly going away. “I was being followed, then chased, this was the closes place I knew.” Hikari told Noah. Hikari knew that this could be considered an awkward situation if not all facts were known. “And as you should know, I cannot use magic to attack them so running was the only option.” Hikari added, sitting down on the sofa, resting her legs. Hikari was not used to running around, she usually just walked or used her broom if she was feeling lazy that day. “What have you been doing since my last visit Noah?” She asked looking at Noah.
Noah began to be paranoid as soon as he heard Hikari saying that muggles were chasing him. "WHY DID YOU EVEN LEAD THEM HERE?? Dear Merlin!! Are you out of your mind!!!??" He said half yelling as he opened the window, seeing the rivals. He walk away from the window, at least they didn't know which room was his. He closed the curtains and sat on the sofa and looked at Hikari sharply, without an emotion. No, he wasn't going to tell her what was inside his mind through his face or attitude, and he was good on covering it. "I've been busy, and what are you doing here?" He asked suspiciously.
OOCOut of Character:
’"WHY DID YOU EVEN LEAD THEM HERE?? Dear Merlin!! Are you out of your mind!!!??" He said half yelling’ Yeah, that is half yelling alright :tut:

Hikari became angry. “Do you want me to go out there and give them your number? How about the key to your apartment, how would you like that?” She asked, half yelling herself. How dare he go off at her like that, she only ran into his house and demanded that he hide her. “How dare you go off at me like that!” She added putting her hands on her hips. “What is the matter with you?” She continued.
Hikari cleared her head. “Is that the reason you have been so crabby?” She asked Noah staring at him in the eyes. “I came here because it was the closest place I knew to go.” She explained. She was still quite angry.
Noah didn't care if Hikari gave the number to the rival, first of all, he could always move anywhere he wanted, and Paris wasn't where he really live, he lived in Wellington. And secondly, he could always kill her right after she got out of the apartment. Or his friend who could always come to his apartment and cast the killing curse to her, then the problem would be solved. "Please do if you can miss, but remember, you'll regret it. And so will your family" He said coldly to her. "Apologize to me for entering my place with an unaccepted manner" He said, he was as stubborn as her, and he could be worse.
Hikari glared daggers at Noah, how rude he was being, how annoying he was acting, how muggle he was sounding. “I Hikari Hitachiin call you, Noah William Starr an annoying butt-head!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. People on the bottom floor would have been able to hear her. Hikari glared daggers at Noah again. “You apologize for how rude you are being to me.” She said sternly, she was far stubborn than him, Hikari also slapped him for his rudeness on the cheek, it would probably leave a huge bruise in a few days time.
OOCOut of Character:
Dont ask me how she knows his full name :r I think she googled it xD
Dear Merlin the girl talk too much! Couldn't she be more quiet?? Or at least not insult Noah, after all it was her who came there and disturb him not the other way around. Right before the hand touch him, he grabbed it and held it tighter and pushed his fingers to her skin, he knew that it would hurt her, he wouldn't make the girl bleed tho, he didn't want to clean up the mess. "You were the one who came here. So, think with your brain instead of your butt, you shall be able to figure out that you started it" He said as he said flatly and looked at her sharply in the eye showing no emotion.
Hikari did not flinch at the pain from her hand, she was too proud for that. This boy was so nice when she first met him and know he was being so annoying it made her pure blood boil. “I am sorry I came here, but that does not mean you can start screaming at me when I first walk in just because I lead a bunch of random muggles to your home, why does it matter anyway” She said, she was not really asking a question. Hikari then pushed him away and gained control of her sore hand.
Noah was pleased that he heard the word `sorry` from the girl's mouth. His grip was loosen, if he held her tight, she would her herself more when she pushed him away from her. He walk away from her and took a tiny black box and brought it to the sofa. He took a cream and walk toward Hikari and grab her hand forcefully and put the cream on her sore hand. "Sorry" He muttered, not looking at her and continue rubbing the cream on her hand.
Hikari laughed slightly, Noah seemed to have cream everywhere. “Tell me Noah.” Hikari said as he rubbed the cream on her hand, it stung slightly but she did not show it. Her pride was too big to show such silly things as pain. “Do you have cream everywhere you go? Or is it a luxury only I have when I injure myself around you?” She asked on a humorous note. Hikari was not insulting him or being rude, for once. It was quite obvious that she was making a small joke to lighten the mood between the two.
Right after Noah finished, he put it back in the box and place it in the cabinet. He smiled as the girl started to lighten up his mood. "Well, why wouldn't I have bottles of cream when I'm at home?" He said and walk toward the kitchen of his. "Are you hungry?" He asked as he took out an apple out of his cabinet and took a bite and yawn. He was pretty tired, but having a guest over was a rare opportunity so he didn't mind.
Hikari laughed slightly. "And at Graveyards, and shops and probably everywhere else you go." She added at the end of his sentence. Hikari followed him to the kitchen, last time she was here she was eating the apple, sitting on his bench with a swore leg, she had lied to him that day because she thought he was a muggle. This time she took an apple also, sat on the bench but this time with a sore hand instead of a sore leg. "Are you tired, I can get murdered by the muggles if you want." She said, continuing to lighten the mood since Noah was doing a horrible job at it.

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