Closed Let’s Write a Story

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Augustus Westwick

Flourish & Blotts Asst. | Staring Eyes | Shy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 Inch Whippy Ebony Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
9/2038 (23)
Augustus was waiting for Addison, feeling glad they were going together. He knew she had been having a rough time and hoped he could help her have a good night, even if he probably wasn't anyone's idea of an ideal date. He had tried his best, thinking back to what he had seen other dates do in the past at events like this. He had picked a blue flower outside in the garden, and held it as he waited for Addison to arrive. He wasn't sure if she liked blue, but it had reminded him of her for some reason. Augustus waited near the entrance, glad for once for his height. It was pretty easy to look over most of the passing students. Hopefully that would mean he wouldn't miss Addison as she arrived.
Addy was oddly not nervous about tonight. She was still reeling from her mothers death, but Augustus had really turned out to be her rock. She took a little longer to get dressed, having to stop a moment to cry, thinking her mother would have loved the dress she was wearing. Eventually though, she pulled herself together and made her way down to the hall. She spotted Augustus easily as she came down the stairs. She smiled, walking up to her best friend with a shy smile. "Hi, Augustus." She tucked her hair behind her ear. "You look nice," she complimented him.
The first thing Augustus noticed about Addison was that she looked sad. It only made him more determined to make her happy tonight, at least a bit. He smiled back at her, meeting her gaze. He suddenly realized what the flower had reminded him of as he looked into her blue eyes. He paused for a moment, blinking. Then he abruptly held out the flower. "For you," was all he managed.
Addison was surprised when Augustus held up a flower. She couldn't help but smile, ignoring that familiar little flutter her heart did. "Oh, thank you," She murmured, taking the flower. She took a moment, tucking it into her hair behind her ear. She smiled up at him, feeling better now that Augustus was with her. "Shall we?" She asked, offering out her hand. She knew she had been more touchy with Augustus lately, but it made her feel better. She just hoped he didn't mind.
Augustus watched closely as Addison put the flower behind her ear, then remembered people didn't like it when he stared and he quickly looked away. She looked pretty, but he wasn't sure if he should say that. "No problem." He mumbled quietly. He saw Addison hold out her hand, and hesitated for a moment before taking it. He felt strangely nervous. "Yes." He said. "Let's, uh, go in." He said, starting to head into the Great Hall. He glanced at Addison again before looking away.
Addy relaxed as Augustus took her hand. She smiled, lacing her fingers through his and stepping closer to let some other kids by. She walked with him, looking up and smiling at him. "Augustus?" She asked, studying him. "Is something wrong?" She fussed gently, rubbing her thumb over his. He looked a bit uncomfortable.
Augustus flushed as he felt Addison lace her fingers through his. It felt strangely intimate, and his heart sped up. He swallowed when she asked him if something was wrong, quickly shaking his head. "No. Just... crowds, you know." He said, gesturing around vaguely. "I'll be okay." He said. He was glad when they headed into the Great Hall, as he immediately realized the whole hall looked different. He was happy for the distraction. "Oh." He said, blinking as a light floated past. "It's a summer theme now." He said. "It's different."
Addy wasn't sure she believed his explanation, but she let it slide. She stayed close as they walked into the hall. She felt her breath catch at the sight. "Oh, it's so pretty," she murmured, reaching up and watching her fingers pass through one of the lights. "Did you know that fireflies are soft bodied beetles?" She asked Augustus idly, trailing her fingers through the light again. "Their eggs glow too, and they'll eat other fireflies. They talk to each other through light," she spoke absentmindedly, caught up in the lights.
Augustus smiled slightly, looking at the fireflies for a moment. He wasn't sure if they were actual fireflies, but it was very beautiful to see. He saw the way Addison looked at the lights and the way they reflected in her hair. He blinked as she spoke. "I didn't." He admitted. "My cousin studies insects, but he tends to focus on magical ones." He says softly. "I wonder what sort of things they say to each other." He mumbled softly. Then he glanced at Addison uncertainly. "Is there something you want to do?"
Addison considered his statement, thinking of it. "I'm not sure. Maybe things like 'watch out! You'll fly right into me! I'm going that way! Look out, frogs ahead!'" She offered with a soft giggle, looking up to Augustus. She thought about his question, looking around. She hesitated, looking up to him. There was one thing.... she bit her lip, considering it. "I, um... the music is... really pretty... could we... maybe dance?" She asked, peeking up at him.
Augustus couldn't help laughing softly at the ideas Addison had about what fireflies might say to each other. He watched one float by his head. "I think they might just be lights." He said after a moment, feeling a little disappointed. He had figured Addison would want to grab something to eat or drink, so when she suggested dancing instead he frowned slightly. "I... am not very good at that." He finally said hesitantly.
Addy blushed as he spoke, looking away and letting her hair fall to cover her face. "O-oh, right, yeah..." She spoke softly, trying to hide her disappointment. She bit her lip, looking over to the snack table. "Maybe- maybe something to drink then?" She offered, taking a step that way and looking up to him, giving him a soft smile.
Augustus winced at Addison's reaction. Here he had been trying to make her feel better, and instead, he had made her feel bad. "No, I didn't say I didn't want to try." He said hesitantly. "I just... wanted to warn you that I may uh, need some help." He said, rubbing his neck. "But if you're okay with that... let's uh, try it." He said, taking a small step in the direction of the dance floor.
Addy hesitated, ignoring the little flutter her heart did. She stepped closer again, smiling gently. "I can show you, Augustus," she told him gently. She danced in the kitchen often with her father and brother. "But," she squeezed his hand gently in hers. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable. I want to dance, yes, but if you aren't comfortable dancing, we can get a drink, instead, I don't mind," she promised, giving him a warm smile.
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