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Leonardo Orr

lonely; serious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curly 11" Flexible Cypress Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
06/2043 (18)
Leonardo had certainly put less effort into the valentines dance than he had for the yuleball, but the primary reason for this was the fact it was just a dance and not a ball. He liked to think that the difference of wording meant that it was a little different, that the two celebrations could be treated differently. So at least he hadn’t had to try and find a date for this event, he could very much doubt that Gwen would be kind enough to spend another night with him, but he was looking out for her, just in case. But mostly, his impressions of this celebration was that it was styled for what was being celebrated and that a lot of people comparatively were more casual than the yuleball, but not by much. Leonardo felt reassured then by his choice. He was watching the people, standing a little off to the side with a drink in hand.
there was another dance and Niamh was thrilled. she loved dancing and this time as the event was actually called a dance she was sure that they would be dancing. She dressed in a dress that wasn't usually her style. a simple cut black dress. but it was the kind of dress that she thought that people went to dances in. she descended the stairs and reached the great hall. there were a lot of people here and it was less formal than the ball but people were still dressed nice. she entered the room and looked around hoping to see someone she knew. it didn't take too long for her to spot Leonardo. she went to the food table and go a drink and a couple of cupcakes before heading to where he was standing. "Hello Leonardo happy valentines" she said offering him one of the cupcakes.
Leonardo was watching the dancing when he noticed Sky, he'd spent some good amount of time with her over the last year and he could admit he liked her. She was a little odd, but he knew that probably everyone found him more odd. "Happy Valentines to you too Sky," he took the cup cake but didn't immediately start eating it. "What do you think of these celebrations?" he asked her. He was actually quite curious about her opinion on them.
Leo was odd. he was quiet, serious he always seemed o be deeply pondering some unknown part of the universe and he was way too formal but sky liked it about him. there was something about him that made her feel like a butterfly or a moth when she was near to him, even today when she was dressed entirely in black. "What's not to like about them. there is music, dancing, food and everyone seems to be having a fun time. it is very pink. but that is the theme and it has been well done well." she said. "are they more to your expectations than Halloween?" she asked back.
Leonardo considered what she said, it was quite pink but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing, he didn't dislike pink, but it wasn't a colour he'd pick for himself. "I didn't really have any expectations, I've never attended any valentines day event," he had also never been to a ball before the yuleball, but his grandfather had talked about them, and halloween at muggle school had been a fleeting thing, but his grandfather had always put importance on that day and the formalities around it. "It's nice......," the word nice was elongated as if as he said it Leo was convincing himself of it.
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