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Grause Hitchins

Well-Known Member
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather
Sorry one and all...
due to personal reasons and time restraints for most of my days, i can't commit any time to this site or the sister site

So i'm gonna write a sort of goodbye story, posting it here for a moderator to put it in any area they think appropriate.

also Robinton Greasel will also have to leave on the sister site...
i hope i havent caused any stress xxx

you'll all be on my mind
The coughing had been getting worse...

All of the new year had only given Vydráel sleepless, cough filled nights, he hadn't known if anyone had noticed him slowly wither away either. His only thoughts of anyone else had been over Andromeda, Violet and the few friends he had and it only brought him pain where he normally didn't feel at all...

His attention snapped back as he heard the sound of the birds calling outside, calling him out for his final breath.
None of the spells he had managed to find seemed to do much good for him and any of the potions he could pull off seemed to affect him either, leaving him to doubt whether he wanted to continue anyway.
Part of healing was the need to get better and with the way he felt towards everyone except Andromeda and Violet. His friends; the few he had, didn't deserve to see him whither away and eventually dry up into a husk and he couldn't bare to ask anyone for a hand and to him the situation seemed hopeless.

The past month had been the worst: when he wasn't avoiding people and being more of a recluse in the effort to fix himself. He could almost feel his lungs rattle to pieces with the coughing up blood and effort it took to get a breath in. All the strength he had was gone and he didn't know whether he wanted to keep going either way. The alternative seemed more and more attractive each day, even now he could feel the pull.

Vydráel pulled his wand from the sleeve pocket, scrutinising the design with respect. It had served him well for the short time he had had it on him, now it was time to leave it behind. For someone worthy, someone who wasn't dying..

Pulling on his cloak and capped boots, he quietly stumbled out into the courtyard after holding in as many coughs as he could. He didn't want to disturb anyone else on the way, it was a cold enough afternoon and the night would be worse. New Zealand was not a forgiving country at times.

The crunching of leaves went in the direction of the forest. Not hesitating or stopping without being followed by heavy wheezing and the occasional cough and the words "Goodbye." were swept away by the wind followed by the sound of a body hitting the ground after 6 hours of walking through the pain and surviving the beatings he had. Nature had finally taken back her son, leaving the world only his cape and the wand he had left behind. Everything else could never be found.
I never Rped with you before but do try to come online in the future.
And we will miss you.
Good luck in RL yeah?
Do you have msn or bebo?
:( I hate to see you go :(

I miss the Skype sessions that we all had a few months back (especially you singing :D )

I hate that I didn't get to RP with you much on here.

Hoping that things will work out for you and you will be in my thoughts!

Miss you!
No! I shall not permit this!

I only got to rp with you once but I have to say I enjoyed it. And that story was sad... do try to come on every once in a while!

That story made me all teary. =[.

I will miss you so much. I really enjoyed RPing with you. I hope I get to talk to you on MSN, still, at least. I'm sorry I'm usually all cranky on MSN =P. You must talk to me, I'll miss you too much.

I can understand why you have to leave. It doesn't mean I have to like it.

Aw man I wanted a chance to RP with you maybe have you be the one that sends Zazuka into convotions. Anyway good luck in real life!
Hi Jas'n,

What can I say... you were awesome and I will miss you.
Please take care of yourself, you are a constant in our thoughts and maybe someday you will be able to return.
If not then don't feel bad about it either, many have left only to return to us on spam or such for a chat.

Andromeda will miss Drae and the funny yet tender friendship that they shared.
And I will miss you Jas'n.
Be good to yourself and remember someone out there cares.

Jay! I am so sorry to see you go. You must come on Skype once in a while and chat with us. We miss you and look for you regularily there.

MISS YOU!!!!!!
I'm very sorry to see you go! It was a joy to have you on the site and in my class. You'll be sorely missed!
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