Laying out

Lucretia Moriarty

Well-Known Member
Lucretia lay down on the lawn in a bright patch of sunlight. She had previously smeared her entire body with Madam Louise's Sun-burn Protectant, knowing that without it her body would look like a crustacean in minutes.

Her beautiful, long, snake Narcissa lay next to her. The albino reptile nudged her lovingly as she lay there. Lucretia curled her toes into the emerald towel she was laying on. It really was lovely outside.
Seeing Ivy spent nearly as much time on the school grounds as in the common room, so it would come as no suprise that Ivy was writing her History essay on Merlin in the grass. She rolled up her parchment with a long, loud sigh. This ought to be good enough, she thought. As she put her stuff in her bag, she noticed the small blonde known as Lucretia lying in the grass, with something looking like a huge white rope laying next to her. She decided to just watch her from her spot, a sly smirk on her lips.
ginny ran out in the grass, spinning rund, in the sun, with her shorts on and her shoes in her hands. She noticed ivy sitting there smirking and she went to walk towards her. She stopped though because a white snake was next to her. she hadn't noticed the girl next to her either. 'hello. lovely day isn't it?' she said nicely.
(Well actually, Ivy's sitting a little away from Lucretia, but I can see that the 'laying next to her part' could be confusing as it could apply to Ivy too. Anyway, we'll just say she was close enough to Lu to count as next to :p)

"Yeah, it's a great day to be outside, I don't understand the people who stay indoors!" she told Ginny, her interest changing from Lucretia to the other girl. She knew she was in Ravenclaw, but she wasn't sure she knew her name. She was the one scaring the uptight 1st year, wasn't she? Must be a fun person then.
ginny noticed no reply come from the 'snake' girl, so she skipped round her and made her way to ivy, doing a cart wheel but landing in a heap next to her,laughing. 'Near do i but there you go. The castle is only meant for sleeping and class now ad days. outside is my home,' ginny said cheerfully yet jokingly. 'So.'
Lucretia saw both girls take a glance at her snake. She bent down quickly, scooped the snake up into her arms, and told Narcissa softly, "Stupid, mudbloods, probably. The Parseltongue rolled off her tongue, even more natural than her native German. "May I help you?" She asked, her German accent catching on the English. "Or do you normally just invade peoples personal area while conversing?" She squinted up to look at them, the sun boring into her eyes.

(OOC: Hey, for future reference, can we try to give me a little bit of time to respond? It is my topic after all...)
"Yeah, that's daily stuff for me," Ivy said, smirking at Lucretia. "By the way, what was that you just did with your snake? You invented your own language to talk to your snake?" She said, jokingly.
Lucretia rolled her eyes pointedly. "I'm a Parselmouth, Doof." She said, her German mixing with her English. "Ever heard of it?" She added sarcastically. Narcissa struggled in her arms, and she let the snake go, and watched it coil itself protectively around her shoulders. "Patience, mein lieblings. She whispered to Lucretia. " Friend or foe, you do not know." Lucretia glared at the snake. "She stole my sun!" She replied angrily, turning her head away from the snakes.
'Yes, of course i've heard of it. my father was one.' ginny replied patiently. 'We were just talking about how nice the weather is. We're sorry but we never meant to invade your personal space,' ginny added, apologizing for whatever she thought they did.
"I don't have a clue about Parselmouths, although I could hazard a guess at what it means by now. However, I do understand some german, liebling." she said sarcastically, as she knew that she had just been insulted by Lucretia.
"Ridiculus." Lucretia muttered under her breath. The snake on her shoulders took a protective coil around the girl, and hissed impatiently under her breath. "I'm sure you know a little German." She said, her own voice echoing a bit of the snake's hiss. Lucy stood up, standing she was still at least a foot shorter than the other girls, and turned around. "I guess I'll get my own space to do my own tanning." She said, walking off briskly muttering under her breath, somewhere along the lines of, "Mudblood. Insulting the country, she is."

(Lucy out! I'm not interested in the topic anymore. Have fun, guys!)
(ok then. considdering you made the topic though, that's a bit weird but i'm not a one to judge after all. lol )

giny saw the girl walk away with the snake on her shoulders and heard her talk to the snake in parsel tongue. she recognized one word she said, from her father and it insulted her greatly. 'I can't believe it.' she thought aloud. 'how dare she call us that. anyway, where were we?' she asked back to her cheery self, though her thoughts were about the girl. Slytherin, probably.

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