Laying in the lawn

Kaede Okinawa

Well-Known Member
Birch wand 14" 1/4 Essence of Dragonstone
The first year Hufflepuff propped her head on her hand as she silently sketched in the grass. She was drawing a roses curled around a heart. The heart had no purpose, but it was something that she felt looked good with roses. Oblivious to her surroundings, she started to hum a soft tune. The tune was one her mother had sung to her when she was little, and it brought back the good memories she had of her mother. Sighing, she finished her drawing. The heart was lopsided, but at that point, she didn't care. The rose was shaped perfectly with little water droplets draped across it's petals.

Sitting up, she stretched her back and arms, and then resumed her place drawing. Turning the page, she started to doodle. She didn't know what she was drawing, but she knew it would become something.
A walk on the lawn always perked Lisa up. She didn't really know why; perhaps it was the almost overpoweringly sweet fresh air, or maybe it was the beautiful flowers that were appearing now that summer was near.

Humming lightly, Lisa walked along, thinking to herself, only to find a girl lying down in the grass, drawing. The girl looked familiar, except Lisa couldn't place the face. "Hi," she said slowly; the girl's name would come to her soon.
Kaede jumped at the voice. It sounded familiar, but she could never place voices to faces. She quickly turned around and a smile swept across her face. "Lisa!" She exclaimed. She had met Lisa at the beginning of the year in Obsidian Harbor. Lisa had been one of those people she had immediatly liked, and she was happy to see her again.

Standing up, she brushed her front off. "So what have you been up to?" Kaede smiled and waited for Lisa's response.
Lisa heard the girl's voice, and her name hit her like a bolt of lightning. Kaede. How could she have forgotten? Lisa smiled at the girl. "Kaede!" she said, smiling at her friend. It had been a very long time, before they had started school.

"Oh, just settling in and stuff." She shrugged; she never really had interesting things to say. "What about you?"
Kaede beamed at Lisa. "I'm happy that it's going well. I've been getting settled, but everything seems weird still. I'm still getting used to it." She had been raised as a muggle before this, and hadn't known that magic existed until she had gotten her letter. It had been a dream come true for her, and she had met many new people on the way.

Kneeling down in the grass, she patted the area next to her, gesturing for Lisa to sit next to her. "What brings you down here anyways? Most people don't usually come here during the day." Kaede came here sometimes, and usually there weren't many people down at the lawn, so she was usually surprised when there were a lot of people down there at one time. Not that she didn't enjoy it, she just wasn't used to it.
"Oh, I just have things on my mind." It was true; Lisa had plenty of things to think about. Her life had been a whirlwind since setting foot in the school, and she hadn't had time to herself in a long, long time. "It's been a crazy time."
Kaede listened as Lisa talked about how she had been. It had been awhile since they had talked, and they weren't in the same house either, so they didn't see eachother much. She smiled as Lisa said it had been crazy. She was able to relate to that. "It's been crazy for me also. Apparently it's supposed to get easier as we get older thought." Hopefully Kaede thought. School had been hard for her so far, and she wanted to get better, because she wanted to make her family proud. They were rarely proud of her, and since she didn't have to compete with her extremely intelligent sister, she could actually do something for once that wouldn't be compared to her sister. Or so she thought and hoped.
Lisa sighed, running a hand through her long hair. "Yeah, I guess..." She broke off, breathing deeply. She had told herself to cop on and get over herself - self-pity was none at all - but it was hard when the accusations of the Gossip Magazine still stung like a bee when she thought about it.
The Hufflepuff noticed that Lisa seemed sort of stressed. She thought that maybe it had been about that thing in that stupid magazine. She had read the stuff they had said about Lisa, but Kaede knew it wasn't true. After talking to some other students that had been targeted about it, she found out that they had had reasons to do what they did. Some of their responses were seen in a mean way, even though that's not what they had meant, So Kaede didn't think anything of the magazine. If a magazine was a good magazine it would know all the facts, which that magazine obviously didn't.

Wanting to change the subject since it seemed to bug Lisa, she quickly grabbed a dandelion. Twisting it around in her fingers she said, "Isn't it pretty? Even though it's a weed, it still has beauty to it. So many people think it's ugly or just a nuissance, but I see it's strength. Weeds are strong, so this weed symbolizes strength and beauty to me." She smiled, thinking about what she had just said. "I think if I could be a flower I would be a dandelion, so then people could see my beauty, but they could see the strength that I possess as well."

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