Open Late To Lunch

June Davenport

Obviously, the best ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
Open after Emzies post with Fraser

The blonde had seen the library already many more times than most of the rooms in the castle, but her dorm. But had to remind herself to eat and drink well too so after spending some time in the library she made her way to the great hall to get some lunch. And found her way to the Slytherin table, but the great hall was not that crowdy anymore so she figured she was on the late side. The Slytherin table was not even half full, but June didn't mind actually. She liked being surrounded by people and be the centre of attention herself, but some people were just annoying to have around. The blonde noticed some orange juice still close so grabbed it and poured herself a glass.
Fraser had been enjoying back to school, he liked no longer being of the youngest student in the school. He was older and he was so much wiser now too. Fraser stepped into the great hall and as he glanced about he spotted June and then approached her. He hadn't spent too much time with her in the second semester of the year. He walked over to her and smile. "Let me help you!' he said, looking to take the juice so he could fill her glass. "Can I sit with you today?"
As June was ready to take the orange juice to pour herself some. Suddenly there was Fraser in front of her throwing himself at her. And seemed to be ready to help and all. June was kind of overwhelmed, but it wasn't something she disapproved. She liked attention and people wanting to be around her was good. Fraser was not really special in her eyes, but not the most stupid too. She just didn't understand those quidditch obsession of people like him, but he wasn't the only one in this school. But people could like quidditch all they want, she would go away with the other trophy's. Which reminded her she needed to admire the trophy with her name and Tempest from the Halloween feast. '' Oh hey Fraser.'' The blonde reacted and gave him a small smile. '' Thanks.'' The blonde than replied. She watched around her and than nodded. '' Go ahead.'' June wouldn't mind. Perhaps he could do more to her. He had already been very helpfull in the library so he would do anything. '' Where did you come from?''
Fraser poured her glass and then got one for himself and poured himself on too. "Thank you," he said as he then sat down just in front of her. He motioned upwards, "Just in the dorm room, haven't really properly unpacked yet, and I was trying to get my quidditch stuff together," he explained. He was eager to see what the quidditch year had in store for him. Even if he didn't make the team, he would just have to keep trying. "What about you? Did you have a good break?"
As Fraser sat down in front she watched him and took the glass with juice. It didn't had to take long to mention that dumb sport. June really had to take a bet with someone. Those boys were obsessed with that sport and June didn't understand the purpose. She liked Celia since she seemed to have status, but didn't understood the girl played quidditch. But the blonde than smiled. '' Are you trying out this year?'' The blonde asked him. She didn't recall seeing him at a game. She did watched when Slytherin would play. Only because the half of the school always went and it was good to observe as well. June wondered if he slept with a quaffle or something so much he liked the sport. June took an sip of her juice and than nodded. '' Oh yeah it was fine. Preparing a lot of classes and a short holiday.'' The blonde told him with an smile. '' Did you have an nice break as well?''
Fraser nodded eagerly at the question. ”I think my chances are better than last year but still not very good,” he said, though he did really desperately want on to the team. he just thought quidditch was the best thing ever. ”Have you thought about playing?” he asked her, though he didn't think she seemed like the type that would be interested in playing. ”Oh, did you go somewhere nice?” Fraser asked. ”I did! I have two young sisters at home so I spent time with them, and my uncle got married, it was just really good,” he said.
The blonde didn't understood people not having confidence. So it was stupid to hear him doubt so much. She would never doubt herself, that would not help. But June actually believed in herself too. '' Why doubt it? I'm sure if you work hard for it, you can do it.'' June said helpfull and smiled. If she would liked being on the team she would already be, not that she wanted that. '' No. It's not really my thing. And I'm too busy for it.'' The blonde explained him. There were more usefull stuff, not that she let him knew that. June thought of the break, with mostly her wanting to prepare for the new year. But Misha took her a few days to Rome. '' I've went to Rome a few days.'' June explained. It was an beautiful city. The break of Fraser didn't sound that exciting, but a wedding was she figured. One thing she didn't understand was if you were so obsessed with a sport like quidditch, why not train as much as you could. If that was even possible, at least flying on your broom. '' That sounds nice. How old are you sisters?'' June asked.

ooc: Misha such a kind man, taking you with you to Rome.
Fraser shrugged a little, knowing that getting on to a quidditch team was not just being the best at it, it did mean beating others and doing better than most and it meant there being slot available. No matter how good he wasn't he would never be able to shift someone off the team. Fraser nodded as she explained what she did. "There's a beautiful old quidditch stadium in Rome," he commented, having travelled quite a bit with his dad before his dad had settled down. "They are a year and a half and six months, so little," he said with a smile. "But it's cute,"
As Fraser ignored her saying June wondered if he was offended or something. Did she say something wrong? But he just didn't reacted to it. So perhaps he didn't want it enough. June would know she would do anything for her goals. But not everyone did. But she let it go, it was pointless. Ofcourse he had to mention quidditch in everything. And inside her mind she pictured herself eyerolling, but to Fraser she smiled. '' Oh that's nice. You've been there before?'' The blonde than asked him. She would not care about that stuff. He had really young sisters it seemed so the blonde nodded. Baby's were annoying and dirty. But he seemed to like it. She took an sip of her drink and watched around for a moment and than back at him. '' So what kind of stuff do you like else, next to quidditch?'' June asked him, wondering if there was more to this guy.

(sorry i'm late)
Fraser nodded eagerly at the question, "Yeah, I used to travel with my dad to almost all of his international games, so I've been to a lot of place, seen a lot of quidditch pitches," Fraser told her eagerly. He got the impression she would find him seeing a lot of quidditch pitches typical for him and also a poor use of time, but he didn't mind. "Oh....I'm not sure, I'm thinking about trying to find something else to be interested by...maybe photography, like the yearbook?" he said with uncertainty in his voice. "What do you like to do?"
June now believed she understood his father played quidditch or something so he must be a copy of his dad, and that June did understand and have sympathy for. June than smiled at him. '' He's your example than? Your hero? I mean your dad?'' June asked him. '' He inspired you to like quidditch?'' June added. She still thought quidditch was stupid, but she could relate to liking something because your father liked something and inspired you to feel the same. It was no suprise that he was so trying to find his words at the question she asked. He didn't knew, it seemed. June was someone who already knew what she wanted in her life, she was drilled by her parents. And that was all she known, so it was not a search for her anymore. So she nodded and smiled shortly and thought of the question he asked. '' Oh- I like to study and read. And I think I will like dueling. And go shopping, buy things. That kind of stuff.'' June than said. It was all true. She could not wait to go dueling.
Fraser nodded eagerly. "Of course!" he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. But he had always been interested in quidditch because his dad played. "My uncle Rory also plays professionally, and Aunt Liusaidh was slytherin quidditch captain when she was at school," he added, as if to explain why he so desperately enjoyed it. Fraser wasn't too surprised by what she liked. He found shopping, studying and reading to be the most dull things in the world, but not the duelling. "Oh duelling! That seems cool, I bet you'll win," he said. Sure that June would win at it. He didn't think there was anyone else in the year who was good at it.
As June was trying to make Fraser feel better, she knew he was all buying her nice act. June had no second doubts, he was just simple minded. And those people would be handy sometimes. She smiled at him. His talk about his family who all were important in quidditch was not interesting for her at all and a waste of time. But June kept her face straight and smiled. His aunt was a Slytherin it seemed, but quidditch was still not important. '' A family full of Quidditch players it is. It's almost not possible to don't like quidditch.'' June joked. Her sisters didn't liked the same stuff, they were very different all. June and Gabriella were similar in ways, but Gabriella was not as good as she was and a disapointment and a traitor. He seemed to be excited about the dueling part. And his compliment for her made June grin. This boy was good and he could compliment her all day. June smiled bright. '' Thank you.'' She could tell him she already knew that, but the innocent act was better. Some people could not deal with confidence. '' I'm gonna go for the win obviously. But let's see.'' June replied with an grin. She than finished her breakfast. '' I need to go. But see you later Fraser.'' June said friendly and kind of waved before leaving the Great Hall. On her way to study, what's new?

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