Open Late Morning Breakfast

Estella Fuentes

class of y42 📓 | 'essie' 🤍
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
[Open After Sophia]

Estella was running a bit late to breakfast that morning. When she woke up in her dormitory most of her friends had already left, and she didn’t expect to see them still in the Great Hall at that hour either. The Latina admittedly was tired, and time had been getting the better of her lately. She was still caught up on her flower crowns, wanting to make some more, but it seemed that the flowers in the Hogwarts grounds just weren’t good enough. She made her way into the Great Hall with a rumbling stomach, looking around to try and find someone she knew to have breakfast with. When she spotted a familiar face sitting at the Ravenclaw table, she joined them, feeling that it would be sad for her to sit by herself, despite having never spoken to this person before. “Niklaus, right?” she said, sitting down across from him. She was good with names, but that was about it. “You don’t mind if I sit here? I’m starving.” She began buttering some toast, truthfully not caring anymore whether or not he actually wanted her there.
Nick had been quietly quite enjoying his fourth year. He was with Addy, not exactly together but they were... Something, he had managed to talk with more people than just his family and everything was going well. Hopefully. Even if he knew that he wss planning on stopping whatever he and Addy had. And that was something he was thinking about when his classmate popped up next to him and just started to chat while he was just confused about what was going on. He gave a nod about his name. "Ugh, I don't mind," he moved a bit aside, so he wasn't too close in case of anything. "Estella?" Nick decided to make sure as he actually hadn't ever really bother to memorize names of his classmates.
Niklaus said he didn't mind, but perhaps he did. Truthfully however, Estella didn't care as she was just too hungry to worry. She poured herself some pumpkin juice before biting down on her buttered toast. "Yes, Estella." the teen confirmed, glad that it wasn't too hard for her classmates to remember her name. "Sorry I was just really hungry and didn't want to sit on my own. What have you been up to? What did you have for breakfast?" She hoped the boy wouldn't mind the light conversation.
Nick thought that it would be pretty awkward for him to don't know Estella's name, or at least have it somewhere in mind after they had kissed. "Ugh, just planned to do some light research. French toasts," he lightly pointed at his plate. This year he started to discover that he had really talkative classmates. "You?" he would lie if he said that he actually cared enough about that, but he tried to be at least not rude.
Estella nodded as Niklaus answered her question. "Research on what?" she asked before taking another bite of her toast. She knew Ravenclaws were smart and so he must have been too. She wouldn't be surprised if he was researching something so intricate that she didn't even know anything about. The girl shrugged as he asked her the same question in return. "Well, exams are coming up in a couple of weeks so I guess I have some studying to do. Divination seems to be the hardest. None of it makes any sense." Estella sighed, not sure how much longer she would try taking the subject. She thought she might give it another year before dropping it if it didn't get any better.

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