šŸŒ¹ Rose Giving Last Rose for a Puff

Rosalind Lockwood

Punk- Loner- Protective- Misunderstood
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Firm ten-inch Ebony with a Meteorite dust core
09/15/2037 (24)
Rose vaguely knew the last name on her list, though she couldn't remember where she knew it from. She knew enough to know it was a Hufflepuff, so she staked out in the hall again and waited to see who she was after. She'd sent someone inside but that hadn't worked. She saw someone else coming and gave them a half hearted wave. "Hey, do you know a Lucas?"

@Lucas Fletcher
Lucas had received two roses already, but he wasn't really expecting any more. It was a bit of a bummer, and he was hoping to pass the rest of Valentine's Day away from all the lovey-dovey stuff. But as he headed towards the common room, someone waved at him and asked him if he knew a Lucas. "I am a Lucas, does that count?" He joked.
Rose smiled softly. "Well, as long as you're the Lucas for this rose, I suppose it counts," she teased softly, coming closer and offering out the yellow bloom.

Hey Lucas.
Thanks for being a great mate and teammate. we need to hang out more off the pitch. because it because it isn't really hanging out when we are following different balls around
Lucas shrugged. "Hope so." He said, though he didn't think there were other Lucas' at school. "Thanks." He said, opening the note. It was clear it was meant for him, and Lucas smiled. He should thank Linden later. "Good luck with the rest." He said.

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