Last night slumber party

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
It was the last night in the castle and should have been the last night selene should be staying in the ravenclaw common room. but it wasn't. She had had an idea so she had spend the afternoon in the abandoned classroom setting things up. trying to make it feel as cozy as she could draping fabric from the ceiling and walls to make it feel like a huge tent and finding as many cushions as she could aided by the cupboard in the charms classroom. she had thought a 'slumber party' would be a fun send off even ifthe last seven years had been sharing a dorm making it into a bit of a party would be a fun send off, sharing memories as one final hurrah. almost a tribute to the first night at the castle. she had considered doing it in the ravenclaw dorms but felt bad that she would.dn't have been able to invite Lilly or Cyzarine. and she, unfortunately, had to acknowledge some people may not want to be a part of it. no matter how mush she wanted them to be, so she had decided on the classroom plus it wasn't going to get in the way of people packing.
she had sent out invitations to all of the seventh year girls. she hoped that people would show up. otherwise she would have a lot of sweets to eat. She picked up a marshmallow wand and started to eat it as she waited.

OOCOut of Character:
open to all seveth year girls I don't have any real plans, just a fun final thread.
Lily had been surprised to get an invitation from Selene. She had thought it over, and decided in the end that she would go for a little while at the very least. She noticed right away that she was one of the first to arrive. Swallowing nervously, she padded over to Selene, hoping it was alright that she'd come with nothing more than her pillow, dressed in her satin pink pajamas and her fluffy purple slippers. "Hello," she greeted, giving Selene a shy smile.
When Sophie had received the slumber party invitation from Selene, she couldn't help but feel flattered. She wondered why it couldn't just be in the common room until she thought about all of Selene's other friends who were in different houses. The thought of spending a night with people she didn't know too well was a bit nerve wracking to the Ravenclaw, but she was still eager to go to support Selene and what she had put together.

Sophie made her way to the abandoned classroom promptly, hoping to be the first one there, and maybe even early enough to help Selene finish setting up. She entered with her favourite pillow, looking around at everything that Selene had done. Sophie definitely didn't need to bring her pillow as there were plenty of cushions there, but she was glad she brought it nonetheless as it made her feel a little less nervous. She smiled as her eyes found Selene and the friend that Sophie had seen with Selene in the hospital wing when Selene was splinched last year. "Hey." she said simply, taking a seat down next to them. She eyed the table of sweets that Selene had set up, noticing there was plenty there. "Are there going to be... a lot of people?"
Cyzarine had thought it would be a good idea that Selene had had. A last slumber party with all the girls of her year. To celebrate the old and celebrate the new. She had grabbed some snacks from the heta omega room and then headed into the room. She'd brought a blanket with her and smiled at the girls, "Hey girls!" she greeted warmly and then moved to sit with Selene, "This was such a good idea Selene, and I brought snacks from the heta omega room," the girl said beginning to take a few bits and pieces out. "I can't believe we're finally graduating," Cyzarine said.
Selene was somehow supprised when the door to the classroom opened and Lilly entered. dressed in satain pjamas and fluffy slippers. "Lilly." she said giving her friend a hug "I am so glad you came." she said giving her friend a hug. she let go as the door opened and Sophie came in clutching a cushion. "Hello Sophie. I am glad that you made it too." she said before following her gaze to the table. "I don' know. I have invited all the girls in the year but I don't know who will come" she said. "can you believe it. this is our last night" she said
the door opened gain and Cyzarine came in weighed down by snacks. "Cyzarine, wow. you didn't need to bring so much" she got up to help her friend with them, picking up a few sweets as she helped. she hadn't know how many people would come which made setting up had been hard. bu she had spoken to the elves in the kitchen and the would come up and check later if they needed more but with this addition to the tables she doubted anyone would bo hungry. i know. it seems like we have been here forever. but also like only yesterday ewe were going to our dorm for the first time and meeting our classmates.
she glanced at sophie who had switched beds with her on her first night so she could be near the door ready for a quick getaway if she had nightmares.[/B]
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Lily smiled, hugging Selene back and settling onto a pillow. She smiled at the other girls came in. She left Cyzarine and Selene to talk, looking to Sophie. "Hello," she greeted softly, smiling. "We haven't talked in a while. How are you?" She asked. She had liked Sophie before, but had been too shy to really go talking to her without Selene around. Lily did alright with younger students and she was good with kids, but she was nervous around others her own age.
Sophie nodded as Selene said that she wasn't sure who would come. It would probably just be a few familiar faces and Sophie tried her best to appear comfortable, even as Cyzarine then came in with lots more snacks. She kept trying to tell herself that it would be fine as it was only for one night. The Ravenclaw twiddled with her thumbs as Selene began talking to Cyzarine, and was a bit taken aback when Lillian started talking to her. She had never spoken much to the girl before and Sophie never picked her to be a talker. Sophie smiled slightly at her. "Yes, I'm okay. How are you?" Sophie asked in return, hoping she had more to say. Sophie was not very good at conversations.
Cyzarine shook her head, "I'm not sure what the elves would've done with it," she told her with a little giggle. She grabbed a few things to eat and then nodded to Selene in agreement. There weren't that many left from when they'd first been sorted and she sometimes wondered where all those people went. "I met my dad for the first time when I arrived here," she admitted a little quietly but still smiling lightly. She'd been open about who her dad was, but she still thought it was funny that she'd gotten a new school, new country and new dad all in a matter of weeks.
Selene watched as Lilly and Sophie stared to talk. they were both two of her best friends. and they were so similar, and both so sweet and kind, she wished that they would be friends. unfortunately one of the other traits that they both shared was that they were shy. she almost didn dare watch as sophie started a conversation. could this be it. the two of them finally connecting she could hope. she decided not to interrupt them.
instead her attention went to Cyzarine and she chuckled with her comment about what the house elves would do with the treats. "maybe they have a big party when all the students go" she said. though from what she knew of house elves this seemed unlikely. she listened as cyzarine explained that she only met her dad when she started at the school. it was funny she often forgot that the charms professor was her dad. "it must have been nice getting to know him" she said. she couldn't help but be a little bit jealous of cyzarine. she had never met her dad. and had only recently found ou who he was only to also find out that he had died when she was very young and that he never even knew that she and her sister existed. but even should couldn't really be jealous. especially when in the same room as sophie, sure she ad never met her dad, and it was a shame that he was dead so she could never meet him but she only missed him in the abstract. she knew sophies dad had also died. but they had been close so his loss had been a real pain for her so thatand she knew that she morned him deeply.
Lily smiled softly, trying to remember what she could about Sophie. She scooted a little closer. "I'm alright," she admitted. "Thinking of going to a culinary school after graduation," she offered. After a moment, Lily tucked some of her hair back. "You're an artist, right?" She gave Sophie a shy smile. "Would you show me some of your work?" She asked, thinking it could be a good place to start.
Sophie watched as the girl moved closer to her and replied. Selene had been her only friend for the longest time, and so it felt weird that someone else was wanting to get closer to her. "Oh, a culinary school, that's cool." Sophie said, nodding as she thought that would be a good idea. She didn't understand why anyone would want to study beyond Hogwarts, but admired her dedication. "I guess I'm an artist, I don't know. I just do it for fun." The Ravenclaw couldn't help but blush a little as she asked to see her work. It meant that Selene most likely spoke of her, and this flattered her very much. She nodded tentatively and took out her journal from the small bag she had brought with her. She had planned to do some drawing if she couldn't sleep in the night. She opened it up to one of her most recent drawings. It wasn't exactly finished and still had some shading to do, but it resembled an eel, an eagle, and a snake all at the same time, and was covered in fur. She turned it towards Lillian. "It's not finished yet, but it's what I'm working on at the moment. Just have a few things left to do."

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