Last Name London --

Asher Behrani

Well-Known Member
Kingwood, 15 ½", Essence of Thestral Tail Hair.
A weekend, or frankly any day at all, was incomplete until at least a part of it was shared with Spencer Hunt. Between family, friends and the like, Asher Behrani didn't exactly have time to be a lonely person. He had an active social life, and enough interests to fill in any blanks. That's how he liked it, to be honest; because when you're a natural-born pessimist to such a degree, being alone with one's thoughts is rarely pleasant. However, there wasn't a single bond the boy had that was anywhere near as ubiquitous as this one. Regardless of outside drama and change of circumstance, their friendship had remained largely unaffected, having grown even closer with time. He'd often joked that were his friend a female, Ash would propose on the spot. With all kidding aside, though, he honestly did consider Spencer a vital part of his life. Other than his sisters, there was really no one else who better understood and tolerated his stubborn perfectionism, or appreciated his sarcasm and numerous pop culture references. Joey and Chandler, Jemaine and Bret, Troy and Abed; whatever you wanted to compare it to, they were it. Practically life partners, official or not. Despite having seen each other at a house party just the night before, this weekend was a rare one in that their schedules were entirely free of lessons or practices. So of course, plans had been made to take advantage of the freedom. Asher had been thinking of checking out a new sushi place across town, but then again, video games and a couple of firewhiskeys didn't sound too bad either. He'd just have to wait for that other opinion. Pulling up outside the house, he turned off and got out of his car. It was a black Aston Martin that he'd lovingly named Winona, after a Muggle actress whom he'd always had a crush on.

As he bounded up the front stairs, Asher yelled out to the best friend who waited at the top of them. "Get in, loser, we're going shopping." He clapped a hand to Spencer's shoulder, grinning as his eyes travelled past to the woman he spotted further down the hallway. Even if he was impatient by nature, Ash could always spare a second for a MILF as hot as this one. He gave her a wave goodbye, before striding back down the path to take his seat behind the wheel of the car. "Okay, not shopping, but you get the point," he resumed with a disgruntled huff, disappointed that his attempt at being referential had been ruined by a technicality. He'd made the new year's resolution of quoting Mean Girls at least once a day, along with vowing to do more acting than he had in 2029. But this given Saturday was still young, and knowing Asher, he would no doubt find infinite other opportunities to channel his inner Regina George. Pulling away from the curb and into the quiet streets of Chelsea, he played around briefly with the car stereo. Finally settling on some weird hip-hop, he glanced over at the boy beside him as if to gauge his approval. People usually pegged him for a top 40 kind of guy, but most were astounded to find out how abstract Asher's tastes could really be. It was doubtful that anyone would have known this more than Spencer, who had probably beared witness to his musical snobbery innumerable times, and then some. With attention turned back to the road ahead of him, he decided to get the day rolling with the type of question typical of their relationship. "Mmkay, so Susan Boyle is totally willing. Would you?"

crey, i ship it.

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