Last Movie You Saw

The Dark knight
Sweeny Todd ;)
Let Me In.
It was an interesting movie.
currently watching finding nemo, and i can even smell the sea, coming in through the air con vents (the just the smell not the sea), smell track.
Coincedence, I watched finding nemo yesterday!! o_O

The last movie I watched was The Orphan. Pretty good movie, I liked it!
Spaced Invaders, funniest thing ever. The graphics a sorta shotty though, but still funny.
I'm watching The Runaways right now.
Kristen Stewart is actually pretty ok in the movie.
The last three movies I saw at the cinema, in the order I enjoyed them:

The Adventures of Tintin - Such an awesomely entertaining adventure movie, totally underrated in the US.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy - A bit confusing if you're not paying attention. But omg, so many feels. Bill/Jim 4evr.
The Descendants - I really did cry, which was surprising. But George Clooney doesn't deserve awards for it.

Also, has anyone seen The Artist? I reeeally want to see it but it comes out here next week.

And a recommendation: Attack the Block. Really cool music and effects, and by the producers of Hot Fuzz/Shaun of the dead. About a youth gang that stops mugging ladies and starts fighting alien things. xD
the sisterhood of the traveling pants, then to be followed by the sequel.
I think Bridget reminds me of Briar. even down to the unwillingness to pass the ball in soccer/quidditch.
Halloween: H20
Bride's Maid!

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