Closed Last minute trip before work

Professor Killian Borisyuk

hom 5-7 ✠ 11'9" ✠ father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
24" Bloodwood with Nogtail tail core
Killian Borisyuk knew that Amethyst-Rose would have not liked this, but that was why he had her in his arms, hiking up the mountains at the end of winter in the south islands. Most of the tourists would be gone by now and such, so this was the last thing that they could do together before they had to return to school and work. Killian made sure that his leather jacket had any of the wind blocked access to his girlfriend and to use his own body heat to warm her up. Killian thought about charming his clothes to stay warm but this winter was nothing compared to the Russian winters. He did love hiking though. It was one of the things that actually made him happy, since he remembered the conversation he had with Amethyst on what made him feel happy and loved - and he gave her a blank look.

The part-giant stopped when he reached the top of a hill, where the view of the mountains were in the background, and the snow blanketed the peaks. There was not much snow on the ground here, but there was still some lingering. He glanced down at his girl, “Bet you are glad that I didn’t make you walk.” Considering how she often wanted to be treated like a princess when it came down to exercising the way he did, this was ideal for him because he could walk at his normal pace.
Amethyst was grateful for Killian's considerate nature - not that it was often used but he was using it now and that was what mattered. Amethyst curled up in his jacket the best she could, clearly not appropriately dressed for the weather - but when was she ever? Maybe at school because short shorts werne't exactly in uniform, but that was it. She traced patterns on his pec through his shirt as they hiked, taking his time it seemed to get to the destination. When he spoke she laughed. "I never would have come if i had to walk." She said honestly.

Amethyst peeked out and around at the slightly damp, lightly snowed ground. She then looked back up at her partner. "Are we done now? Because if you let me down I'm gonna grab a blanket to wrap around me." She said.
Killian glanced down at her as she spoke. He shook his head but at least she was honest with him. He used his free hand to take out his wand, and waved it to make a fire and put up a tent - which was more than accommodating for him. He even dried off the area around the hill so that his rear end wouldn't get wet. He sat down and tapped her leg once he put his wand away. "Just finished setting up. You probably wouldn't need a blanket if you actually wore pants." Would she need a blanket with the fire roaring in front of them? He wouldn't think so but then again, she might get cold easier than him. He set her on his leg so she could choose to get up or just remain bundled in his jacket of her volition.

It was things like this that made him feel much less tense, and let's face it, as soon as he had word that Kaelan was around, and when he did show up, the two argued after some terrible pranks - Killian was basically a statue. Now, he was much more relaxed. "At least with this hiking trip, you don’t have to worry about me throwing you into a lake again." Boy did he learn his lesson the first time.
Once the fire was roaring she felt a little warmer. It was insane how quickly that could happen. She smiled up at him, sitting on him comfortably. "You say that but you love seeing my legs, so it's a fair trade off." She said with a giggle. She then moved from him to search her bag for a fleece blanket. She wrapped the material around her and moved back to sitting on his lap. He has so large it was like having a recliner in the woods, though she couldn't imagine he was as comfortable with her bony rear pushing into his thighs.

He joked about the time he threw her in the lake and she rolled her eyes. "Unless you want me to drown. Really I should work on my swimming skills just in case something happens." She had never considered it before but now that he had thrown her in water without knowing she wondered if she should learn. "How are you feeling with the whole Kaelan thing going on?" She asked, rubbing his arm gently.
Killian most certainly knew better than to argue with that. He most certainly enjoyed looking at her legs. Her body was very pleasant to admire. It was just a shame that she didn't work on the same floor as him, but he was thankful that she did not go to Saint Mungo's. He watched her move from him to grab a blanket, and wrap it around her. Then she sat on his lap again. He wondered if she would ever not have a bony rear, but for now, he remained silent about it. He just wanted to enjoy the time they had together. He clasped his arms together and rested them on her blanket as well. "Maybe I should consider having a pool installed. Or a hot tub. Both of them would be deep enough for you to swim, but then again, so is my bathtub."

He knew that she was definitely taller than his bathtub, but it was fun to mess with her, especially her height. She was barely five feet tall, so more than half his size. He looked down at her as she asked about the whole brother thing. Killian thought about it, and shrugged, "As long as he doesn't do anything bad that will bite me in the a**, I guess it will be all right if he is here. It would be easier to just drop him in the ocean, but the f***er can swim." Killian paused, and let out a sigh. "If he can prove that he is actually turning his life around, I might consider talking to him again." And maybe not try to beat him to death.

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