Closed Last Dance

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Valerius Bianchi

Spoiled- Entitled- Valerius- Too Good For You
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curved 17 Inch Unyielding Birch Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
4/15/2044 (18)
Valerius wasn't nervous at all, waiting in the common room so that he could escort Kiara down to the dance. He was in a nice suit, hair brushed back even as a few strands escaped to curl over his forehead in what he thought was boyish playfulness. He hummed, a red rose in hand as he waited for his date, singing an old lullaby under his breath. He held his other hand in his pocket as he leant against the wall, watching the stairs for his date.
Kiara was happy that after seven years at the school she didn't have to face her last dance alone. The idea of going to these dances with someone had always felt like a reach and yet here she was, getting ready to meet Valerius so they could head down together. She didn't have time to figure out what the note accompanying the red rose that he had send her said, but given the colour of the rose she was certain it had to be something romantic. Something that would most definitely make her heart flutter. Or make her smile the way she did when she walked down the stairs in the common room to find him already waiting for her.
Valerius smiled when he spotted Kiara, heart skipping a beat in his chest. He ignored that, offering out his hand for her as she came down the stairs to help her down the last few. "You look beautiful tonight, cara mia," He told her with an easy grin, intending to kiss the back of her hand as soon as she let him.
Kiara gladly took Valerius' hand to let him guide her the last few steps down, beaming at him when he called her beautiful. "You look pretty dapper yourself." She smiled, resisting the urge to brush away the few strands of hair that graced his forehead since they'd probably fall right back into place again. It looked better this way anyways. "Shall we?" Kiara asked, content she'd be able to hold on to him for the long way down towards the great hall.
Valerius smiled, tucking her hand into his elbow and reaching out to tuck the rose into her hair, ready to stop and hand it to her if she'd prefer. "I feel very dapper," He winked playfully. He led her out of the common room and down the stairs. "I hope tonight is memorable for you," He told her honestly.
Kiara happily held on to Valerius' arm as they moved down the stairs, hoping she wouldn't slow them down too much and it wouldn't take ages for them to even reach the hall. Perhaps she should've gotten ready a little quicker. "I think you're my second date to one of these. Ever." She responded truthfully. "Plus, the only one that actually means something.. It's already memorable." She added with a smile.
Valerius paused as they reached the bottom of the stairs, turning slightly and reaching up to cup her face. "Hm, well then, it is double the honor to escort you then," He murmured, before hesitating a brief moment. "Kiara, would you be upset if I kissed you?" He asked her softly, deciding now was the best time to make a move. They'd stopped in front of a window and the moonlight drifting in was playing wonderfully in her soft hair and the gentle lines of her face.
Kiara felt her cheeks heat up when Valerius cupped her face, smiling slightly at his comment about escorting her whilst simultaneously feeling nerves build in her stomach. Was this it? Was he going to kiss her? Was she going to let him? Was she even feeling nervous or was it more excitement? The questions raced through her mind as she looked at him and yet all of her worries slipped away when he spoke again. "Quite the contrary," She said softly. "I was hoping you would.."
Valerius chuckled, and didn't bother to reply, instead just leaning in carefully, keeping his hand on her cheek and pressing his lips softly against hers. His heart skipped a beat in his chest, and he hoped she couldn't feel the slight tremble of his hands.
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