Open Laid-Back Lessons

Fleur van Houten

🐉Aotearoa Dragonologist | 2051 Grad 🐱
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 1/2 Inch Whippy Reed Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
11/2032 (30)
((Open after Lovi))

Fleur had never really thought she would be one to teach anyone but her siblings to fly or play Quidditch, but one of the younger students in Gryffindor had asked for her help. Fleur wasn't even a regular member on the Gryffindor team, and as an alternate she had yet to play in an actual match, but she was happy to help a kid out. It reminded her of practicing with Lars, who now had more experience on the pitch than Fleur herself did. The girl had grabbed her broom and a ball that could pass for a quaffle, and was waiting for Jatin to show up at the pitch so they could fly around. She hoped the boy wouldn't expect too much from this, as Fleur wasn't planning on making this anything like an official Quidditch practice. She just wanted to fly around and have fun, and hoped the first year would be happy with that.
Jatin was very excited to meet more players on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Willow had introduced him to Fleur at the house meeting. She seemed really nice, so he had asked her to help him learn how to play Quidditch. However, he needed to get better at flying first, which he was sure Fleur was okay with helping him out with. Jatin borrowed a broom from the flying teacher and ran to the Quidditch Pitch. Once he saw Fleur he ran up to hug the girl in a tight hug. "Hi, Fleur! Thanks for helping me out today!" he said and let go of her. "So, what is first?" he asked the girl curiously.
Fleur smiled at the boy as he ran up to her, and laughed in surprise when he hugged her. He was sweet, and she was happy to help him out. "Hi Jatin! No problem!" She said brightly, returning the hug before he let go. "I think we should start with going into the air, don't you?" She asked him, her tone lightly teasing. She got on her own broom but waited for him to kick off first so she could help him if he needed it. She had no idea how good he was at flying.
Jatin had a lot on his mind when it came to Quidditch. He did not do that well in his flying lessons, so he needed to make sure that he knew the basics. He giggled nervously at Fleur's rhetorical question. He followed her lead and mimicked how she got on her broom. He gently pushed himself off the ground. The boy hovered for a little bit before letting himself go back to the ground. "Okay, so maybe I didn't do that well in my flying classes." he admitted and looked at the ground.
Fleur could immediately see the boy wasn't as confident on a broom as she had expected. He had been so enthusiastic about learning quidditch that she had assumed he was already good at flying. The moment she saw him hover and return to the ground, she felt a similar protective feeling she often had around Lars when he felt like he wasn't doing things correctly. Fleur landed on the ground too and gently touched his shoulder. "Hey, that was alright, I'll help you out. We can try that again and hover for a bit longer." She said. "Watch me." This time she kicked off a bit slower to let him see what she was doing, then hovered too, smiling at him.
Jatin would be lying if he said that he was not nervous. He did not think things through sometimes because he would get so excited about things. The boy relaxed quite a bit when Fleur did not seem disappointed. He watched her as she showed him what to do, and he followed. He was now hovering. "How do I go higher? Do I just pull up?" he asked and looked at the prefect.

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