
Katheryn Kingsley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Maple Wand 12'' core of female Kelpie Hair
It was odd to be back in her old bedroom at her father's house. Katheryn had still been young when they moved from Georgia to California. Back before she knew she was a witch. She had many pleasant memories of this place. Her childhood had been a very happy one despite the fact that she had grown up without her mother. Her father had made sure that none of his children felt neglected and that they had everything they needed and more. She had been very fortunate. Katheryn looked at herself in the full length mirror that she had in the corner of her spacious bathroom. She was wearing a sparkling navy blue floor length dress with a rather large slit in the back of it. The dress hugged her like a second skin, really revealing her thin frame. The navy blue was striking against her fiery red hair. Kat had put a charm on her hair to curl it in an old hollywood glam sort of style, but she had left it down to flow against her dress. All in all, she was pleased with the look she had managed to pull off. Secretly, Kat hoped that Bas liked it. She wanted him to find her attractive even if she had no right to want that. He had made it clear to her that he wanted to remain just friends with her. Katheryn was resolved not to push him on that subject anymore. In fact, she had no intentions of mentioning it ever again.

The witch leaned forward towards the mirror, putting some pale pink lipstick on her lips. Maybe it was unconventional to prepare yourself for your own movie premiere, but she liked it better this way. Katheryn had come into town yesterday to spend some time with her father. They had gone to dinner and out for bowling to catch up. It had been nice to have the time together alone. Today, they had just hung out around the house. Katheryn had helped him tidy up some of the rooms that hadn't been used in years. Really, the house was much too big for her father alone, but he insisted on keeping it. He said he had too many children and grandchildren to move anywhere smaller. It was true that during holidays nearly all the rooms were full. All three of Kat's siblings were married with children. Sometimes she felt like she was left out, but she was happy with her life. Katheryn was in no rush to get married and have children. It wouldn't be right for her at this moment. She had too much to do. Like go to the premiere of her movie.

Katheryn left her room having decided that she looked perfect. The actress walked down the stairs to where her father and Sebastian were waiting for her. Bas had arrived about thirty minutes ago and was waiting with her father. Sean had also been invited to the premiere, and he was intending on coming to it, but he wouldn't be arriving with them. Sean had left five minutes ago to pick up a woman that was going to be his date. Kat's blue eyes looked down into the familiar green ones. She smiled at him and felt her pulse quicken. She twirled around slowly in the living room, letting him admire her dress. "So, what do you think?" she asked him, wondering what sort of response she would get. She hoped it would be a positive one. Katheryn hadn't told Bas what superhero movie it was that she was starring it. Unless he had found out from someone else, he would be pleasantly surprised by the fact that she was Lois Lane. "Did you make it alright from France?" she asked trying not to focus on how nervous she was. Not only about the movie and what people would think, but also nervous about being here with him. Katheryn kissed him gently on the cheek as she always did in greeting. She was trying to act as normally as possible. She was trying to put their last two meetings out of her mind. Pretend that they didn't happen. "If you are ready to go, the limo's out front waiting. I got a text about it just a few minutes ago." she said, looking at him uncertainly.
Although he had complained about it at the diner, Sebastian had taken the task of purchasing a tuxedo seriously. He knew that some people simply rented their tux, but the thought of wearing something that someone else had once worn skeeved the man out. He had grown up an only child, never suffering through wearing hand-me-downs as many other children did. Glancing at himself in the mirror, Sebastian began to consider why life had never required him to wear a tuxedo before. Turning slightly to the right, the man ran a hand down the length of his suit jacket, admiring just how nicely it fit. Combined with his new shoes, Sebastian felt like he might actually fit in at the event he was headed to. At least if I can keep my mouth shut, Bas thought as he brushed a hand through his hair. With a glance at the time and some quick calculations, Sebastian realized it was time to head out. It might have been the middle of the night in France, but things were just about to get started in California. The man looked around his apartment, trying to be sure he had everything he might need. He ran a mental checklist, darting into his room to pick up the paper where Katheryn had written her father's address. Picking up the bouquet he had purchased hours before, Sebastian hoped he could apparate them safely. He had briefly considered booking an airline ticket. He had flown before with muggle friends, but in the end, he couldn't justify the cost. Not when he could just concentrate and arrive.

Switching off the light, Sebastian left his apartment to head to the front stoop that was apparation accessible. He was surprised that Katheryn's father, a muggle, had such capabilities on his property. Shutting his eyes, the man concentrated deeply on the address he'd been given. With a loud crack, he arrived in front of a large house. After letting out a low whistle, Sebastian made his way up the walkway. He was inside within moments, exchanging a firm handshake with Katheryn's father. Sebastian had been nervous all week about meeting the man, not knowing what Katheryn might have told him. A half hour later, he knew that he had been silly. Sean, as he insisted on being called, was easy to get on with. He was the sort of man that Sebastian had wished to have as a father his entire life. He had expected no less though considering his friend's warm personality. Sean had even shown Bas some of those pictures that he'd been eager to see of Katheryn as a child. Her hair had been even more red back then, but every bit as amazing. Sebastian was disappointed when Katheryn's father indicated that he had to leave to pick up his date, but he'd contented himself by continuing to look through a family album. It was clear that the siblings had grown up in a loving, caring home. He didn't need an album to show him that though. The house, although huge, was still just homey enough to make anyone feel comfortable.

Hearing movement on the stairs, Sebastian's eyes had slowly drifted in that direction. He froze for a moment as he saw Katheryn enter the room. As she did a small twirl, Sebastian's manners clicked in and he put the album to the side so he could stand. His manners didn't extend to him ignoring just how nicely her dress fit across her body. At least he managed to return her gaze when she'd completed her turn. As she spoke to him, Sebastian smirked. "I think you're going to need a bodyguard tonight, not a date." With a widening smirk, the man continued. "Lucky for you, I can be both. You'll get the two for one today, Kat." Sebastian joked around when he was nervous, and he was extremely nervous for the evening, both because this would be the longest that he had been in her company since the kiss and because he didnt want to ruin her big night. As she moved closer, Sebastian returned her kiss. She smelled amazing and he almost asked her what she was wearing before deciding that might be a bit weird. Whatever it was was intoxicating. "I made it alright, but..." he reached behind the couch to a small table and pulled up a dozen long stem roses, half of which were missing flowers. "These guys didn't do so well. Sorry" he apologized as he sheepishly held out the flowers to her. He knew that he should've gone with the shorter flowers.

With a nod, Sebastian indicated that they were ready. They made it as far as the doorway before Sebastian reached out and grabbed hold of her wrist. "Wait" he began, his tone a bit nervous sounding. "You haven't said I look ok? I looked at pictures" he stated earnestly. He'd even removed his earrings for the evening.
The look on Sebastian's face was one of awe and amazement, and maybe something else. The look did not escape Kat's notice though she chose not to dwell on it. It didn't change what Sebastian had said to her at the diner. She couldn't help but admire how good he looked in a tux. Kat had never seen him dressed so sharply. It suited him well. The redhead blushed as Bas told her that she would need a bodyguard, and that he could be that and her date. She laughed and shook her head. "I doubt I will need a bodyguard tonight. I still count myself lucky though to have you with me. Really. Thank you for coming." Kat said as she looked up at him with a smile. She tried to be nonchalant as returned her light kiss, and she thought she pulled it off well. The actress was nervous about her movie, and she was a bit distracted as she replied to a message from her publicist. Katheryn returned to the present as she heard Bas answer her question. Katheryn looked at Sebastian as he pulled out a dozen roses for her. The redhead grinned at him, seeing that some of the roses had not survived the trip. Kat smiled slyly as she took them from Bas. "It's the thought that counts." she told him kindly. She took a moment to put the survivors in a vase.

Katheryn gathered her bag, ready to walk out the door when Bas stopped her. The arm around her waist drew her close to him causing her breath to catch in her throat. She was surprised at how close she was to him. The redhead frowned, wondering what was wrong with him. When she heard his question, she felt stupid. She couldn't believe that she hadn't told him how good he looked. It had been the first thing in her head when she had come down the stairs, but she hadn't spoken the words out loud. Katheryn looked up into a face that was clearly worried, but one that she cared for so much. Kat smiled at him reassuringly as she spoke. "You look handsome. Really. You clean up quite well." She placed a hand on his cheek in what was meant to be a comforting gesture. A smirk appeared on her lips as she removed her hand and moved out of his reach to open the door. "Ready?" she asked before opening the door and heading to the limo that was waiting for the two of them.

It wasn't a terribly long drive to the theater that would be hosting the premiere. Katheryn sat next to Bas during the ride, trying to catch up on the details of what he had been doing the past few weeks. Even through the tinted glass, Katheryn could see the flashes going off outside of the car. It was her first clue that they had arrived. Kat turned to Bas, wondering if he was ready for this as she wasn't quite sure that she was in fact ready. Her life had already changed so much, but it would be changing even more tonight and in the coming weeks. It would never return to what it had been, and she had accepted that when she accepted the job. Katheryn looked at Bas, gave his hand a reassuring squeeze before someone opened the car door. Katheryn stepped out with a smile on her face as about a million flashes went off. The next thirty minutes were a blur as she smiled and waved and posed and answered questions. Many reporters asked who Sebastian was, and Kat always answered with the same reply that he was a close friend and left it at that. Sebastian handled himself brilliantly and for that she was so grateful. He helped calm her nerves just by being there. He was the best date she could have had. Katheryn took a deep breath once they were finally inside. "Oh thank god. That was terrifying." she said with a laugh as she looked at Sebastian. "Let's find our seats, shall we?" Kat asked him.
The reassurance from Kat was far more than Sebastian had expected to hear. He was pleased that she approved of his outfit. Her hand on his cheek had left Sebastian reeling for a brief moment, but the feeling had quickly passed. His dismissed his rapidly beating heart to the nerves of being in front of cameras again. It had been years since he'd been in any sort of spotlight. Knowing that the spotlight wasn't going to be directly on him made him feel better. As the pair settled into the limo that had been sent for them, they passed the brief ride pleasantly. Sebastian kept Kat occupied with the tale of his tuxedo shopping experience. Before long, the flashes of light were impossible to dismiss. As their limo stopped at the start of the red carpet, Sebastian reached for Katheryn's hand and they met midway as she seemed to have the same idea. As she gave him a squeeze meant to reassure him, Sebastian glanced at the woman in front of him, still in disbelief that they were both actually here. Her life was about to change forever. Sure, she enjoyed some fame from her starring role on Broadway, but this was going to be a whole new game. Sebastian knew she was ready for it though and decided to tell her so. "Kathryn, you're ready for this" he told her, a smile on his face as she reached for the door. "I'll be right with you" he murmured as the crowd roared and the lights furiously flashed.

Blinded by the lights, Sebastian stepped out of the limo with a smile plastered on his face. Kat's publicist had spoken to him on the phone just the day before to give him some tips on how he should handle himself. That was about the only one he remembered though. Watching as Kat began to expertly make her way down the carpet, Sebastian put his hands in his pocket as he followed behind her. Sometimes, he was asked to be in the shot, holding her around the waist so they could both be photographed. At other times, the photographers only wanted Kat in the shot, undoubtedly to highlight that dress of hers. Bas was in awe of how easily she answered questions, even when she was asked the same ones over and over. People seemed to be especially curious about his association with Kat, but even those questions she handled well. The quiet girl that he knew hadn't disappeared but before him was a stronger version.

When they finally entered the theater, it took Sebastian's green eyes a few moments to adjust to the dim lighting. There was still tons of noise and movement, but for a brief moment it wasn't on the pair. Turning to Kat, Sebastian let out a chuckle. "I never would've guessed looking at you. You were amazing out there" Sebastian gestured over his shoulder. He opened his mouth to say more, but stopped as Kat asked if they should find their seats. Sebastian nodded his head. "Lead the way." He opened the door to the theater, resting his hand on the small of her back as she passed through the doorway. Following beside her, Sebastian glanced around as the theater filled up. It wasn't long before he spotted Kat's dad and his date. Sebastian leaned in to whisper to Kat. "There's your dad" he pointed. They quickly made their way over where introductions began as they took their seats. Just as he had before, Sebastian and Kat's father quickly fell into easy conversation. An announcement over the loudspeaker interrupted them to indicate that there were only a few moments to show time. Sebastian was excited to see the film, especially Kat's role in it. Turning to Kat, Sebastian grinned at her as the lights dimmed and the screen came to life. It wasn't long before Kat's face was on the big screen. She looked glamorous even in the jeans that her character wore. "You look great" he whispered as he reached for her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. This was it. Katheryn Kingsley was officially a movie star.
Not for the first time in her life, Katheryn Kingsley felt a strong sense of admiration for Sebastian Rossi as he guided her towards her father and his date. Bas had handled himself so superbly outside as questions were fired at him. Of course, it was not the first time he had been in the spotlight, but she knew he had wanted to get out of it which was a contributing factor to his exit from Ares Moon. Kat had been selfish, and she had not considered the fact that he was making a sacrifice for her by coming back into the media's light. Bas didn't leave her side except for a few pictures here and there, and even then he didn't go far. Her blue eyes had returned to his face frequently if only to help keep her grounded. Still, it was a relief to finally be inside. He complimented her with the way she had performed on the red carpet. She laughed and shook her head. "I never thought I would be able to fool you too." she teased him as she took his hand in her own. Kat was pleased that she had made it through her first walk down the carpet without any bobbles. "Thank you for being here." she told him, rather unexpectedly, but with sincerity. Katheryn appreciated a friendly face beside her. She knew that Bas would always be in her corner. She could count on him.

Katheryn let go of Sebastian as they reached her father and his date. She wished that her brothers and sisters could be here with them all. The redhead gave Sean a kiss on the cheek as the four of them moved to their seats. All too soon, the lights dimmed and the screen flickered to life. It felt like butterflies were floating in her stomach. Kat had never seen the movie all the way through from beginning to end. However, she was more nervous about how her friends and family would perceive the movie. Sebastian's opinion being one of the most important ones to her. As the movie began, Sebastian reached for Kat's hand and gave it a squeeze, telling her that she looked great. The actress smiled and blushed slightly, grateful that it would go unnoticed in the dark theater. "Thank you." she responded. Kat knew Bas was about to take his hand away from hers, but she stopped him. "Don't let go." she said, feeling that she needed a little strength to take the edge off of her nerves.

The movie played out better than even Kat had imagined. After she got over the initial shock of seeing and hearing herself on the big screen, she was able to see what a great job the producer and director had done piecing the scenes together. The movie was packed full of action, but the romance scenes were dispersed throughout to keep it interesting, or uncomfortable if you were Kat. It was hard to get over the fact that her father, and eventually her brothers, were seeing her half-dressed. Still, she was proud of the work that she had done for the movie, and she hoped that all of her family and friends would also feel that way. The lights came back on, signaling the end of the movie. Katheryn turned to Sebastian, very interested in his thoughts. She wanted him to be proud of her. "What did you think? I wasn't completely tragic was I?" she asked, biting on her lip. His approval was important to her as was her father's. Sean quickly assured her that she had been lovely, and that he had enjoyed the movie immensely. Her blue eyes moved from her father's to Bas'. "Well?" she asked him as her father began to move away, heading for the rear exit with his date. Katheryn knew they would have to leave in a moment as the crowd began to pour out of the theater. There was an after party, of course. Katheryn had to attend, at least for a little while. They would leave soon, but not before she heard what Bas thought.
Keeping his hand in Katheryn's smaller, softer hand, Sebastian turned his attention back to the film, a satisfied look on his face. He certainly hadn't expected to hear those words from Kat, but he was pleased to hear them nonetheless. In the dark of the theater, it was easy for Sebastian to forget how complicated their relationship had become. For the moment, they were just two people who deeply cared about each other, sitting together in a theater and enjoying each other's company. In the dark, it was easy for Bas to forget that there was anyone else in the theater, even Kat's father who was seated only a seat away. As the movie continued, Bas found himself stealing glances at Kat to see how she was reacting to seeing herself on the screen. He knew a little bit about how movies were made and he knew that the scenes weren't shot in the order that they were now seeing them. That was something that was done well after all of the scenes had been filmed. So, he knew that Kat had probably never seen half of the scenes that were now being shown. Sebastian was enjoying the film immensely as he did with most superhero films. He usually didn't pay a ton of attention on the love interests, other than to note their attractiveness, but this time things were a little bit different. Sebastian knew that Katheryn would be asking his opinion on her performace. If there was something wrong with it, Bas couldn't find it though. She was lovely, her beauty and humor shining through. One scene in particular kept Sebastian's attention, but he knew without question it would be the one part of the film that he would avoid mentioning if he could help it. Somehow, he didn't think that he would remain on Sean's good side if he dared mention the part of the film where Katheryn was half dressed.

As the lights came on and the screen went dark, Sebastian could not contain the sense of pride that he felt for Katheryn. Her question was asked with so much anxiety that Sebastian almost felt like reaching for Katheryn's hand again to give it another reassuring squeeze. Her father was very quick to let her know his opinion and Sebastian was content to let the two speak for a few moments. When Katheryn asked him again, he knew that he didn't want her to keep worrying. Resting his hands in the space where her neck and shoulders met, Sebastian gave her a reassuring smile. "Katheryn...the movie was amazing, but you were even more amazing. You were great doing theater work, but I think you were really meant to do movies" he stated as he gave her a little squeeze. Leaning forward before he could think about it too much, Sebastian gave Katheryn a kiss on the cheek before letting her go completely. "The only tragic thing was the look on your father's face during the scene where you know" Sebastian murmured with an odd sort of grin crossing his face, one that was equal parts embarrassment as it was anything else. Bas thought that the scenes were done tastefully and it wasn't anything more than he'd seen when he'd gone to the beach with Katheryn, but he knew that to Sean and Kat's brother, when he finally saw it, it was probably more than a bit awkward.

As the crowd dispersed around them, Sebastian allowed several people to interrupt them and offer their congratulations to Katheryn. Fairly soon, they'd have to be off for the after party that the entire cast was expected to attend. Sebastian wasn't much of a party person anymore, but he was eager to continue spending time with Katheryn. "Ready to hit that party?" he asked his date. He'd do what she wanted, of course. If she wanted to just show her face and then leave, Sebastian would be ready to leave. If she wanted to stick around for a bit longer, Sebastian would do that too. He held out his arm for Katheryn to grab before heading for the doors. Luckily the after party was only a short way from the theater. As they neared the doors to the theater, Sebastian put his hand on the door. "Brace yourself, Ms. Kingsley. Your fans await" he kidded before pushing the door open. Sure enough, there were some fans already screaming after the star of the film who was walking just ahead of them with his date.
Katheryn was slightly reassured by her father, but she knew that he would always think she was lovely no matter what she did. He loved her, and she thought it was possible for that love to blind him. It was Sebastian's words that reassured her the most. His light, warm touch on her the tops of her shoulders along with the smile he was giving her calmed her fears. Katheryn trusted Bas to be honest with her, and the words that came out of his mouth were glowing with praise. He had seen her in every production she had been in, so he would know if this was her best performance. Kat trusted Sebastian's assessment. Her blue eyes widened in surprise as he leaned in and kissed her cheek though she was oddly comforted by this gesture that felt so natural to her. "Thank you. Really." she told him, smiling at him warmly. However, his next murmured sentence caused her cheeks to flush brightly. "Oh, god. That was mortifying!" she exclaimed while resisting the urge to bury her face in her hands. "Never, ever mention that in front of my family." she said, shaking her head. The scenes might have been tastefully done, but the implications there were not something she wanted to discuss with her family.

Several people chose this moment to interrupt them to offer a congratulations or a word of praise to Kat on the way out. Once the crowd had mostly vanished, Bas suggested that they leave too. "Yes. I'm ready though I would really just like to go catch up with you. The party should be fun though. I heard there would be some sort of acrobats or something." she said, her face flushed with excitement. It wasn't really like she had been to a party like this one before. Katheryn grinned at Bas as he offered his arm to her. She threaded her arm through his, feeling reassured by the contact as they headed to the door. Bas' words sent a jolt through her heart as he pushed open the door, revealing a large, loud crowd outside the door. It seemed like most of the fans were screaming for the star of the film, a much more noteworthy and experienced actor than she was. However, she heard her name intermixed with his, calling out to her. She paused here and there, taking pictures with fans and signing autographs.

Luckily, the walk wasn't long, and soon enough she was sliding into the quiet of the limousine. She slumped down against the cool leather seats and Bas. Kat looked up at him, smiling and feeling accomplished. "Thank you for being here tonight. You don't know how much that means to me." she told him, touching his face softly, only for a moment. Things had not been easy between the two of them ever since Katheryn kissed Sebastian. Awkward tension had filled the space between them over the past few months, but it seemed like all of that had vanished tonight. Kat felt like it was just the two of them, inseparable friends, enjoying the night together as they had many other nights. "Have you had a good time?" she asked, hoping that the answer was yes because she was really him being here with her. "I think the party will be fun, but we can make a short appearance and then go to the hotel if it isn't." she said with a shrug. Katheryn had gotten a hotel suite for the night so that she wouldn't have to go back to her dad's house, and she had offered one of the beds to Sebastian if he didn't feel like apparating home.
Before long, Sebastian was climbing into the limousine behind Katheryn. As the door was shut behind them, the loud sounds outside were muffled even though he could still see flashes going off. Sebastian settled into his seat, Katheryn leaning against him, though it wasn't uncomfortable in the slightest. He listened to Kat's words, a smile coming across his face as he gazed back at her with fondness in his eyes. "The pleasure was all mine, Kat" he replied, glad that he was actually able to mean the words. He had definitely had some concerns that the night would be miserable and uncomfortable and that he would an escort to Kat and barely get to share a word with her. As the limousine slowly made its way towards the exit to carry them off to the party, Sebastian stretched out his legs. His shoes weren't hurting him, but they were starting to make his feet feel a bit uncomfortable. He made circles with his feet, stretching them out as much as he could with shoes on his feet.

When Kat asked if he was having fun, Sebastian allowed his eyes to slowly drift back to meet with hers. A smile was on his face and he nodded before he spoke. "Yea, it's been a really good night. I'm glad I came" Sebastian told her, glad that he was able to give her a genuine, positive answer. Thinking back to when he'd been asked to join her, Sebastian knew that this moment was a fire cry from how he and Kat had been a couple of months ago. Their relationship had been off-kilter for a while, Sebastian always feeling as if he was saying or doing the wrong thing. Tonight, he felt that they regained something he had, for a time, feared might be lost forever - their easy friendship. The man didn't know if it was the excitement of the night or just that they had given each other a few weeks of space, but he hoped that they would be able to keep this once the night was over. He thought that Kat felt it too. As Kat spoke about the party, Sebastian shrugged. "I'm fine doing whatever you want, Kat. If you want to bail early, just let me know" he stated. Bas didn't mind a good party, especially if acrobats were being promised. If Kat wanted to leave early and head to her hotel room, he'd be fine with that too. He knew that her day had been long and stressful. Bas was still on France time, which meant that he should have been asleep hours ago. Thankfully, the soda that he had to drink during the movie was keeping him awake.

Once they cleared the theater, the traffic cleared and they were on their way. The limousine provided a smooth ride and Sebastian leaned his head against Kat's, content to enjoy the ride. He blinked lazily, his eyes drifting closed for a moment. Not wanting to fall asleep, Sebastian shifted and reached for the window, opening it a crack to let a cool breeze into the car. That ought to be sufficient enough to keep him awake. When the limousine began to slow, Sebastian knew that they had arrived to the party. Opening the door, Sebastian stepped out into the night air before holding out his hand for Kat. They walked through the doors, music blasting already and plenty of people mingling and dancing. Sebastian quickly noted that the rumors about the acrobats were true. They were hanging from long curtains throughout the hall. "Ok, that's pretty cool" the man said as he nodded his head towards the closest one. Glancing about the room, Sebastian noted that the atmosphere was much more relaxed than it had been on the red carpet and in the theater. Now that the movie had been shown, everyone seemed more at ease. He waited to see what Kat would want to do first.
The ride to the venue was relatively short once they were clear of the traffic. The pair got out of the car as flashes erupted once more. The red-headed actress smiled and waved, but did not stop to talk as she made her way indoors on Bas' arm. Katheryn's icy blue eyes widened as she walked into the party on Sebastian's arm. She had heard that the party was going to be lavish, but she had not been expecting this. She wasn't used to this sort of thing, and it wasn't something that she imagined she would get used to anytime soon. "Woah." she murmured, just loud enough for Bas alone to hear her. It seemed that he was feeling similar feelings of awe. For the muggle world, this was pretty magical. Kat looked around the room, taking it all in. The music was pulsing all around as people mingled. She grinned at Bas, thinking they were in for a good time. "Come on. Let's go get a drink." she said, grabbing his hand and pulling him after her.

Several drinks later, Katheryn had convinced Sebastian to join her on the dance floor for a few dances. She had always loved to dance, and tonight was no exception. As Bas held her close, Kat couldn't help but smile. She was having a great time at the party, but they kept getting interrupted by different people who wanted to congratulate her on her first successful movie role. The noise was starting to exhaust the young woman after her long, eventful day and too much to drink. The redhead looked at her date with a question on her lips. "Are you ready to get out of here? Because I am." she said, knowing that he would consent to her request. Katheryn left him momentarily as she made her rounds to say goodbye to the people that she needed to before meeting him back at the door to leave together.

The journey to the hotel took less time than Katheryn would have expected, but there didn't seem to be any traffic on the roads. Kat leaned her head against Bas in the limousine, relishing in the quiet after the noise of the party. It only took a moment to get the key to the room been reserved for her. The actress sighed, happy to finally been away from the crowd as she walked into the room. It was a spacious room with lavish decoration and a single bed in the center of the room. There was a couch in the corner near the balcony area. Kat slumped down on the bed and looked at Bas. "I hope you had a good time. I did." she said with a grin. "Thank god you were here. I don't think that I could have done this without you, Bas." Katheryn told him seriously. "I hope you at least had a little bit of fun." she said with a playful smile on her lips.
Katheryn had pulled Sebastian off to grab ‘a’ drink, which he’d quickly agreed to. It but people kept offering the starlet and her date shots of something that had burned more than firewhiskey going down. Actors and actresses really did know how to have fun. They’d put some of his musician friends to shame with how much they drank. Sebastian wasn’t much of a drinker, never had been. But, he had been having too much fun to stop and take inventory on exactly how many drinks he had ingested until Kat was attempting to pull him onto the dance floor. Sebastian made a half-hearted attempt to decline, but he stumbled off of his stool nevertheless and allowed Kat to lead him onto the dance floor, his hand going around her waist as they danced. Sebastian was grateful for the many interruptions at first because it meant that Bas didn’t have to spend too much time focusing on his dancing. After a while, it did begin to annoy him and he was pretty grateful when Kat indicated that she was ready to leave. Nodding his head, Bas leaned in close to her ear. “Let me just grab my jacket” he stated, heading away from her to the chair where he’d dumped his jacket about five songs ago.

Bas made it to the door, his jacket folded over his arm. He threw an arm over Kat’s shoulder as she re-joined him so they could head off to her hotel room. Even before he looked around, Bas didn’t waste any time in kicking his shoes off when he entered the room. One ended up near the door and the other near a wastebasket. “Much better. I don’t know how you ladies do it” he stated with a smirk and a shake of his head. The guy padded his way over to the couch in the corner, admiring how nice the room actually was. Bas had gone on tour many times and had spent some time backpacking, but this was easily the nicest room that he’d ever stayed in. Most of the time, he was just grateful when the rooms had hot water. He had no doubts that this room did.

Loosening his tie, Sebastian threw himself onto the couch, lifting his feet on to the foot rest as he watched Kat settle herself on the bed and speak to him. A smile played across the guy’s lips. He was pleased that Kat had invited him and even more glad that the night had gone well for her. He knew that this was an important event in her life and that she had wanted him to enjoy it with her had made Bas realize something – he liked enjoying things with Kat. “I always have fun with you, Kat. You know that” Bas told her with a serious expression on his face. It was true. ” It was a lot more fun than I thought it would be though” Bas admitted, the smile drifting onto his face once more. He hadn’t expected to enjoy wearing a suit and having his picture taken nor had he expected the actors to be friendly, for the most part. “Especially after…what was it that we had? Four? Five drinks? I’m gonna feel ‘em in the morning, I’m sure. At least, we’ll have this beauty of a room to wake up to” Sebastian rambled a bit, his body relaxing as it finally had its first moments of doing nothing. His green eyes drifted over to Kat and he took her in for a moment. “Kat?” he asked, a smirk on his face. “You’re not going to sleep in that , are you? You look gorgeous, but it doesn’t look very comfortable to sleep in” he chuckled, waiting for her to throw a pillow at him or something.
Katheryn lay on the bed, face to the ceiling without so much as taking off her shoes. Her head was swimming slightly from a combination of the drinks and the excitement of the evening. She had successfully made it through her first real night of being a movie actress instead of a broadway actress, both of which were very different from each other. The redhead giggled slightly as Bas quickly kicked off his shoes. "It's not without pain, my friend." she said, proceeding to kick off her own heels, albeit a bit more delicately. Kat knew they were very expensive, and she didn't want to damage anything so lovely. She wiggled her cramped toes, acclimating them to this freedom. Sebastian did have a point, but beauty was pain or so she had heard.

The young woman smiled as she heard Bas say that he had enjoyed the night more than he thought he would. "Me too." she said in agreement. She had been nervous on multiple levels from the reviews of the movie to being stuck in an awkward, tense situation with Sebastian all night. They had not been in a good place for the past few months, but it seemed like the tension was forgotten tonight. Kat was able to touch Bas casually without wondering if she was making him uncomfortable. None of her fears had come to fruition. It seemed as if people enjoyed the movie, though only time would tell if the movie was successful or not. The actress was glad that she had been able to share this with Bas. He was one of the most important people in her life.

The redheaded woman flashed him a grin as he teased her about sleeping in her gown. She sighed. "I suppose you're right. I guess I will get up." she said with a playful roll of her blue eyes. The dress was quite heavy, Kat would be more than happy to get out of it altogether. She stood up and walked to the table where the bag was with her change of clothes. Kat rummaged around before pulling out a tank top and a pair of shorts. She pulled a hair tie out of a side pocket before pulling her hair up into a ponytail. "Will you unzip me, please?" she said, turning around to allow Bas to reach the zipper. She was acutely aware of how close he was to her. Even though it seemed like they had finally regained their friendship, Kat was still attracted to Bas more than she had been to anyone in a long time. However, she now knew he didn't feel the same way, and she would not initiate anything that could permanently ruin their friendship.
Content at the fact that Kat had also enjoyed the night, Bas smiled as he leaned back, enjoying the comfort of not having to support his own body. Taking off his tie, Bas draped it across the arm of the chair he was on as he turned his face towards Kat once more. The man watched her walk across the room to a bag and rummage inside, pulling some pajamas out of it. “Why didn’t I think of that?” he stated with an eye roll more to himself than anything. He hadn’t, of course, and wasn’t looking forward to a night of sleeping in his dress pants. At least he had a tank top under his dress shirt. It wasn’t like anyone would see him unless he wanted them to. There were no anti-apparation charms on the hotel, and he could easily shoot off in the morning, arriving on his own doorstep with minimal effort. With a slight nod, Bas slid forward in the seat to oblige Katheryn’s request. Her back was to him as he took his first steps, a fact he was glad for when he stumbled over the edge of the bedspread that was just trailing on the carpet. He walked over to his friend, his head swimming slightly as the alcohol continued to make its way through his system.

Sebastian’s fingers fumbled at some sort of clasp that was holding the top of the dress in place, realizing that if he undid the zipper without undoing that first, it would be pointless. The hook required a great deal more concentration than he expected and he narrowed his green eyes as his fingers fumbled with the tiny thing. “Dammit” he mumbled as his fingers slipped again. Sebastian gently moved Katheryn’s ponytail out of his way, draping it over her shoulder. The woman’s red hair really was amazing. It was soft and smelled of something that he knew but couldn’t quite put his finger on at the moment. It was intoxicating though. Finally, on the third try, free from the distraction of her mane, he released the infernal creation. He supposed that this was just another example of the ‘no pain, no gain’ mantra that his friend had just uttered, though this one he could easily understand. Reaching for the zipper, Sebastian’s fingers lowered it slowly as he forced his thoughts to remain away from what he was exactly doing. It was difficult, their close proximity reminding Sebastian of that scene in the movie. “There you go” Sebastian muttered as he finished, his hand moving slowly away from the dress and her bare skin so that she could go get more comfortable. Sebastian had felt something while watching that scene in the movie. During the film, he’d attributed it to mere discomfort from having Kat watch him watch her on the screen. Now, standing this close, he realized that what he’d felt had been something more akin to jealousy.

The realization hit him with a slap. Closing his green eyes, Sebastian’s fingers moved to rub at his temples for a moment before they drifted open once more. The man reached for the buttons of his shirt, shrugging it off before he drifted towards the bed and flopped onto it. His arm rested over his eyes, his head on a pillow that felt like a tiny piece of heaven itself, so he could rest them for a brief moment while Katheryn changed. When he was sure that Kat was out of the room – he’d peeked – Bas let out a tiny groan. “What are you thinking?” he mumbled to himself. Whether it was a question to prevent him from doing something stupid or egging himself on, even Bas couldn’t be sure.
Katheryn grinned as she heard Bas comment on his lack of appropriate sleeping clothes. She had thought he might neglect that detail with the apparition trip. She rummaged around in the bag a moment longer before pulling out a pair of gym shorts and an old t-shirt. They had once belonged to her brother as she had found them in his old room at her father's house earlier that morning. "Today's your lucky day." Kat teased as she tossed him the clothes. They were a little worn out, but they were clean and not a tuxedo. Even though Katheryn's back was towards him, she heard Bas stumble over something before she felt his fingers on her skin. They fumbled with the clasp before she felt them brush down her back to the end of the zipper at the small of her back. A chill ran down her spine where his skin had touched hers. Katheryn knew she needed to move away from him now before she did something stupid...again.

The redheaded woman made her way to the bathroom, holding her dress up to keep it from falling down. She scooped up her pajamas before heading into the bathroom and shutting the door behind her. Kat took her time. She took off the dress and hung it up on the back of the door. She would find a way to get it home safely in the morning. Katheryn went to the sink and brushed her teeth before washing the makeup off of her face. She wasn't typically one to wear makeup unless she was going out, and it felt much better to get all of that off of her face.

Feeling much better, Katheryn exited the bathroom. She found Bas in the bed with his arm over his face. Kat couldn't tell if he had fallen asleep or not, but she hadn't been in the bathroom that long. She grinned as she jumped onto the bed next to him. "You didn't fall asleep on me, did you Bas?" she asked in a playful voice. Now that she had changed, she felt loads better and even less tired. Katheryn laid down beside him, resting her head on his chest. She looked up at him with her blue eyes. "Are you tired?" she asked him, knowing that the answer was probably yes. He had been up longer than she had.
Getting up only for as long as it took him to get out of his dress clothes and into the more comfortable clothes that Sebastian assumed belonged to Katheryn’s brother, Sebastian collapsed back on the bed in the same position he’d been in before, arm over his face. He was much, much more comfortable now and was grateful to Katheryn for thinking about him and finding some clothes for him even though she’d been busy prepping for the night. It didn’t surprise him that she had though. It was just in Katheryn’s nature to think of others. It was with these thoughts that Bas began to drift off, sleep coming over him quickly though not deeply. He woke with a start when Katheryn jumped on the bed beside him, his green eyes drifting open as he slowly lifted his arm up to let in the light. She was on the bed, right beside him in her pajamas, looking just like the Kat he’d come to know over the years. There was nothing wrong with how she’d looked before, far from it. But, he had become friends with this girl, the one who wasn’t known as a huge actress. “Nope. I’m up. I’m up.” he murmured sleepily, a huge yawn coming over him just as he finished. He laughed, repositioning himself as Katheryn settled herself in beside him. The man moved his arm so it rested across her back, his hand on her shoulder. Katheryn looked wide awake, but he knew that he was fighting a losing battle.

Reaching for the lamp right by the bed with his free hand, Sebastian flipped the switch, the darkness immediately coming across the room. It took his green eyes a few moments to adjust, but he was aided by a small ray of moonlight that peeked around the curtains. “How are you so wide awake?” he shook his head, a laugh in his voice as his fingers began making slow, lazy circles on her shoulder. He could have drifted off easily, he knew. Kat’s body was warm beside his and he always slept better when he slept next to someone. Sebastian couldn’t deny how comfortable he felt at the moment though and he some part of him that it was largely in part because it was Kat lying beside him. His eyes drifted closed, and he knew that each time they did, it would be harder to remain awake as the jet lag and drinks began to catch up with him.

Focusing hard on Kat’s face, Sebastian’s hand moved from her shoulder to her hair and he played with a small lock of it. “Thanks again for the clothes” he stated. “You’re always so good to me” he added with a content sigh as his eyes drifted closed once more. He kept them closed, tired of fighting off the sleep, as he continued on, the words coming slower and slower until he drifted off at the end. “This…this feels really good too. I could get used to this, I think…” His hand stopped moving as he fell into a light, drunken sleep, still on top of the covers.

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