Kinda gone ish ya know?

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Barbie Tectra

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
I don't know, come closer and I'll tell you...
At least till tomorrow night. I was at y grandma's from Wednesday evening to today, and I went to K-zoo after wards to go shopping. I mean, I had fun, even though I can't find Skinny jeans, but I was gone for so long. And I'll be off most of today too, because we brought my friend Corey back, you've probably heard of her, so I am hanging out with her tonight. Then Tomorrow, she goes home around six, so I'll be there. And then, I'll be gone again Tuesday, because I have to go to Benton harbor to find some jeans (i bought like six shirts, a rape whistle, and fangs today so i really need jeans!) and later that afternoon, I have a therapist appointment, so I'll be out till about six again.

When I return I will post, until then, I shall lurk around, just checking on things. To everyone I have something going with (especially sorry to Sir Kaitlyn and Bethy-Boo) i will reply once I'm fully back! Till then, loves!

soooo.. this is why I havent seen you around.. I was about to ask where you are but mehh lol...

COME BACK SOON COLEEEEE :cry: and have fun :hug:

(yessss another Asian charrie :p )
SAlly :hug:
Thanks, I should be back now. Turns out, I was supposed to be at the Therapists office yesterday.
My brother didn't pass on the call =(
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