Kiera Kingsley

Kiera Kaster

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
12" Ash wand with tail of unicorn hair core
Sorry! Ill finish this in a few minutes!

Full Name:
Kiera Melanie Kingsley
- Birth Date:
July 5, 2006
- Current Age:
- Basic Appearance:
Kiera is a short, tiny girl. She is very muscular from her years of gymnastic training and many people underestimate her strength and power because of her build. She has curly chestnut hair that reaches midway down her back. Her eyes are a deep brown that glitter with traces of honey in the sun. They are almond shaped. Kiera has full lips though the top one is a bit thin and slightly uneven.
- Parents:
Mother--Jacqueline Burke-pure-blood
Father--Sean Kingsley-muggle
- Siblings, if any:
Cameron Kingsley-16
Katheryn Kingsley-13
- Pets, if any:
Siemese Cat- Cleopatra (Cleo)
Barn Owl- Pharaoh
Black Lab- Zeus
- Area of Residence:
Kiera grew up in Georgia but her family moved to California when she was 9.
- Blood status:(If your character is a sorted student:)
Half Blood
- Hogwarts House (And why):
Gryffindor because Kiera is daring and bold. She likes taking risks. She is brave and has only a handful of things she is truly afraid of.
- Best school subjects (And why):
Potions--Kiera has a skill with potions. Though she does not know it, this was her mother's best subject and she inheriated the same talent her mother had.
DADA--Kiera thinks it is important for her to know this stuff since her mother is a Death Eater. She studies extra hard and pays extra attention in this class.
Charms--Kiera's wand was made for charms. It gives her extra help that she does not need. Kiera enjoys this the most because it is the true magic.
- Worst school subjects (And why): (all characters:)
Astronomy--This subject just cant capture Kiera's intrest. She finds it particularly boring.
- What would their Patronus be?
A pink dolphin (they are real!)
- What would their Boggart be?
A snake. Kiera is deathly afraid of them because a garden snake bit her when she was only two.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one)
A tree monkey because it flips and swings from the trees just like Kiera does on the uneven bars.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised?
Kiera would see her family as it should have been. Her mother and father standing together, holding hands while they both looked lovingly at their three kids.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus?
Kiera's memory would be from last summer when she competed in her first gymnastics competiton since she came to HNZ. Kiera surprised herself and placed second as her closest friends cheered her on. It was one of the happiest days of her life.
-Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
I'm going to ask some questions despite the lack of a journal entry, as it isn't necessary. :)

How tall would you define as 'short' for Kiera?
Can you give five adjectives that best describe Kiera and reasons why they suit her well?
Can you give five adjectives for each of Kiera's parents?
How are her parents employed?
What is Kiera's relationship with her family members like?
There seems to be a theme to the names of Kiera's pets, is there a reason why?
Why does Kiera attend Hogwarts in New Zealand if she lives in the United States?
You say Kiera is only afraid of a handful of things, can you list some of her fears? Are any irrational?
I just want to remind you that patronus' are all a whispy silver in colour, so though it may be pink in colour, it's silver. ;)
Why would Kiera's patronus be a pink dolphin?
Who is Kiera's favourite professor?
What is one of Kiera's short-term goals? Long-term goal?
How tall would you define as 'short' for Kiera?
Kiera has reached her full grown height of 5' even.
Can you give five adjectives that best describe Kiera and reasons why they suit her well?
1. Daring- Kiera is a risk taker. She doesn't think or even care about the danger of some of the things she likes to try, such as in her gymnastics and Quidditch. Some might describe this as reckless instead of daring.
2. Intelligent- She comprehends subject matter quickly. She has always been a reader and she likesto learn new things.
3. Persistant- Kiera tries again and again untill she is able to do something to her satisfaction.
4.Caring- Kiera cares about everyone. When someone is upset, Kiera takes it upon herself to make things better for them. She hates seeing her friends hurting.
5. Talkative- Kiera is a social person who likes to be with other people. She is an extrovert and hates the times when she is alone. She likes talking and being in the center of a group.
Can you give five adjectives for each of Kiera's parents?
Jacqueline- Cold, Intelligent, Snobby, Purist, Cruel
Sean-Quiet, Sensibe, Loving, Caring, Brave
How are her parents employed?
Jacqueline co-owns Borgins and Burke. She runs the one in New Zealand. She is also a Death Eater.
Sean is a psychologist. He works for his own business. He has two younger guys and one woman in his practice that work for him.
What is Kiera's relationship with her family members like?
Kiera is extremely close with her father, brother, and sister. They were raised to do everything together. Her father made their home enviroment so that it fostered a close and strong bond between the siblings. Though, recently a rift has come up between Kiera and Kat. Kiera is a daddy's girl. She learned at a young age how to wrap her father around her finger.
Kiera is not close at all to her mother. Kiera cannot find it in her heart to forgive her mother for faking her death and leaving her young family. She is suspicious of her mother and thinks there are other reasons why her mother wants to be close to her now.
There seems to be a theme to the names of Kiera's pets, is there a reason why?
Kiera thought her siemese cat looked like a queen so she decided to name it after the famous egyptian queen, Cleopatra. She got her owl after that and decided to name it with a name that matched Cleo. So she came up with Pharaoh. Cameron actually named Kiera's dog, Zeus.
Why does Kiera attend Hogwarts in New Zealand if she lives in the United States?
Kiera decided to attend Hogwarts New Zealand because she believed it was closer to California than Hogwarts Scottland.
You say Kiera is only afraid of a handful of things, can you list some of her fears? Are any irrational?
Kiera is truely afraid her mother. This is an irrational fear since her mother had never done anything to harm her in anyway.
She is also afraid of snakes, clowns, and the dark.
I just want to remind you that patronus' are all a whispy silver in colour, so though it may be pink in colour, it's silver.
Why would Kiera's patronus be a pink dolphin?

((I meant the actual animal is a pink dolphin :D )) Kiera has always been fasinated with dolphins. She lives near a beach and has often seen them out in the water playing. Only two years ago, Kiera's dad took her out farther in the ocean. There they stumble upon pink dolphins. Kiera immediately fell in love. Ever since then they have been her favorite animal.
Who is Kiera's favourite professor?
Kiera's favorite professor is Professor Hemidall. She is kind and always keeps her lessons fun plus Kiera likes Ancient Runes very much.
Kiera's familial relations interest me. :lol:
If Kiera's mother is a pure-blood and is of the pure-blood superiority mindset, why did she have Kiera and her siblings with a muggle? Was she really in love? What changed?
Jacqueline was going through what she now thinks of as her rebellious stage. Her parents had always controlled everything including her mindset. She was taking a trip around the United States as a sort of grauduation present from her family. While in New York City, she met a very handsome young muggle, Sean. Jacqueline thought she fell in love at first sight. Sean was on vacation in the city with his best friend. They were married within a month.

It was the most reckless thing Sean had ever done. She hid her magic from him so he was completely oblivious to the whole magical world. Jacqueline was very careful to cover her tracks so that her family could not find her. After 4 years of hiding her heritage she grew tired of hiding herself. She began to loathe Sean for forcing her to live in a way she considered poorly. She faked her death and ran back to her parents embracing all the past ideas she had once questioned. Jacqueline did not tell her parents where she lived or what she had been doing.

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