Kelsia Gray

Kelsia Gray

Well-Known Member
Full Name: Kelsia Luna Gray
- Birth Date: 2 September
- Current Age: 11
- Basic Appearance: Medium hight with waist-length vivid red hair and green eyes
- Parents:
Mother: Luna Gray -witch
Father: Ryan Gray -muggle
- Siblings, if any: twin sister Jasmin Gray
- Pets, if any: Snowy owl called Jingle
- Area of Residence: NZ
- Blood status: Half-blood

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? A cat because they are independent, but also like company
- What would their Boggart be? Sister Jasmin lying dead on the floor
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Cat
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Her parents not fighting
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Seeing her owl for the first time

- Write an example roleplay by your character:
Kelsia wakes up and goes downstairs to check the mail. She opens her eyes wide with suprise, there is a letter adressed to her! She rips open the letter with anticipation and reads it. She quietly folds the letter, put it on the table and smiles to herself.
Later when she is going to bed she hears her mum muttering about muggles, obviously she had gotten the reply from her father -who hated the wizarding world.
She sighed and tried to sleep, but with thoughts of her new school she was too exited to sleep.

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

Last night I dreamed about going to Hogwarts, only it was horribly wrong!
I went up to the sorting hat and sat on the stool, but the second it went on my head it yelled out: SYTHERIN! and Jasmin looked at me with a look of disgust.
I woke up sweating and couldn't sleep for the rest of the night so I crept downstairs and started to read on the soft sofa.
Oh I hope I'm in Gryffindor!

A bit about Kelsia:
She is a shy girl who values friendship above everthing else and she would do (almost) anything to help a friend in need.
She loves to read and is very smart because she spend all her spare time reading or hanging out with friends.
Hi Kelsia! Welcome to HNZ. I have a few questions for you:

Why, in the Nightmare, was Kelsia so horrified to be sorted into Slytherin?

Which house would she prefer to be in?

What causes Kelsia's parents to fight so much?
Why, in the Nightmare, was Kelsia so horrified to be sorted into Slytherin?
She has cousins that are in Slytherin and they hurt her because she is quiet.

Which house would she prefer to be in?
Gryfindor because her mother was in there

What causes Kelsia's parents to fight so much?
Well her mother didn't tell her father that she was a witch untill after they were married and she was about to have twins, so he left her to raise Kelsia and Jasmin by herself.

Kelsia has never acually met her father in person because he is scared that he is a father to a monster (as I might have said before he hates anything to to with the wizarding world)
More questions for you!:

If your father left your mother, how and why do they still fight all the time? ((sorry if that's rude, but I'm quite confused by it - as you stated he left your mother to raise you and your sister by herself.))

Whereabouts in New Zealand do you live?

Any other reason you would like to be in Gryffindor? (i.e. personality traits)

Also, just a small point: your RP should be in the past tense, not the present. For example: "Kelsia woke up and went downstairs to check the mail..."
(Sorry about that, I'm a bit of an English Nazi).

Anyway, looking pretty good!
Angus Greenwood said:
More questions for you!:

If your father left your mother, how and why do they still fight all the time? ((sorry if that's rude, but I'm quite confused by it - as you stated he left your mother to raise you and your sister by herself.))

Whereabouts in New Zealand do you live?

Any other reason you would like to be in Gryffindor? (i.e. personality traits)

Also, just a small point: your RP should be in the past tense, not the present. For example: "Kelsia woke up and went downstairs to check the mail..."
(Sorry about that, I'm a bit of an English Nazi).

Anyway, looking pretty good!
More questions for you!:

If your father left your mother, how and why do they still fight all the time? ((sorry if that's rude, but I'm quite confused by it - as you stated he left your mother to raise you and your sister by herself.))

Kelsia just smiled and said "Dunno, they just do."

Whereabouts in New Zealand do you live?

Kelsia proudly said "I live in the Waikato" =)

Any other reason you would like to be in Gryffindor? (i.e. personality traits)
Kelsia pondered the question and finally replyed "I value loyalty and friendship more than anything else in this world!"

Also, just a small point: your RP should be in the past tense, not the present. For example: "Kelsia woke up and went downstairs to check the mail..."
(Sorry about that, I'm a bit of an English Nazi).

Oops! =)

Anyway, looking pretty good!

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