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- OOC First Name
- Kelsey
- Wand
- 12 1/2" Firm Fir Wand with the essence of Dragon Heartstring
- Age
- 1/2007
Full Name: Kailey Elizabeth Paramore
- Birth Date: May 20th, 2007
- Current Age: 12
- Basic Appearance: I have fairly long wavy brown hair and silver eyes. I'm 5'8" I know you're thinking that's way too tall for a 12 year old but everyone on my fathers side of the family is taller than average. I inhereted it from him I guess.
- Parents: Juanita and Dogulas Paramore, Juanita is a muggleborn witch and Doug is a muggle.
- Siblings, if any: I have three siblings, My twin sister Trista Paramore she decided to be homeschooled. Luna is 10 years old and will be attending hogwarts New Zealand next year. Briana is the youngest of us and is 4 years old. Travis Paramore was the oldest and my only brother. Although he's biologically my half brother I always called him my brother. Travis was a muggle. He was 28 when he died.
- Pets, if any: I have no pets. I had two pygmy puffs but gave them to Trista.
- Area of Residence: We live in a large cabin up in the mountains near Pigeon Forge Tennessee.
- Blood status: Half Blood
(If your character is a sorted student
- Hogwarts House (And why): I'm in Ravenclaw, I may not try my absolute hardest in certian subjects but I manage to get decent grades. I find myself wondering why I was put in Ravenclaw sometimes. Oh well, The sorting hat sees something I don't I guess!
- Best school subjects (And why): Transfiguration, Herbology, and Charms. These subjects have more hands on stuff to learn about. Knowing how do things is just as important as learning the facts behind them.
- Worst school subjects (And why): Astronomy, I just don't like it. Maybe that will change but for now it's my least favorite subject.
(all characters
- What would their Patronus be? Unknown
- What would their Boggart be? A gravestone with any of my family members name on it. After Travis Died I'm afraid to lose anybody else so close to me.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Unknown
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? probably myself surrounded by friends and family. I'm terribly shy and I don't have many good friends nor do I have much contact with my family. I'm hoping to change this but so far it's not worked at all.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Unknown
- Write an example roleplay by your character:
Kailey walked into her bedroom after not having even stepped foot in the house for a year. She was home for the last two weeks of the summer. She layed on the bed, oh how it felt so different from her dormitory bed. She got up a few minutes later and opened her bag which was full of books. She had read them all over the year. She walked downstairs to the living room carrying the books and putting them in their place on the huge bookshelf and picked out several more for the year to come.
Kailey was walking up the stairs to go back to her room when her dad came in from work. Not wanting to see him just yet she quickened her pace and went back in her room. Sure she loved her father but it seemed that almost everytime they talked anymore he was telling her that she should come home and go back to school go on to college and do somethng meaningful with her life. Everytime they got into this it only turned out badly. She loved her dad but she just wished he would be supportive of her going to hogwarts and going into a wizarding career eventually.
After finishing the book she had been reading on the train Kailey got up off the bed and went back downstairs to put the book on the bookshelf and found her father sitting in the big red armchair reading a book she had put back on the shelf earlier that day. That was one thing her and Doug had in common was their love for reading. Kailey thought if he had went to hogwarts that he would have been a Ravenclaw. She figured that they may as well get the conversation out of the way now so she could enjoy these next two weeks in peace. "Hi dad, I'm back" He gave her a hug and told her he had missed her and went back to reading his book. This surprised Kailey, Maybe he was starting to understand her side. Or more likely he had given up on convincing her to come home.
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
- Birth Date: May 20th, 2007
- Current Age: 12
- Basic Appearance: I have fairly long wavy brown hair and silver eyes. I'm 5'8" I know you're thinking that's way too tall for a 12 year old but everyone on my fathers side of the family is taller than average. I inhereted it from him I guess.
- Parents: Juanita and Dogulas Paramore, Juanita is a muggleborn witch and Doug is a muggle.
- Siblings, if any: I have three siblings, My twin sister Trista Paramore she decided to be homeschooled. Luna is 10 years old and will be attending hogwarts New Zealand next year. Briana is the youngest of us and is 4 years old. Travis Paramore was the oldest and my only brother. Although he's biologically my half brother I always called him my brother. Travis was a muggle. He was 28 when he died.
- Pets, if any: I have no pets. I had two pygmy puffs but gave them to Trista.
- Area of Residence: We live in a large cabin up in the mountains near Pigeon Forge Tennessee.
- Blood status: Half Blood
(If your character is a sorted student

- Hogwarts House (And why): I'm in Ravenclaw, I may not try my absolute hardest in certian subjects but I manage to get decent grades. I find myself wondering why I was put in Ravenclaw sometimes. Oh well, The sorting hat sees something I don't I guess!
- Best school subjects (And why): Transfiguration, Herbology, and Charms. These subjects have more hands on stuff to learn about. Knowing how do things is just as important as learning the facts behind them.
- Worst school subjects (And why): Astronomy, I just don't like it. Maybe that will change but for now it's my least favorite subject.
(all characters

- What would their Patronus be? Unknown
- What would their Boggart be? A gravestone with any of my family members name on it. After Travis Died I'm afraid to lose anybody else so close to me.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Unknown
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? probably myself surrounded by friends and family. I'm terribly shy and I don't have many good friends nor do I have much contact with my family. I'm hoping to change this but so far it's not worked at all.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Unknown
- Write an example roleplay by your character:
Kailey walked into her bedroom after not having even stepped foot in the house for a year. She was home for the last two weeks of the summer. She layed on the bed, oh how it felt so different from her dormitory bed. She got up a few minutes later and opened her bag which was full of books. She had read them all over the year. She walked downstairs to the living room carrying the books and putting them in their place on the huge bookshelf and picked out several more for the year to come.
Kailey was walking up the stairs to go back to her room when her dad came in from work. Not wanting to see him just yet she quickened her pace and went back in her room. Sure she loved her father but it seemed that almost everytime they talked anymore he was telling her that she should come home and go back to school go on to college and do somethng meaningful with her life. Everytime they got into this it only turned out badly. She loved her dad but she just wished he would be supportive of her going to hogwarts and going into a wizarding career eventually.
After finishing the book she had been reading on the train Kailey got up off the bed and went back downstairs to put the book on the bookshelf and found her father sitting in the big red armchair reading a book she had put back on the shelf earlier that day. That was one thing her and Doug had in common was their love for reading. Kailey thought if he had went to hogwarts that he would have been a Ravenclaw. She figured that they may as well get the conversation out of the way now so she could enjoy these next two weeks in peace. "Hi dad, I'm back" He gave her a hug and told her he had missed her and went back to reading his book. This surprised Kailey, Maybe he was starting to understand her side. Or more likely he had given up on convincing her to come home.
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Diary,
Wow, I never thought I'd be the type to keep a diary. But when it's late at night and I can't get to sleep theres not really much else to do. The moons full tonight. It's casting such bright light into my room I could probably read by the light of it. It's about 2 AM and I know I'm going to pay for this tomorrow but right now I don't really care. I have homework to do and I've found that I do my work better at night. So I guess having a dormitory to myself is a good thing. I don't wake anybody else up. I wonder why I can't hardly sleep at night anymore. I looked out the window a few minutes ago. When I saw the lake I was so tempted to leave the tower and go out there and spend the night. Maybe take a walk thgough the garden. I opened the window and the light breeze coming in through the window feels so good. Well I had better try to get some sleep so I end this entery here.