Kaela is studying

Kaela McIlvoy

Well-Known Member
Kaela walked out onto the lawn from the castle. It was early, the sun was bright, and the colorful leaves covered a good deal of the grass. She walked up to a nice big tree and sat down with her back against it, setting her bag down beside her. Kaela took out some books and some of her notes and began to just read. The weather was beautiful, good sweatshirt weather. And she was in fact wearing a hoodie and some jeans, quite liking being in her muggle clothes. It was almost like being at home in Ireland. As she read she wondered if anyone else would come outside to study.
Grande walked out onto the hogwarts grounds and looked around. It was a nice sunny day. It was early and he was out to try to get some revision done. He walked on to the lawn and as he was walking saw a big tree that would be a great place to revise. He headed towards it but as he came closer. He saw that someone was sitting their. Someone he had not met before. He walked over to her and said "Hi, Im Grande. Whats your name? Do you mind if i sit here and study?" Grande asked.
Kaela looked up with wide eyes as Grande began speaking. She tried to reply, but Grande kept speaking, and Kaela merely smiled. When he was done, she said "hi Grande, I'm Kaela. Uhm, I don't see why you can't stay here. What are you studying?"
Grande sat down. He took out his book and said "Im studing herbology. What are you studing?"
Ford walked onto the lawn with his bag full of books and notes slung over his back. He was going to meet Kaela for some studying. When he saw the tree at which they were to meet, he saw Kaela sitting but there was a boy sitting by her. First year, from the looks of him. He walked up to the two of them, "Hey there, Kaela," he flashed a rougish smile that he reserved only for the times when he was with her. He then turned his attention to the boy, and his expression instantly reverted to its dry and emotionless apathy. "Ford Harkonnen." He stated bluntly, "You are?" He inquired, as if daring the boy to speak.
Grande looked at the boy that had just come. "Grande Fuego. What house are you in?" Grande said. Even though Grande thought he already knew the answer
Kaela smiled brightly when she looked up to see Ford. She hadn't really figured Grande being there would be that big of a problem, but it seemed like Grande was in for an interesting time. Kaela decided it was best to just let the boys talk and simply sat back and watched with interest.
Ford raised one eyebrow and peered at the boy, "One far better than yours, it seems." Ford said, his voice even and emotionless, but with a slightly veiled edge behind it.
Grande looked at Ford. "How is your house better than mine?" Grande said with a raised eyebrow.
Kaela's smile faded as the boys continued to talk. Houses probably wasn't the best topic, especially since Kaela and Ford weren't even in the same house. Does he really think he's better than everyone? she wondered to herself, becoming worried.
"You're not in it." Ford said dryly, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"And your not in my house, so i guess we're even, now." Grande said
Ford let out a laugh, "Nice one," then slung his pack onto the ground and sat next to Kaela.
Grande let out a small a smile "Right now that, that is settled, Im going to go. I have to met up with someone in about two minutes up in the common room. It was nice to met you both" He said and he picked up his bag and walked back towards the castle.
Kaela watched as Grande left, a bit confused. She thought he was probably making up an excuse, as he hadn't really stayed very long. Not much she could do now, although she didn't know if she liked the idea that her boyfriend might have just scared someone away.

With a small shrug of her shoulders Kaela picked up her book and began to read once more. She did not get very far before she stopped and turned to Ford. Her mouth opened as if she was going to talk, but she closed it again and turned back to her book, not saying a word.
Ford looked over to Kaela and pulled out an arithmancy book, "What are you studying?" He inquired as if nothing abnormal had happened.
Kaela looked up at Ford, looking worried. "Ancient Runes. This class is way harder than I expected. I don't feel confident about the exam at all." She sighed a bit and let the air sit for a minute.

"What are you studying?" she asked after a bit, unsure of what else to do.
Ford held up his arithmancy book, displaying the title, "Arithmancy. Ancient Runes is tougher than I thought it would be too," Ford agreed, "It also doesn't help that were taking the electives on top of our core classes."
"Yeah, definitely not helpful." Kaela sighed and shut her book, setting it on her lap. "I don't think I can study anymore. What about you?"
Ford glanced down at his book, "I don't think I can either," he cocked his head, "Do you want to go get some food?"
"Food?" Kaela asked, thinking it over in her head. The Yule Ball was coming up after exams. She looked down at herself and then quickly looked back up at Ford, hoping he hadn't noticed. "Nah, I'm not real hungry. I think I'm gonna go get some rest."
"Alright," Ford said, "Do you want me to walk back to your House with you?"
Kaela had begun packing her things back up and was in the process of standing up as Ford asked his question. "Uh, I guess that's up to you. I know it's kind of out of the way for you, so I wouldn't really expect you to walk with me."

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