Just Wondering and Wandering

Sabrina Godfrey

Active Member
OOC First Name
Sabrina Godfrey wasn't really one who like high-class stuff and upbringing. And she was quite, a little bit sure that Beauxbatons was just that kind of school. In reality, she liked Hogwarts better, but they didn't accept transfer in the middle of the semester. Durmstrang would do, but saying it was just a bit too rough for her parents' taste would be too much of an understatement. That is to say, they were very, very much against it. As a matter of fact, they were even against her decision of entering a real school. Surely they didn't think that she wanted to be home-schooled her whole teenage life. No way is that gonna happen for the girl.

Sab was still new to her school environment, and thus decided that she needed to get out of her room and just explore, after all, adventures maybe lurking around the corners of the place, except she just didn't know it yet. Putting on her some casual clothes, she got out of her room and began her little adventure of roaming around the school they call Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. It wasn't as bad as she thought, and she surely wouldn't mind staying at the school, if it meant she could get away from her annoying parents. Thoughts swirled in her mind, as she continue to trudge on forward, not the least minding what's going to happen next.
The start of the second term had been very busy for Alice. She had been thrown into the 6th year, as apparently she had been able to make up with her hard work from retaking the 5th year. However, it wasn't until she had started the work that it hit her how hard she would need to devote herself to her studies. She had been waiting to take her OWLs since last year, when she would have been doing them in her 5th year at Hogwarts. However, due to the changes in plans, Alice had needed to adjust and retake the first term of her fifth year to sink into school life. However, she was now ready to take them, and desperate to do well. Walking down the corridor, books in her arms, Alice chatted to her friend near her. They had met in their Potions lesson and were discussing the essay set. Essays at Beauxbatons were easier and shorter than at Hogwarts, which was something she was grateful for. Having been a Ravenclaw at Hogwarts, Alice had never found mountains of school work too taxing, and enjoyed the opportunity to extend the limits of her mind. Her new aquaintance turned off to head for the eating hall, and Alice found herself alone, pondering on the essay as she walked down the corridor. She passed a girl who looked about her age, and Alice smiled at her, before carrying on. As she continued, Alice found herself reflecting on the girl's expression, one of wandering and adventure. She smiled at the thought, before finding herself turning around and heading back towards the girl. Unsure of what she was doing, Alice scanned her brain and found the recognition that this girl was new and in some of her classes. They had been introduced together as they were technically both new to the 6th year, although Alice had been around the school for a year. Catching up with Sabrina - as she recalled the name - Alice smiled and fell into step with her. "Hi! It's Sabrina, right? I'm Alice. I'm also new to the 6th year, although I have been coming here for a whole year now." The conversation starter was there, and Alice smiled warmly, waiting for it to be accepted or rejected.

Sorry for any slight godmodding in the history of them meeting. I think I have understood Sabrina's history, but please clarify if I have made a mistake!
Sabrina continued walking down the corridors until she saw a familiar face coming near her and mentioning her name. Sab was not really good with names but she was good with faces and somehow, she knew that she had already met the girl in front of her before. It took her quite a few moments that the girl standing in front of her was introduced to her not too long ago when she transferred to Beauxbatons in the middle of the semester. Although, even though Sab had managed to remember the girl's face, she still couldn't remember the girl's name. And of course, Sabrina was glad that the girl had introduced herself before Sab could even ask. "Hey Alice!" she said with a little smile.

With Alice's following statement, Sabrina had some curiosity rise up to her being. "Really? So that means, you started here during your fifth year, right?" she asked. "Were you supposed to enter as a sixth year when you transferred?" Questions would continue to flow out of the girl's mouth and she didn't know if this little curse would stop. "Are you older that me or younger? What's your favorite class here? Does this school teach high-class stuff, like royalty manners? Or maybe things like that?" she asked continuously before taking a breath and stop asking. Sabrina was talkative and she, herself knew that, especially if she continuously asks questions. But of course, for Sabrina, asking questions meant that she trusted the other person to give her an honest answer. She never did mind if the answer would be right or wrong. As long as it was the truth and not a lie.

OOCOut of Character:
By the way, I don't mind the godmodding, as long as I can keep up with it.. ^_^ xD

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