Just the two of them

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Tala Ivanov

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Tala fidgeted nervously as he waited just inside the entrance to the ball. He was waiting for Derrik to arrive. He had sent him a letter in reply to the one he had received and hoped like hell he got it in time for the ball. They had spent little to no time together over the course of the year, mostly his fault as well. He shuffled his feet and pulled at his collar and glanced around for his....boyfriend. He blushed at that thought, still not used to it.

Derrik went practically hysterical when he got a reply from Tala. As he read it, he smiled, blushed and almost cried.
"Oh that sounds just like him. Trying to get me all emotional and stuffs." he thought to himself. Just as he got finished reading the first one, soon after another came in. Derrik thought that he was going insane. Maybe a myriad of letters would just come pouring in. Then Derrik stopped for a moment to think clearly.

"Come now Derrik. Tala wouldn't do something like that. He would make his owl tire out quickly." As Derrik grabbed the second letter he went to grab a small pouch from his trunk. The pouched was filled with Talas' Owl's favorite food. He deserved it for running back twice as much.

Once more, Derrik almost screamed. He had almost forgotten all about the Yule Ball and remember that it was still going on. Just as Tala would imagine, Derrik was going insane. He didn't have a tux, he hair was starting to get a little longer, he hadn't taken a shower since last night before bed: the list could go on.

Frantically, Derrik tried to get himself together. As he ran though his trunk he spotted a tux. "Mom...she must have known that I was going to the Yule Ball. She still gets me all the time." Now that he had something to wear, Derrik felt comfortable. All that was left to do was just to pamper himself. He wanted to make himself more than presentable to his...boyfriend. Even after all this time, it still felt weird saying it. But he loved the feeling behind it.

After getting ready, Derrik felt much better. Who knew how long Tala had been waiting. "He must feel so dumb just standing around. I'm sorry Tala. I'll be there soon enough." Practically running the stairs and almost falling Derrik made it to the Grand Doors on the first floor. The music was a tad loud as Derrik got closer and closer. As he walked into the Great Hall, small tables were placed in every which way so they wouldn't cause a problem. The dance floor was in the middle and there was that special someone.

Derrik sneaked up behind Tala without him knowing. Unable to hold himself back any longer, Derrik leaped up, turned him around and hugged him, practically throwing the both of them to the ground. Derrik missed this feeling and never wanted to let go, no matter what.
Tala was starting to think that Derrik wasn't going to show when he was suddenly tackled to the ground, familiar arms turning him around before they fell. He was here. He gave out a small cry and wrapped him arms tightly around Derriks waist, burying his head into Derriks shoulder. "I am so sorry, so very sorry" He said loud enough for him to hear over the music. He sniffed a bit and looked at Derrik with watery eyes. "Can you forgive me for neglecting you?" He had to ask him for he doesn't want Derrik to hate him in anyway. He looked Derrik over while waiting for his reply. A small blush rose to his cheeks, he looked really good in his Tux.

Well trying prevent it, it still happened. Both of them fell to the floor unnoticed luckily. Derrik didn't hear Tala's smile cry but he heard him loud and clear over the music. He said that he was sorry and that he was asking for forgiveness.

"How can I not? I know you've been in your studies. I can't be mad at you for that." Derrik was overjoyed to have Tala back in his arms. He noticed that Tala was looking him up and down. Did Derrik look that good? Tala was just as good looking himself.

"Hey calm yourself now! I don't want to be part of anything that happens later on!"
"Shut up!" yelled back at his voice. He didn't care for anything that he had to say. Tala was here and that was all that mattered. Everything else turned into a blur. He pulled the courage to kiss Tala in front of everyone. He could care less about what everyone else thought.

Finally with these two together, maybe things would be a lot better.
"I've missed you so much." he said as a small tear fell from his right eye and began rolling down his cheek.
"Aww Derrik don't cry" He said wiping his tear away. "I missed you too" He smiled softly at him.

"What do you say, lets get off the floor hmm?" He said a cheeky grin forming on his face "I mean as much as I like you above me and all, I don't think the Professors would approve" He couldn't help himself, he had to say it, it was the best time to and Derriks reaction was just too cute.

Derrik loved the feeling of Tala this close to him. His skin was just as soft as Derrik's. Then Tala said the most funniest thing yet. Derrik almost tried not to laugh out loud for the fear of others turning around to see what the commotion was.
"Oh sure. You've got a point there." he said finally letting out his laugh. After he got up, he let out his hand to help Tala up. Derrik had a few things up his sleeve too. As he helped Tala up he asked when they got closer, "So that means we can't be all over each other at all?" he said in a sly tone. He missed joking like this so much.
Tala just smirked and leaned forward. "I never said that" He leaned in and said softly in Derriks ear "just when no one is looking" and he blew air in his ear and pulled away laughing happily. He grabbed Derriks hand and pulled him to the dance floor. "Dance with me Derrik!" He exclaimed facing him with a huge smile.

Tala smirked and leaned in toward Derrik. Tala said something but Derrik didn't hear him. He only heard the second half. Then for some odd reason, Tala blew into Derrik's ear. He backed away and started to laugh. Tala grabbed Derrik's hands and pulled him to the dance floor.

"Fine I will. Since I practically do everything you tell me to do." Derrik said with a smile. The both of them started dancing. Maybe after a song or two, Derrik was starting to get a little thirsty from all the moving around.
"Hey lets get some drinks. I'm on fire over here." Derrik said over the music. He pulled Tala's arm just in case if he didn't hear him.
Tala felt Derrik pull his arm in the Direction of the refreshment table and got the hint. He saluted Derrik and let him lead him to the table. He was getting thirsty too, all that dancing was a tiring thing he had to admit to himself. "Hmmm what do you want to drink? Pumpkin juice? Pumpkin juice? or maybe for a little variety Pumpkin juice?" He said with a laugh.

"Hm...I was thinking more along the lines of pumpkin juice." Derrik said before laughing. He made two cups; one for himself and one for Tala. After taking a sip Derrik started talking again.
"So what do you think of the Ball? I haven't been to something this fun in such a while." Maybe Tala would get a hint that he was joking around. He didn't intend for his sentence to sound like he was trying to say that Tala wasn't fun. Tala was like a bag of every flavored beans: you never knew what was next!
At Derriks words Tala felt a little guilty. He hadn't been much fun lately, he knew that. He almost glared into his Pumpkin juice, trying to think of someway to make it up to Derrik. Maybe he could get him mum to make some fudge? nah that wouldn't be enough.

Derrik saw the look on Tala's face.
"Hey, hey fudge boy. I didn't it like that. I meant to say I just never been to a place like this and have so much fun." he said as he gave Tala a hug. Derrik thought for a second ""Maybe I should make sure to mean what I say not say what I mean."

Derrik back away a bit and made Tala look into his eyes.
"Hey, don't worry. I'll make it up to you later okay? I promise" he said with a sly grin.
Tala smiled then sighed. "But is is true Derrik. I haven't been fun lately." He poked Derriks nose. "You don't have to make it up to me. I will make it up to you" He said finishing off his pumpkin juice. "Come on, lets get some more dancing in" He said waiting patiently for Derrik to finish his drink.

Derrik felt bad somehow. It wasn't Tala's fault that he had been away when really he was around the whole time. Derrik finished his pumpkin juice and took Tala's arm and slowly walked to the dance floor. Apparently it must of been fate or someone was just toying with them because a semi-slow song started to play. Never Gonna Be Alone by NickleBack (The slow song)

Derrik looked at Tala in the eyes and smiled.
"May I?" Derrik almost blushed. He never thought that he'd have the courage to ask that. If he mother saw him now, she would be proud somehow.
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