Just, Shut Up!

Bella raised an eyebrow when Rephael said she didn't know the man's family. She recalled him saying something about him being a... certain name that was difficult to remember. Bella didn't think there was too much in a name. She supposed she'd ask about them later, as Rephael continued talking, telling her to not apologize. Bella began to shake her head, but quickly stopped, as a headache was coming and it hurt to move her head too much. Rephael, however, kept talking, and Bella looked in confusion as he pulled out something small. It took a few seconds for Bella to register what was happening. Was this really happening? She felt like the last few days hadn't happened at all. Everything was so weird! Bella pushed her lips onto Rephael's, forgetting that they were both in pain. She pulled back gently, smiling. "Is this really real? You are actually proposing? And right now?" She said, with a laugh, though not minding at all. Fights and sore bodies was about as romantic as Rephael would get!
As soon as Bella pushed her lips onto his, Rephael groaned in pain since his entire face was sore. Was that a yes or something? Then she smiled, but asked if it was really real, and that he was proposing and right now. He uttered, "Just shut up, you are ruining the romantic moment." It was pure sarcasm with a hint of jest. He slowly sat up, and put the ring onto her finger and held her hand. At least, he thought that this was the right time. Better than any. Rephael shook his head, which did hurt a little bit, "I don't know anything about relationships anymore. But I figured you need to do something like this to make sure you don't lose someone you really care about. A couple brothers of mine died, and I haven't spoken to them in years. I'm not taking the chance with you." Without even knowing it, Rephael spilled about loving her, and made it a truly romantic moment. It was unique, much like the person he was.

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