Closed Just Me and You

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Lillian Lockwood

Nature- Sweet- Shy- Baker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Pear Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
3/3/2036 (26)
Lily was beyond incredibly nervous. She still couldn't believe Mihail had actually asked her to the dance. They had agreed to meet here, so Lily stood by the doors to the dance. She bit her lip and straightened her dress again. Did she look alright? She hadn't known what to do with her hair so she'd left it down, but hopefully, it still looked okay. She fidgeted nervously with the sunflower pins in her hair. What if he had changed his mind? No, no, she needed to calm down. He wouldn't do something like that. She swallowed nervously and tried to relax a bit. This was a good thing. The boy she liked had noticed her and asked her to the dance. This should be fun, shouldn't it?
This was Mihail’s first dance ever. And this was the first time he actually asked a girl to the dance. The one he had asked was Lily Lockwood because she was cute and cool to talk to since their first meeting. His dad helped him out with some dress robes so that he could look his best. He walked down from the dorms and eventually made it to the great hall where he saw Lily. A bright smile flashed over his face and he announced, “You look really cute!” Mihail especially liked the little sunflower pins in her hair. That really put the cherry on the top.
Lily nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard Mihail speak out. She blushed as she turned to face him. "H-hello," She greeted him with a shy smile. "You look really nice, too," She told him as he drew near. She took a breath and tried to relax. She could do this. She looked up to him with blue eyes sparkling. "T-thank you for inviting me," She spoke gently. She probably shouldn't mention how excited she'd been to come tonight.
Mihail really thought that her shyness was super adorable. He placed one arm around her shoulders. “Of course! You know, I’ve never been to one of these. I think the custom is to dance. Wanna?” Mihail had never danced before but it couldn’t be too hard to do, right?
Lily hadn't thought she could blush any more than she already was. She was quickly proven wrong when he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She gave him a shy smile as he asked her to dance. "O-of course," She managed softly, heart pounding. "I love, um, love to dance." She bit her lip before glancing up at him from under her lashes. "I-I think dancing with you would, ah, would be r-really special." She looked away quickly, embarrassed. Had she really just said that? He was sure to think she was silly now.
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