Just Mates

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Joseph Adler

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 14", Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Joseph Adler is a pureblood wizard studying magical law. He has a big sister, Ruth Adler and he currently has no life. This is what I'm looking for at the moment:

'Mates' - Some good friends he can meet up with and go for drinks with. They should be around 25 - 32 and not directly related to muggle/muggle-borns (i.e, not half blood, muggle-born, mixed with muggle-born parents, so forth) they should also probably be male but I will happily accept the more poisonous females.

Enemies - People Joseph can hate with a passion and attempt to kill. Not succeeding unless we decided upon it and that would also require Admin approval. These people should be at least 25 and related to, or fighting for muggles.

Enemies with a twist - These are are people that Joseph hates and they do likewise, but he doesn't attempt to kill them. It's more sort of messing with each other's heads and it's a person like this- as long as they were pureblood- that Joseph may end up with. There will be (at most) three enemies with a twist. The twist will be one of the following:
-The enemy is also pureblood and dislikes muggles but has somehow ended up getting on the wrong side of Joseph
-The enemy (female) is also pureblood and they hate one another so much that they actually like each other (strange but it happens)
-The enemy has something on Joseph and is in the power to blurt it, however, Joseph knows something about them. Sort of thing.

In the future, I will be wife searching for him but Joseph is in his late 20's and is looking for fun rather than commitment. So yes, if you want a character considered for a future with Joseph then let me know. If you want your character to have a relationship with Joseph (probably and open one) then let me know also. Post here or PM me.

*Joseph will probably only consider settling down when he's in his late 30's, early 40's unless other arranged.
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